Looks like Tamoske is back! [email protected]

People if you want image with id no problem. if i have to prove that i have no issues. i made my mistake by helping others please can we not fight about that i simple want here to be simple guy with talking no bs no sales nothing.Please try to understand me i do not need none of sales nothing. just be member and that is all.
by the way i was contated by 95 and some letters member here to somehow get him that piece i replied i dont want to do anything illegal here as i do not play games. i told of rso or lud agree and allow i can try to help him out , if not i dont want any lies of 2 side games around.
People if you want image with id no problem. if i have to prove that i have no issues. i made my mistake by helping others please can we not fight about that i simple want here to be simple guy with talking no bs no sales nothing.Please try to understand me i do not need none of sales nothing. just be member and that is all.

I think by now you realize you'll never be a part of this community, ever. Yet you keep pushing forward. :rolleyes:

He seems like a nice guy.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/r1valYG9IVI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
And so nobody else gets scammed by you, here is a little outing of you and your stripper girlfriend. Everyone be aware of anyone contacting you from Pro Carbon Design also:

Pro Carbon Design is actually Mindaugas Tamosiunas from Lithuania - aka "Tamoske"

Mindaugas Tamosiunas
Siaures Prospektas 12-8
Kaunas LT-49154

He has been banned multiple times from Ebay for failure to pay fees under multiple identities.

He managed to funnel the monies he stole through the bank account of his girlfriend to avoid any direct recourse against him. He lied about not having a paypal account and got his girlfriend involved as a way to hide the monies.

I tried to get Interpol involved after I discovered some of his banking information including using his girlfriend's name and account info:

Siaures prospektas 12-8
Kaunas LT-49154
ID. 45008140601



LT 357400018089723810

Additionally he now has assistance from this Lithuanian man currently living in London, UK:

Giedrius Tuminauskas
+4474 2690 3105

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lmfao^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Tamoske is using the monies he stole from multiple forums to open up his new venture, whose idea he stole while watching a Seinfeld episode.........

I'm not sure which tread is the most entertaining, the guy that claimed wining all the money to purchase his NSX from an online gaming website (his own), or this Tamoske/Sasha character?
Maybe we should create a poll and vote for biggest douche in the history of prime:biggrin:
I'm not sure which tread is the most entertaining, the guy that claimed wining all the money to purchase his NSX from an online gaming website (his own), or this Tamoske/Sasha character?
Maybe we should create a poll and vote for biggest douche in the history of prime:biggrin:

It would have to be that lovable pedo Nick Sitko aka "NSX_Nick":


Tamoske only fvcks goats.

- - - Updated - - -

And if anyone is ever in Lithuania, look up Tamoske and ask to see his idea of nsx bling (yes, this is his monstrosity with the swarovski crystal center light cover.........)

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Maybe we should create a whole new area to entertain these outstanding Primers. I have certainly enjoyed the exploits of Tamoske 1.0 and 2.0 and Nick was a Primer like no other. Then their was the Nigerian spammer episode and.....

I can see it now, a new forum entitled "Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous".
3. Your attempt to do business through another member making your crap in the Philippines was proved to be a bad fraud photoshop and I confirmed the address was a fake since coincidentally i know someone whose cousin is a traffic cop in than Filipino town and he went to it for me to prove the whole thing was another scam of yours.

Mindaugas - I have already explained this to you, but the incident described above is the reason you are never coming back on the site. Yeah the disaster with your group buys was bad, but if you had stepped up and resolved them I might have let you back on. But when you intentionally worked with another member to try and do business on the forum under the guise of a new company in the Philippines while you were suspended over the group buy situation, that was the end for you here.

I'm not sure if it was @BerzerkFury02's idea or yours, but regardless you were both active participants in this attempted deception back in 2011. http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php/145241-Please-momentarily-re-open-my-thread

Actually I probably should have kicked him off the site too now that I think about it.
Please try to remember that I'm smarter than you. Now, in your defense, part of the reason for that is because you're a fucking idiot but be that as it may you have been exposed again.

I may have been born at night but it wasn't last night.....

HAHAHAHA........Sorry I am late to the party. I nominate this quote as a finalist for Quote of the Year!!