Looking for info on Carmel, IN...


Experienced Member
15 April 2004
Bear, Delaware
Hi all,

I see there are some fellow NSXers in Indiana...

I'm considering an employment opportunity in Carmel and am wondering if there's a big difference in cost of living there vs. here in Delaware. For example, my 3100sf single family home on 1/3 acre in a decent neighborhood would probably sell for $470K +/-. Real est taxes are approx $2500. Public schools are terrible here, so in the near future we'll have to spend another $8K +/- annually to send our two kids (4 & 2yrs old) to some type of private schooling. From what I've read, the public schools in Carmel are outstanding (95% of high schoolers go on to college), so if that's the case, perhaps public school would be OK for my kids in Indiana. Can anyone provide any helpful/similar info on stuff in the area (housing/schooling/taxes, etc)? Nice place to raise a family? How long is the season for open-topped NSX's? Thanks a TON in advance for any info!
rjp said:
Hi all,

I see there are some fellow NSXers in Indiana...

I'm considering an employment opportunity in Carmel and am wondering if there's a big difference in cost of living there vs. here in Delaware. For example, my 3100sf single family home on 1/3 acre in a decent neighborhood would probably sell for $470K +/-. Real est taxes are approx $2500. Public schools are terrible here, so in the near future we'll have to spend another $8K +/- annually to send our two kids (4 & 2yrs old) to some type of private schooling. From what I've read, the public schools in Carmel are outstanding (95% of high schoolers go on to college), so if that's the case, perhaps public school would be OK for my kids in Indiana. Can anyone provide any helpful/similar info on stuff in the area (housing/schooling/taxes, etc)? Nice place to raise a family? How long is the season for open-topped NSX's? Thanks a TON in advance for any info!

Hello!! As you may know, Carmel is an upscale suburban area of Indianapolis, and I can tell you it is a great place to live. The schools are outstanding (as in some of the top ranked in the country), the cost of living is very reasonable, and the area as a whole is a very nice place to call home. I have lived several places and enjoy living here more than almost any other city I have moved to. The driving season for an NSX is as long as you want to make it. Sure, it snows here, but don't let that stop you. ;)
I live in Carmel. I’ll be happy to share here or PM/email me for additional information.

As for Cost of Living differences, use your favorite search engine to search on “Cost of Living Calculator”. I don’t know the area you are in to properly pick which metro area best fits your current area for the ones I found. In addition to Carmel, you can use Indianapolis or Hamilton County as the destination. He’s a sample of what I found not really knowing Bear, DE all that well …

If you move from Wilmington DE to Hamilton County IN...

Groceries will cost: 21.99% lower
Housing will cost: 7.845% lower
Utilities will cost: 10.531% lower
Transportation will cost: 2.588% lower
Healthcare will cost: 4.575% higher

Carmel is the largest school system in the state with a Senior Graduating class of 1,100 +. It is considered one of the affluent areas of the Indianapolis. Some in the Indy area will tell you that it is the most expensive place to live. Not true. The property values on comparable property will be somewhat more, but properties are some of the lowest in the metro area due to the business tax base.

The school system is considered one of the best, but I’m a parent of a special needs child that I pulled from the school system. So I’m probably not the best to give an unbiased view on this subject.

Hamilton Count (where Carmel is located, Marion County is where Indy is located) is one the fastest growing counties in the US. Fishers and Westfield are currently growing at a quicker rate than Carmel. Unfortunately, due to their rapid growth, they are constantly struggling to fund their infrastructure. As such, as they attempt to get a solid business tax base, they have some of the highest property taxes.

The area around Carmel currently includes the population density of Indianapolis with the typical mixture of a large city. I believe the Indy market is somewhere in the low end of the top 20 metro areas in the US in size. There are also still rural areas in the counties surrounding Indy if that is what peaks your interest.

As I said at the top, fell free to PM/email me if you have additional questions.

Hope that helps.
You'll defently LOVE Carmel! Compared to where you live your dollar will go much futher here. The ONLY bad thing I have to say about Carmel is the freaking 30mph limits all thorugh the town with cops that have nothing to do but give tickets...and all the dam roundabouts :).. Other than that the schools, housing, community, taxes, crime is all great!! If you want to life on the eastern half you'll have no problem getting a bigger and nicer home for less money, alot of the western half is huge estates.
Like wheely said you could also consider Westfield (west) Fishers (east & ranked the 24th best city in the US) Noblesville (north) and Fortville (east of Fishers) they're all comprable too, but all rapidly growing, except for Fishers which has slighty slown down due to size. The Geist area is also good which is in Indy and Fishers. But to get all you want Carmel is perfect, Fishers is great too with their schools (97% grad, Carmel is 98%) and slighty less population and housing costs. Though you might have to deal with some jealous people, everytime some makes a smart remark regarding "rich" people Carmel is always the town they point to and say how "they're rich, so the XXXXXX increase won't matter to them." And property taxes too aren't bad, though they have jumped alot in the last few years due to a miscalcutaion for years, but eveything is still ok, you're not gonna have to sell your home cause of it.

As far as topless driving, you can make it April through October. Some if the spring and fall may be in the 50's an a lil cool and June-August may be a lil hot with high in the upper 80's, but you can get by :) I uusually drive topless in April/May and Sept/Oct :)....I hate driving topless above 75.
..oh and there's some snobby red NSX owners there too ;)...look out for them :D
Mitch, Bill, Dan,

thanks so much for your responses...they were just what I was looking for. I've decided to pursue the oppty in Carmel and see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

Your wanna-be neighbor,

rjp said:
Mitch, Bill, Dan,

thanks so much for your responses...they were just what I was looking for. I've decided to pursue the oppty in Carmel and see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

Your wanna-be neighbor,


alright!!! another NSX!!!....just dont be like the other red ones around here and never post or reply to "sightings" lol.....right whealy ;) lol..jk Ive never seen an 02+ red one on the road...but I need to soon wink wink

my only advice would be to live as close to the Indy or Fishers boarder as you can so you don't have to drive in Carmel as much LOL, unless you don't speed and have no problem always doing 30 mph :D
and as if you haven't been convinced enough, he is a resident of Hamilton county:biggrin: ....


Sorry, too lazy to resize

where around Hamilton county does he live!!!!!!!!!!! Ive nver seen an F50 before, not even at few the Ferrari meets around here.

Im guessing in a gated comunity in either western Carmel or around Geist :)
I do know where a guy with an F40 lives :)

...and yes, as owner of a red NSX, you may reply LOL
Dan Ciesniewski said:

where around Hamilton county does he live!!!!!!!!!!! Ive nver seen an F50 before, not even at few the Ferrari meets around here.

Im guessing in a gated comunity in either western Carmel or around Geist :)
I do know where a guy with an F40 lives :)

...and yes, as owner of a red NSX, you may reply LOL

Thanks for your permission lol, I unfortunately don't know where he lives because I saw him on 65 when I was heading to Hot Import Nights. Needless to say, I used up almost all of my memory cards on the F50 before I even got to the show!

F40:eek: , oh man. I'd love to see/hear one of those. I've yet to see one in person yet. I've seen a couple Diablos down around Indy though. I met one guy with a red Diablo on ferrarichat.com.

The sound of it at a steady 80mph was just...umm...,well here is a little video for you to decide. I got a lot better footage on my 8mm camera which, because i'm behind the times, isn't a digital so I don't have to tools to put it on my computer. Anyway sorry for hijacking the thread with F50 pics haha, I just wanted to make rjp even more certain about moving.
Annnd just for good measure...:biggrin:
HOLY MOLY!! I am guessing that the plates you blurred out had Hamilton county numbers, yes??
I've never been a huge fan of the F50, always been partial to the F40, but hoochie mama!!!:eek: that rear 3/4 view is just badass! I wish he would bring that thing out to 'Ferraris on the Circle', maybe I've just missed it the last two years.

Meeyatch1 said:
HOLY MOLY!! I am guessing that the plates you blurred out had Hamilton county numbers, yes??

Yes sir, 29

Nate, Yeah I always wanted to make it to the Ferraris in the circle because I figured he'd bring it out, but maybe not. I'll have to make it there next time regardless.
was the guy with the red Diablo racerdj...Dave?? he also has a Murcielago, had a 360 and is getting a 430!!!!:eek:

I also know where a guy with a Diablo VT Roadster lives too :biggrin: ....I swear Im not a stalker <.< >.> heheheh

If you got that plate number you can goto the BMV and get his address......just to meet him of coarse :)...someday!

and i know he wasnt at the circle this year, the best they had was 2 F40's and a CS :D
Everyone there seemed to like my NSX too :)...good to see Europeans at least have good taste...they even took pics as I drove bye.....or maybe they thought it was a Ferrari lol

Yup, it was Dave. I just pmed back and forth with him a few times over there. He used to have a Z06 too, or maybe that was his son's.

There was an 01 Diablo that was a red/maroon color with the license plate "N STYLE" that I saw at IRP one night. I don't know if I have the pics anymore or not:frown:

Is it that simple? Just go to the BMV and they will give me his address? I figured they wouldn't give that stuff out that easily. If so, I think I'll pencil in a roadtrip in the near future.:biggrin:
yep its that easy, cost like $6 I think now, I had to do it once on a guy that owed me money and I was checking to see if it was titled in his name. Find him and jump his gate lol, and ask him to bring it out to the circle or just drive it more :)
Ya Dave still has the ZO6, but I dont care about a chevy lol, hes getting the C6 ZO6 soon too!!!, for his kid.

Oh, Nancy Irsay also has a Carrera GT too, she lives in the 1300 block of W.116th...thats where all the rich folk live in Carmel...and roundabout hell is there too :(

rjp, its not quite that rich, I wish lol, plus I dont think most or us are rich, but you'll fit in great...especially with a red NSX LOL ;)...dont forget us little guys when you get here :D

95NSXT said:

Yup, it was Dave. I just pmed back and forth with him a few times over there. He used to have a Z06 too, or maybe that was his son's.

There was an 01 Diablo that was a red/maroon color with the license plate "N STYLE" that I saw at IRP one night. I don't know if I have the pics anymore or not:frown:

Is it that simple? Just go to the BMV and they will give me his address? I figured they wouldn't give that stuff out that easily. If so, I think I'll pencil in a roadtrip in the near future.:biggrin:
Hmmm, Well I hope they still have a record because that pic was taken a couple years ago. I'll definetly go do that though. I wouldn't know how to approach him without being stalkerish. Maybe I'll dress up like a boy scout and try to sell him popcorn or something and then start talking ferrari haha.

CGT:eek:, what does that lady do for a living?
nancy irsay???lol she married mr. irasy (forget his firstr name) haha, he used to own the colts...then he died
now his kid jim irsay does....hes a prick :)

becareful though..shes had some problems due to speeding in the CGT and drinking in her BWM X5 lol
Oh damn, I should revoke my right to being a Colts fan for not knowing that.

If I caught her speeding in her CGT, I'd definetly confiscate that haha
I live in Carmel and will echo most of what the others who have posted said: great public schools, great cost of living, nice homes, 30 MPH speed limit does suck but just use the radar detector and you should have no problem.

As far as the roundabouts go, I actually enjoy taking the roundabouts (unless you get stuck behind a slow moving SUV) -- the key is not to use the brakes :wink: