Look Out

I can appreciate your excitement for the NSX.

NSX Prime contains a plethora of information about owning one.

Although I don't mind you stating what you would like to mod your car with before purchasing one, it is best to wait until you first purchase the car, as your plans might have changed by then.

For example, the car might already come with some goodies that are worth keeping like a Tubi exhaust or Anytime Exhaust.

So take your time looking for one, and you will find one at a great value. Took me 2 years to find one that I wanted with the price, mods, and color that I wanted the most.

Good luck. Cheers.:smile:
nice.. i see you're a hard worker.. i'm in the Air Force.. i started out like you.. racing.. i owned a '94 supra tt when i was 17 and bought a NSX when i was 20 and i just turned 21..

I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you'll get your car soon. Don't forget to keep us updated on whats gong on with your project!!!
THIS IS NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE ON THIS THREAD, but being prior military I'm handing these out for free for people who have nothing meaningful to say or talk about

I'll definately keep ya'll updated but I think I'm going to keep my posts to a minimum as not to step on any toes as I guess I've done already.

WickedX said:
I'll definately keep ya'll updated but I think I'm going to keep my posts to a minimum as not to step on any toes as I guess I've done already.


No reason to clam up! We've got some real hard nosed Marines on here. Nothing personal. They're takin' it easy on you. Probably 'cause you're Navy. :tongue:
Hmm why didn't you want to join the Corps? I'm not going to bash you too bad. I'm with the kid on this one...is odd how you talk before you own.
Supposed to own then talk. but i guess it's alright to plan it all out.

What i'm confused about is...why does a kid who is 18, owns 2 houses and is attempting to purchase an nsx...going into the military? Don't get me wrong plenty of young adults want to serve no matter what..but if i was 18 and finanically secured as you are. I'd say the heck with the military and go to wall street & start working for a fortune 500 comp. Just my .02 and you should have joined the Marine Corps.. but not everyone can be a Marine!
I'm going to the military to pay for my college. Basically my only reason for going. I would have joined the corps but they just aren't for me. It was either Air Force or Navy and I picked the Navy.
Okay Sonny....18 w/ 2 houses.? One living in and one selling now............anddddd going into the navy to pay for college? I smell bullshit!!!.....Here is your reality check. One you are in the service, your time for college after your work is very limited to the point of NONE!!!! You signed up for 6years? What happen to four? Wouldn't that be enought for your college? Anywho, if your goal is to get educated, use your proceeds from the house that you are selling to pay for your college. In term of the NSX, your chance of getting it after 2years is next to slim. Once, you won't have the garage to store as you will be relocated to the Navy's need. Even if you have it, you will be parking it outside welcoming vandalism. But more importantly, you won't be able to drive it...cuz you will be on watch, deployment, and overtime....yes working overrrr time!!! I am sure we have a few officers here on board to validate what I am saying here. I'll stop here...

WickedX said:
I'm going to the military to pay for my college. Basically my only reason for going. I would have joined the corps but they just aren't for me. It was either Air Force or Navy and I picked the Navy.
These days I worry about anyone in the military.

Mike, The Navy doesn't pay for your college because they like you... they do it because its your life that is at risk... a fairly expensive deal... when you are 18, sometimes you don't see what you are risking for what you are getting. One has a tendency at this age to dream about a life in the military the same way one dreams about his NSX. Reality is sometimes different.

I have to say that dreamer or not, I hope 18 year old Mike stays safe and out of trouble and can be on this forum WITH his modified NSX. Best of luck to you Mike.
I would honestly consider a used Honda S2000 or Acura RSX. Thats a great place to start. They are easy to obtain and you can get them with a nice warranty. You will love the car. I had one for almost 6 years. Great cars and I will buy another. Acura RSX Type S is another nice car that you can buy brand new with a 4 year warranty. At your young age I would consider a new RSX or a used S2000. That way if something breaks your covered VS not being covered for anything with the NSX.

Good luck.
The Kid said:
Best of Luck! We see threads like this at least once a month. Im 18 and buying a NSX and Im doing yada, yada, yada. I say, we start by buying the actual car first, then the mods. Can the LS1 fit in an NSX? Whats the insurance for an 18 year old? Im getting an NSX, should I go turbo or SC? :confused:

Im appreciative that you are in the military and protecting us but let's get a little realistic. You cant even enter into a legal binding contract till your 18 years old, how can you own 2 houses? We should start a new sub forum for talking out our asses:biggrin:

A minor can buy real estate in many ways in most states. A contract signed by a minor is usually binding on the competent party, but voidable, (relatively null in Louisiana law) by the minor. There are also trusts, a cooperating adult overseeing the minors affairs, etc.
I have no idea if he owns 2 houses, but it is possible.
I agree w/endless! Purchasing an s2000 is a great start heading up the totem pole of honda performance. I had my fun with it, now i'm going after an nsx!
EndlessNSX said:
I would honestly consider a used Honda S2000 or Acura RSX. Thats a great place to start. They are easy to obtain and you can get them with a nice warranty. You will love the car. I had one for almost 6 years. Great cars and I will buy another. Acura RSX Type S is another nice car that you can buy brand new with a 4 year warranty. At your young age I would consider a new RSX or a used S2000. That way if something breaks your covered VS not being covered for anything with the NSX.

Good luck.

Endless I see what your sayin. I see what you mean by starting at the bottom of the totem pole. Been there and done that. I've had numerous CRXs, Civics, Integras, and Accords to suit me for the rest of my life. The S2K looks alright but I see at least 5 or more every day and I don't want a car that is like that. I like being different. I hate having something everyone else does. If someone buys a certain car that I'm interested in I go look at something else.
WickedX said:
I'm going to the military to pay for my college. Basically my only reason for going. I would have joined the corps but they just aren't for me. It was either Air Force or Navy and I picked the Navy.

Sell the houses, keep doing your income methods (they seem to work) and take out a student loan.

It's idiotic (in my opinion) to go into the armed forces if you don't want to. There are other ways to go to college. The college thing is a hell-ova way to lure young kids into the forces to get their heads blown off.

If you have this kind of money - you can afford college. Pay as much as you can, loan the rest... stay here and be safe. Put the car off until you're ready.
depending on what you wanna do for college, find a school with scholorships. unless you are set on military, i would look into alternate means of paying for college. i'm a senior at cooper union now...mechanical engineer, (if you don't know, look it up. consistantly ranked in the top 5 undergrad engineering programs) and on full scholarship (everyone accepted gets one). if you know where to look, you can get first class educations without shelling out the enormous $180K price tags of places like MIT, Caltech, Stanford, Princeton, etc.

good luck on the car. you have set your goals high, and reaching them and exceeding them will be sweeter then ever. from your time table and mine, looks like we'll be looking to buy at about the same time, a few years from now. nsxpo 2010? hah.

good luck.
This is such nonsense, but I'll join in 'cause it's fun.

1. You can't have had "numerous" civics, integras, etc. because you've only been driving for 2 years. If, after two years on the roads, you are already sick of these common mans cars - you've got a lot to learn and a long way to go, buddy.

2. The issue of contracting is very applicable, but even more so, is financing. It would never happen. Congrats if you have a deal worked out with your parents, and you've saved for the downpayments, but legally, they own the places in all likelihood.

3. Most importantly, you are a fool to spend this kind of money on a car given what your income will be for a LONG time (college kids don't make much either, even after they graduate usually).

Use some sense and good judgment. You'll be able to get your Next Gen NSX before you know it. :wink: Good luck on the boats, too, very admirable particularly in these times.
rickysals said:
Sell the houses, keep doing your income methods (they seem to work) and take out a student loan.

It's idiotic (in my opinion) to go into the armed forces if you don't want to. There are other ways to go to college. The college thing is a hell-ova way to lure young kids into the forces to get their heads blown off.

If you have this kind of money - you can afford college. Pay as much as you can, loan the rest... stay here and be safe. Put the car off until you're ready.

Well he won't need to worry about getting his head blown off in the AF or Navy. Unless of course he goes into seal or TacP or the like.
Ski_Banker said:
This is such nonsense, but I'll join in 'cause it's fun.

1. You can't have had "numerous" civics, integras, etc. because you've only been driving for 2 years. If, after two years on the roads, you are already sick of these common mans cars - you've got a lot to learn and a long way to go, buddy.

I understood the rest of what your sayin except this. You don't have to be 16 to race these cars. I had my first car when I was 14(1986 Nissan 300ZX Turbo). I raced it in the SCCA. When I turned 15 I had upgraded to a Mustang GT and was racing in NASA AI classes. I can and have had more than 30 vehicles.
Are you saying that you rather spend $$$ on cars instead of education? If you can put out over 30 cars within the last 4 years, I am sure you grown enought to pay for your college education instead of the Navy.

WickedX said:
I understood the rest of what your sayin except this. You don't have to be 16 to race these cars. I had my first car when I was 14(1986 Nissan 300ZX Turbo). I raced it in the SCCA. When I turned 15 I had upgraded to a Mustang GT and was racing in NASA AI classes. I can and have had more than 30 vehicles.
I'm figuring I can learn something in the NAVY and have them pay for my college. Why pay for something when I can have someone else do it for me for just a little bit of work.
Actually the S2000 is not at the bottom of the pole at all. Its second from the top and a huge jump from an Integra, CRX, Prelude, etc. Plus the S2000 looks and handles very good and better than any of the other Hondas IMO. So what if you see it everyday. Thats OEM trim. I see one heavily modified S2000 every 6 months here in California. You can be different with the S2000 IMO. I would start there and then see if you like that car.

I have an NSX now but am going to either sell it or buy another S2000 again. I just miss the go-cart feel. NSX is great dont get me wrong but at 18 or 19 years of age I would seriously look at the S2000.:smile:

WickedX said:
Endless I see what your sayin. I see what you mean by starting at the bottom of the totem pole. Been there and done that. I've had numerous CRXs, Civics, Integras, and Accords to suit me for the rest of my life. The S2K looks alright but I see at least 5 or more every day and I don't want a car that is like that. I like being different. I hate having something everyone else does. If someone buys a certain car that I'm interested in I go look at something else.
Wow. I'm actually disgusted. ANd it takes a LOT to disgust me.

Here we have someone who races on the track (instead of on the street like probably 95% of all drivers) for starters. I just throw that in there, as it really isn't the point of this message.


What the hell is up with you jerk offs discouraging someone who wants to join the military? Here's a guy willing to go to god knows where for who knows how long to help out where it's needed (wherever that may be..) and all you panty waists can say is don't bother, just keep on doing what makes you the most money?

I'm not a warmonger, to say the least. but it's not as if the military is busting at the seams with recruits these days, and i see a bunch of guys behind their keyboards telling someone who shows an interest to go elsewhere for employment.:rolleyes:

don't listen to ANYTHING these guys are blathering about. get your nsx, do whatever you want to it, post pics of you holding a sign that says "NSXPRIME is home to sissies" from Korea or iraq or wherever you get sent...
Either extract something out of your ass or chill TFO out. NObody is discouraging him from joining the military. If he is joining the military to serve, than I salude that. But if he joining to attend college AT THE SAME TIME, he might want to think twice and talk to someone that is prior or current military on the situation. We are giving him the facts of education in relations to the military's need. Once you joined, your ass will be working, training and so forth...your time is military time and NOT education time at your local college even if it is to be paid for. Another thing the recruiter will mention is that the Navy will fly instructors to teach for college credit. Even in this case, time spend studying is rare. WTF is going on people on prime now? Can we just speak like a mature adult?

peiserg said:

What the hell is up with you jerk offs discouraging someone who wants to join the military? Here's a guy willing to go to god knows where for who knows how long to help out where it's needed (wherever that may be..) and all you panty waists can say is don't bother, just keep on doing what makes you the most money?

I'm not a warmonger, to say the least. but it's not as if the military is busting at the seams with recruits these days, and i see a bunch of guys behind their keyboards telling someone who shows an interest to go elsewhere for employment.:rolleyes:

don't listen to ANYTHING these guys are blathering about. get your nsx, do whatever you want to it, post pics of you holding a sign that says "NSXPRIME is home to sissies" from Korea or iraq or wherever you get sent...
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It never ceases to amaze me how downright rude, degrading, and downright assholish members of this forum can be to anyone who wants to buy an NSX and havent done the stereotypical a, b, and c, that most of the original owners did.

The car is 15 years old, the resale values are going down and there are a hell of a lot of younger kids who could pick an NSX up for the same cost of buying a new 350z. Your community is changing. Why dont you try embracing it instead of trying to put blinders on to the world?