May 1!!! NSX Wallpaper time!!

Kinan said:
Fantastic Job Randy!!!

Those cars are going awfully fast for not having drivers!!! :p ;)

I forgot to mention the title of the image: "NSX: Powered by Knight Industries". :D

(Actually, just ran out of time to fix and wanted to see who would notice/mention. ;) )
Nice one Randy.


But, you know, we are now hooked on these and you cannot stop. Ever. Plllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee....
Wow, that looks beautiful! Are you using photoshop? If so, I must ask how did you acheive the effect that made the NSXs appear that they're moving? thanks
FuryNSX comes up with another great calander month. Your Photoshop skills are awsome. Great job and i look forward to the next installment.