I can confirm; they are crazy.
But worth the risk...
don't fool yourself - they're all crazy :tongue:
I can confirm; they are crazy.
But worth the risk...
Someone wiser than me please explain why that is
The crazy ones are great in bed because they have no filter, they do anything, super fun. The problem is they have no filter so they are f--ing nuts and you cannot deal with them. I like to keep them drunk, they are easier to deal with that way.
The crazy ones are great in bed because they have no filter, they do anything, super fun. The problem is they have no filter so they are f--ing nuts and you cannot deal with them. I like to keep them drunk, they are easier to deal with that way.
I always wanted a redhead ,but heard they were crazy. Is it true?
I can confirm; they are crazy.
don't fool yourself - they're all crazy :tongue:
I can vouch for that. For a couple of years back in the 80's I was surrounded by redheads 24-7 both male and female. Besides my GF, I lived with them, worked with them, they were my skydiving teammates, and my pilot/mechanic. It was exhausting. I cherish the memories.Beware of RedHeads.....HOT...very HOT...but Dangerous.
they largely determine her perception of reality
Why do those traits always seem to be associated?
attractive / good in bed= nucking futs
I have found that to be true time and time again...
She didn't have enough common sense to figure out that water based latex paint will dry and peel right off of leather. She probably grabbed the leftover can of interior satin from Home Depot...
So she is rather dumb... and obviously crazy... a little angry. Gee I wonder if she is single and available now.
The reality of the BMW in the pics? Some b*tch needs a good azz whoopin'!
Gals that are slightly depressed are always looking forward to sex since a good session releases endorphins and makes them feel all warm and fuzzy all over again.
the really happy ones from great family backgrounds don't need sex that much.