M3 or NSX. What would YOU do?

It is personal preference. Are you looking for the HP or the look? Then ask yourself a question" How fast can I really drive?" I personally like the look...it is like looking at the pretty girl that you don't get bored. To me M3 does not excite me at all. Second NSX does not depreciate fast.

I myself have a hard decision between- Ford GT or Gallardo.
Ford GT all the way. A classic car that will appreciate big time. :biggrin:
Take your time. Enjoy the M3 without dumping money in mods. M3's are'nt selling for big money at the moment. There will always be NSX's for sale. BTW, did you choose SMG over manual for any specific reason? I've noticed theres SMG owners wanting to trade for manuals.
I have red and black Wet Okole Seat covers so it's pretty hot. Add in 35% Viper tint on Windshield and 17% Viper tint on the all other glass.


You're allowed to tint your windshield?? :eek: I don't know if I'd do that even if was allowed. Haha
I'm also kind of on the fence about the seat covers.. something just doesn't seem right..:tongue:
i would buy the nsx lol, bc bmw m3 are dime a dozen , yes it is faster but the nsx looks better
Off topic. I know Gt will keep the value, but the interior rubbery looking... or cheap.

It may look that way but it isn't. I've got a friend with one and it is one fantastic car. I'd love one. You would too if you ever got in one and took a drive or ride in one! I mean! WOW what a car - it is a tribute to Ford that they built the car! My hat is off to Ford.
I don't think that guy will ever sell that '02 LBBP car as it has been for sale so many times.

Unless you have a daily driver if you decide to go with the NSX (and I know a lot of primers that DD their cars) I think you'll regret getting the NSX. Sometimes even just a LITTLE practicality makes a big difference.

That being said, my DD is a Miata. To each their own :biggrin:

Unbenkownst to most of the world, the Miata is actually one of the most perfectly balanced and true sport cars left in the world. It's very underrated for what it was designed to be. Hats off to you.
I traded in my NSX for a 2009 m3. Great car but after a year I traded it in and two years later ended up buying my same NSX that I traded in for the m3 earlier. I know different year M3s, but to me the m3 and NSX ended up being completely different types of cars even though both sports cars so tough to make a comparison to me. I obviously favor the NSX but if I had to have only one car and it was going to be a DD I'd prob opt for the m3. Good luck.
I'd go with the NSX just because I'm not a fan of the convertible E46 or the SMG....thats already two strikes against it for me.

NSX all the way. E92 M3.....thats another story :)

I'm curious though...if you're willing to drop $55k on an NSX, why did you get the E46 in the first place? Wouldn't a E90/92 have been a better option?
I traded in my NSX for a 2009 m3. Great car but after a year I traded it in and two years later ended up buying my same NSX that I traded in for the m3 earlier.

That's a crazy story... wow..
I went through 2 e46 m3s. Neither one of them lasted a year. I've had my Nsx for over 5 years now

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I went through 2 e46 m3s. Neither one of them lasted a year. I've had my Nsx for over 5 years now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

even the GTR didn't make Matt's NSX go away...
Are you guys mixing up Tobasco"s 2000 Manoco Blue Pearl with this 02 Long Beach Pearl when you say the owner will never sell? I actually know the owner of the LBB here in Hawaii and he will sell as soon as a serious buyer pays the money. $55K asking price in a good starting point and not an unreasonable price to think it wont sell.

To the OP. I'd buy an NSX over the M3. If I could have both I'd have both, but given one or the other I'd take the NSX. If I needed a daily driver I'd buy a cheap Camry or something. In fact that is what I did. Bought a used 01 Camry with nearly 100K miles on it for my daily driver. I did the whole VIP Lexus thing, BMW thing, and what I've learned for myself at least is I rather have an NSX and a cheap junk car than have a really nice luxury car as my only car. Of course, if you can afford the NSX and another really nice car more power to you.:smile:
You're allowed to tint your windshield?? :eek: I don't know if I'd do that even if was allowed. Haha
I'm also kind of on the fence about the seat covers.. something just doesn't seem right..:tongue:

In Hawaii we are allowed to tint all window's 35%, and the entire front windshield up to 70%. This has only been true for the front windshield for a couple years now.
Also what is this nonsense about the NSX not being able to get 24 mpg? I averaged 26 mpg on my last tank and this was all 20 miles or less city commutes. I only notice a drop in fuel economy when I do not drive the NSX for several weeks. Perhaps this is why people experience poor fuel economy, or they drive like maniacs? :confused:

I agree. My milage is well into the mid to high 20's and I have a supercharger. Keep your foot out of it and the NSX returns excellent milage as it is light, and aerodynamic. Perhaps my 6th gear is helping more, I don't know. I won't rev it out to no end for no reason. I've managed milage as high as 29 in my car.
I drive my NSX mostly highway, but I manage to get about 25.5 average MPG with my 5-Speed. The lowest I've gotten so far with this current 92 has been around 23.5 MPG.
I'm pretty mid line of the SMG versus the 6-spd. Normally, there would be no question, the 6-speed, but that SMG is way faster than you can shift. THere's a reason the GTR, Lambo's and Ferraris have shifters, they're faster than us now. But for the NSX and all other cars, Manual all day!

I wouldn't care if SMG is 1000x faster than I can shift.. it is a terrible transmission. It thought the transmission was broken int he first M3 I drove with it. Later I drove an M5 and M6 with SMG. It was better, but still pretty awful. You can't compare SMG to the dual-clutch in the GTR.

Anyway, that is off topic. I think your M3 looks fantastic. I think it would be hard to give it up for a NSX. Both are excellent cars. The M3 is a much better daily driver and much more practical.
I wanted an NSX all my life, whether it be a 91 or 05. However, I never got the chance to buy one outright until now.

Sadly, I am working and still in school and frankly I could not see myself being able to treat the NSX nicely and drive it everyday going to work/school/daily chores. So I ended up buying an E92 M3 coupe. (White ext/Red int/ 7 M-DCT)

I swear I'll get an NSX someday.
Can someone tell me why the M3 is thought of as so much more practical than an NSX? The rear seats? they are almost useless. Especially in a cabrio. I certainly won't fit, perhaps an 8 year old. It's not really more comfortable. It's not more reliable. The trunk is barely bigger. It is nothing great in snow either. I find the driver's seat to not go back as far. So what makes it SO MUCH more practical? I mean... slightly more practical maybe... but everyone always sees the M3 as so much more practical and I don't get it.
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NSX > M3 in most cases. IMO, downgrade for convertible and some more for the smg transmission (no offense). Power isn't everything though it's fun to have a "fast" torquey car that's really nice to boot. I really like m3s for obvious reasons but they can't compare to the rarity and exotic nature of the NSX being MR. You could daily that NSX if you don't need back seats and it would be more reliable than the m3 and get better mpg. I think you know in your heart that you lust after an NSX, though I think 55 is high for an 02 with so many miles. if nothing else, it would be a new and rewarding ownership experience and since you are into modding, the NSX has more potential than the m3. If you are large the NSX is probably harder to get into everyday bc it's lower, and sadly chicks probably dig the m3 more. NSX will have better resale due to lower production numbers if you go to sell it later or just like knowing your car isnt depreciating like a rock (most luxury cars).
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Are you guys mixing up Tobasco"s 2000 Manoco Blue Pearl with this 02 Long Beach Pearl when you say the owner will never sell? I actually know the owner of the LBB here in Hawaii and he will sell as soon as a serious buyer pays the money. $55K asking price in a good starting point and not an unreasonable price to think it wont sell.

To the OP. I'd buy an NSX over the M3. If I could have both I'd have both, but given one or the other I'd take the NSX. If I needed a daily driver I'd buy a cheap Camry or something. In fact that is what I did. Bought a used 01 Camry with nearly 100K miles on it for my daily driver. I did the whole VIP Lexus thing, BMW thing, and what I've learned for myself at least is I rather have an NSX and a cheap junk car than have a really nice luxury car as my only car. Of course, if you can afford the NSX and another really nice car more power to you.:smile:

I agree with all you've said, I think it's a reasonable price to start negotiations and I also think he'll sell it to the right buyer. I only met the owner once, but he seems like a very stand-up guy. I am in love with his car. It's almost too nice, as I want to DD it. Tough decision. I've seen your white one around town. I know most of them as I remember the ones I see.
It's a tough decision. Certainly I believe the NSX is a superior car. I'm probably going to try and get it.
wow alot of bmw fanboys are haters, im a bmw owner and most bmw owners think there hipsters/elite but truth is my bmw is just a beater and it has broke down a ton of times i only kept it bc i paid it off
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