(5 minutes) Bypass the resistor at the relay behind the driver's seat. If that solves the problem, it's probably the resistor or the wiring to it? Check by bypassing at the resistor instead - if that also solves the problem, it's the resistor; otherwise look at the wiring?
Maybe yes, maybe no. The resistor by-pass test is useful in that it indicates that it could be the pump or the resistor. If the pump has developed wear issues that result in the pump being unable to develop the pressure specified in the service manual, by-passing a healthy fuel pump resistor will cause the pump motor to run faster which may mask the pump problem. However, if the fuel pump resistor is dodgy it can cause the pump to run slower than design which will result in low fuel pressures and by-passing the resistor will restore pressure. Because the pump is a consumable, on a higher mileage car if the resistor by-pass restores fuel pressure, a coin flip on the cause is heavily weighted to the pump being the problem.
There is no single step definitive diagnosis for a failing pump until the pump goes 100% dead. If you are not set up to do a fuel pressure test the differential diagnosis would follow your suggested four steps. However, I suggest that step 2 should be inspect the resistor and the associated wiring. Unfortunately, Honda has not provided a resistor spec so we cannot test the resistor. However, if you search on Prime there is a thread where some users have posted the pump resistance. If the resistor and associated wiring look OK they are probably OK.
If you are set up to do a fuel pressure test then I would add a step and reorder the steps
1 - test the fuel pressure to confirm that it is out of spec
2 - do the regulator fuel pressure test because it is easy to do once you have the gauge set up
3 - replace the filter
4 - do the resistor by-pass test / inspect the resistor
5 - replace the pump
If you don't want to do the full diagnosis, in the failure rate roulette wheel of fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator, fuel filter and fuel pump resistor, 27 of the slots are probably marked fuel pump. Most people will win if they just jump to fuel pump; but, not always.