These kits will be shipped directly to the customer for a bolt-on affair.
Awesome. Do you have an estimate of how many hours it would take a skilled shop to install it?
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These kits will be shipped directly to the customer for a bolt-on affair.
A shop who knows their way around an NSX and turbocharging should be able to install the kit in around 20 hours.
A shop who knows their way around an NSX and turbocharging should be able to install the kit in around 20 hours.
Out of curiosity sake, does it come with any installation instructions?
The turbo that we chose should net close to 500whp if you decide to push the envelope(I wouldn't try this on a stock motor). Rest assured, 400whp will be a walk in the park.
Comptech headers probably won't fit because they have never matched up to factory 97+/DC/Taitec/Cantell headers, so our turbo system fitment may be comprimised. However, you are welcome try them. If the fitment isn't what we have designed, you'll just have to order our headers, or snag a set of 97+ factory headers which will be perfectly adequate for 400whp. We have a car running around right now with close to 600whp using the factory 1997 headers.
Definitely good to hear.
Can you provide a list of components involved with this kit? Are you still planing on using the AEM FIC with OBD1 cars?
What would be LoveFab's cost for installation and tuning?
What would be your turn time for installing the kit and tuning it if the car was brought up to you?
Thanks again,
ditto on that!
please pm me
Any updates on people who have purchased this kit? Curious as to the #'s people are putting down and overall drivability of the setup.
I should have my kit next week. Then I will have to install it the following week. Then I have to drive up to Cody to have him tune it. So, I am shooting to have some numbers by the end of the month. If I can do it sooner, then great. But realistically it will be towards the end of the month.
I will post up a complete review of the kit once I receive it and it is installed.
Fantastic...thanks. I can't decide which direction to go right similar yet so different. (SC vs Turbo). It may come down to availability over all else but I'd appreciate some feedback. Mainly on how the car drives, lag, etc.
Fantastic...thanks. I can't decide which direction to go right similar yet so different. (SC vs Turbo). It may come down to availability over all else but I'd appreciate some feedback. Mainly on how the car drives, lag, etc.
The only good thing about my review is that I used to have an Autorotor CTSC setup, that I just sold. So, I will be able to give a good comparison between the two. Given that the drive from Michigan to Nashville is a long one, I will have plenty of miles and various scenarios to write about :biggrin:
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My wife drove and I enjoyed the ride. Had to keep the speeds down, sorry guys...