Low Idle problem

Hi guys,

I have been experiencing a similar low idle issue when coming to a stop and letting of the clutch. I'm looking to clean my TB and have seen the NSXdriver article mentioned in several threads. I'm however not having much luck searching for the actual procedure to clean the TB on an OBD2 car.

I assume it's fairly similar to any other TB cleaning, however I'm not sure on how to properly clean the throttle plate on a TBW car and want to make sure I get the proper hose mentioned by LarryB

Does any have the detailed procedure listed anywhere or can give me a quick rundown? Alternately is it possible to get a copy of the NSXdriver article, I assume not given it's age.


Hi guys, I'm reviving this older thread sorry. I've recently had the same issue when engine dies every now and then while cruising, and also the "bouncing" tach to zero when the X is at speed then I depress the clutch to shift gears. Just yesterday, it got a little more "real" because the CEL came on. I plugged in my handy dandy bluetooth adapter and Torque app gave me a P0505 error code. I'm pretty sure my TB needs a cleaning since I've been meaning to do that well before this issue came up. I cleared the code and it hasn't come up again, but I'm pretty sure it will, given some time. I noticed all the searched threads on this "cleaning throttle body" topic either have pic links that no longer show up, or they keep referring to Larry B's detailed article which I'm guessing a lot of us don't have access to. Can anyone post clear instructions on how to clean the TBW TB's, and possibly even pics? or maybe even a scan of Larry B's instructions?

Thanks so much everyone! :-)
You should try cleaning the TB. Spray every orifice with carb cleaner, open the butterfly and spray, wipe everything you can. I have not seen the elusive article by LarryB but you will find some posts with bits of information around here.
You should try cleaning the TB. Spray every orifice with carb cleaner, open the butterfly and spray, wipe everything you can. I have not seen the elusive article by LarryB but you will find some posts with bits of information around here.

Thanks JW, I actually removed the air cleaner box, filter and accordion hose this morning before work. I liberally sprayed Intake Cleaner inside, let it sit for a few minutes, wiped down the TB internals with the butterfly open. Then I started the car and with a broom stick (LOL, wife was still asleep) revved the engine a bit while I sparingly sprayed cleaner straight into it. I know I'm supposed to clean out other parts/tubes as well, but that's the info I'm missing.

The X took it to a whole new level as it died like 6-7 times on the way home last night. Same scenario: from cruise speeds, shifting to neutral or a lower gear while slowing down. Luckily, I'm getting used to being nonchalant about jump-starting it in gear when that happens so I haven't been stranded yet. Although a permanent fix wouldn't be so bad. :rolleyes:
Yikes! Did you spray through the various passageways? Like where the vacuum tubes attach to the TB? To be clear, this is a stock engine?

Have you adjusted the idle-air screw? With the engine warmed up and a jumper on the service connector in the passenger footwell, you adjust that for a 600 rpm idle, if I am remembering correctly. That gets it close for the ECU to control for an 800 rpm idle.
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there is a procedure to get the ecu to relearn the idle on an obd-2 car......search on some past threads..Larry B has described it ..
Thanks guys. JW, no I didn't spray into any specific hoses connected to the TB, just the main opening with the butterfly. Since its Saturday tomorrow, I'll do it all over again more thoroughly and see where else I can spray. It's a bone stock engine. When warmed up, my idle rpm is roughly ~600.
600 is low. Definitely clean it well--the passageway for the idle air bypass in particular--then warm it up, put the service connector on in the passenger footwell, and adjust the screw to get 600 rpm. Then when the service connector is not shorter, the ECM should control it to 800. Look at the diagram in the service manual to see where the bypass air goes from TB to the injectors, and try to clean that in particular (with engine stopped).