March 11 - Fourth NSXCA Midwest Region Annual Dinner

Ko-nsx said:
im hoping the weather holds up us here in stl are getting arraingements together
The latest Chicago-area forecast for Saturday is warm (63 degrees!) with a chance of showers and thunderstorms.

Just don't drive up here on tires that are almost bald (like mine :eek: ) and you'll be fine.
Forecast says mid 50s and 30% chance of rain - looks good to me! I'm looking forward to a lot full of NSXs more than the meal! KO-NSX - I'll be driving down to St. Louis on the 21st for a few days, let's talk at dinner about getting together.
Forecast says mid 50s and 30% chance of rain - looks good to me! I'm looking forward to a lot full of NSXs more than the meal! KO-NSX - I'll be driving down to St. Louis on the 21st for a few days, let's talk at dinner about getting together.

cool, bring the bike! i've got an 03 cbr 954rr chromed!
I am going to need a portion of a table to display the goodies that I picked up from Continental Acura today. Can't wait to see everyone on Saturday.
plumcraezy said:
I am going to need a portion of a table to display the goodies that I picked up from Continental Acura today. Can't wait to see everyone on Saturday.
No problem. We'll have a table for people to write their names on name tags, so you can just use one end of that table.

We're going to have some other nice giveaways, too... ;)
Wish I could be there. I am selling some things and they are coming to pick it up tommorow.

I would bring my New 06 GTO.:biggrin:

Ken (You have been punked) Don't be mad. just messing with you. I am at home with my 6year old, we were both running sick.

Guys have fun.
I bet the ride from St. Louie was real nice! Glad to hear you made it safe. It looks like the threat of rain still exists, but the hail threat is gone as far as I can tell.
Thanks to everyone who attended the dinner last night. An excellent time was had by all. Dave was right. We did not win the lottery because we won the tires instead! Thanks to the NSX Club-Midwest Region and Ken for all his hard work.
Ken, my wife and I really enjoyed ourselves last night - thanks. It was great meeting everyone and the food was fantastic. Looking forward to New Haven!
Thanks to all who came, especially those of us who brought our 18 NSXs out.

It was great to meet a lot of new friends as well as seeing familiar faces.

Congratulations to Rae on winning the tires. Again. Maybe we'll ban her from our events. :D

See you in South Haven May 20-22!
Hey now!!! Please don't ban me. Didn't I give back the first prize that my name was pulled for???
Thanks Ken!
Thanks Rae!
Thanks NSXCA!

Had a great time; it was good to see everyone once again and meet a number of new friends.

I am now looking forward to the Spring Fling; May 20-22 at South Haven MI.

Who is cruising up to South Haven from Chicago?
It would fun to cruise up as a group.

In honor of St Patrick's Day; An Irish blessing to all NSXs:
May your roads be dry, your engines sing high notes and your HP and blessings multiply continually.:wink:


You forgot "and may your barrell of Guiness (I prefer Smithwick) be never empty":biggrin:

Thanks Tim;

Come the 17th we will try to our damnedest to run out!!:eek: :wink: :biggrin:

Special blessing for you Tim:
May your NSX always be a minimum of 1/2 a car length ahead of your wife's Nobel.:wink: :biggrin:

st.louis crew made it home. Great uneventful drive both ways!! We should have had everyone introduce themselves. Out of all those people i tried to speak to everyone but only remember the people at my table and a few others on the parking lot. But i had a few bud-lights too! Great dinner and thank you to all, for your courtesy. A little rain at dinner last night and not a drop since(for us at least). We made it home in record time:eek: Also I won an acura car care kit!
Ko-nsx, where the hell were you sitting? As always, I was at the table making all the loud noises! :D Nice to meet you man, but next time we need to spend some time over drinks.

Maybe Spring Fling?
Thanks again to Ken, Rae, prize sponsors and the rest of NSXCA for a fun evening. The prize give away was an unexpected bonus.

Great reconnecting with the rest of the Chicago Crew, and also meeting the St. Louis crew - thanks for making the drive up!

Looking forward to Spring Fling BUT...

We can't let April go by without a local Chicago NSX event. Maybe a quick drive up to Volo, or perhaps a Lower Wacker underground drive?

I'm sure the big turnout Saturday was a good omen for a very active Summer 06.

- Frank
Frank Oles said:
Thanks again to Ken, Rae, prize sponsors and the rest of NSXCA for a fun evening. The prize give away was an unexpected bonus.

Great reconnecting with the rest of the Chicago Crew, and also meeting the St. Louis crew - thanks for making the drive up!

Looking forward to Spring Fling BUT...

We can't let April go by without a local Chicago NSX event. Maybe a quick drive up to Volo, or perhaps a Lower Wacker underground drive?

I'm sure the big turnout Saturday was a good omen for a very active Summer 06.

- Frank

Great idea Frank, it is too long until the Spring Fling without some additional activity.
Congratulations to you and Cindy; I understand you will need rumble seat for the NSX come August. :wink: :biggrin:
