Little Help Boys

Since you are in the Bay Area, you should ask a few of the locals to help you in your research. Many of us may know the cars that you are considering. You may also ask if a local owner would go with you to inspect the cars.

Remember that the timing belt and water pump are due for replacement on these cars. Hoses have become an issue on the older cars as well. Ask me how I know...
Which ever car has ZERO accidents with Service History and the least amount of deferred maintenence. Pay attention to gaps between panels and paint color between plastic and aluminum. Do A Pre Purchase Inspection at a reputable NSX tech and pay extra for the compression check. The compression value isnt as important as the average across all cyls.

Good Luck on your search:smile:
score for us then :p
do you do any of the s2ki meets ever? if you are from the bay and got a boosted s2 I am sure some of us have met you, and can't see any of us forgetting a vietNsexy girl in a boosted AP lol :biggrin:
Agreed, who could forget that face.:wink:
Welcome to the boards and good luck on your search! Good things come to does who wait...:cool:

RON98, I think its a great offer for $26K. I know you can make a little more selling to someone else but this will be good for prime because we do not have enough ladies on this site and we do not want her to leave anytime soon. She is waiting for your papers today RON98, don't let a pretty girl waiting :wink:

Why don't you pay the 4k difference? I'm just really hoping you were kidding. :confused:
Rob is offering this car at a great price and you KNOW it will be good for some time. I'm sure if something were to happen to it in the near future he would provide free labor to fix it.

30K is a great price (if black is acceptable) and your getting it from an NSX mechanic.
If you can't come up with 4k difference maybe you should wait until you can.. Whats gonna happen if you buy another car and something breaks down.. its probably gonna cost you 1,500-3k easy and split close on parts-labor. There is the money right there!
Just an honest answer.
Why don't you pay the 4k difference? I'm just really hoping you were kidding. :confused:
Rob is offering this car at a great price and you KNOW it will be good for some time. I'm sure if something were to happen to it in the near future he would provide free labor to fix it.

30K is a great price (if black is acceptable) and your getting it from an NSX mechanic.
If you can't come up with 4k difference maybe you should wait until you can.. Whats gonna happen if you buy another car and something breaks down.. its probably gonna cost you 1,500-3k easy and split close on parts-labor. There is the money right there!
Just an honest answer.
Not out of what I can swing but its more than I want my monthly payment to be. My house is a bit more important than a play car. If you want to let it go for 26K then we have a deal! Drive it up to me and we will sign papers today :D

option 2 sounded right.
Miles are not a concern on the NSX its a Honda. like I always say 60k maintenance costs the same as 120k maintenance. My girls 1997 w/70k goes into the shop as often as my 1992 w/ 105k.... (never) one time for a fuel pump $500 in 1 year and a half.

I also wanted to find one for 25k but I'm happy I spent over 30k for a solid car. especially a clean non salvage car.
Also unless you get Ron's, or another very trust worthy individual, better get one non-serviced and do it yourself for peace of mind, and you can choose which clutch you want.

Also buying one already modified with expensive parts gives you something to trade off towards what you want, which is way cheaper than buying everything from scratch.

What I did was find one that was 90% my style. I had to have a White R-Style Coupe.
It had $30k worth of mods for only $34k.
Needed Clutch & Timing Belt. Did the RPS clutch and timing Belt. $4k
Than I traded some parts to get what I wanted. 02 OEM bumper, Taitec rear Diffuser, R-Spoiler ect. Should be out of the shop in a couple weeks with the new goodies.:smile:

The way I look at it I'm still 25k ahead of the game.:smile:
Sorry I was distracted by the avatar pic....what was the question again? :biggrin:

Actually tons of us in the bay and I met some really great people on Sunday - did you find your NSX yet?

Gone for a day and so many posts!

Nope, havent found mine yet. Still looking. I'm going to have some one check out the one down south for me.
As for the black one for 30K ... it was just thrown out there with no mileage, condition or mods :D

The price difference isnt the issue and I dont recall ever saying I wanted an NSX for 26K with no issues ...

Still looking. I want one by the end of the month/first week of next month.
I serously doubt if you'll find much if any issues with Rob's {Ron98} car. He has helped many members on this forum and he well respected for it. At least shoot him a pm for some details.:smile:
if you got 30k

i got a 91 nsx that needs notihng and has a crap load of high $ rare parts.:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: timing belt done all service up to date.


also i would pass on 3 due to paint. new paint for me is not an + its always a warning.

What are the miles, service and mods? I'm in Seattle and currently looking for an NSX.
^^ +1
I serously doubt if you'll find much if any issues with Rob's {Ron98} car. He has helped many members on this forum and he well respected for it. At least shoot him a pm for some details.:smile:

david, how is that you havent even been here a year, and you have over 2K posts....

damn dude do you post one every thread? 5 times each? :biggrin:

i would go with what ever one you think "feels" the best when you drive it...

all the things that *could* go wrong, or need replaced on the 100K will prolly end up replacing with aftermarket before they break anyway...really the same thing applies to the 50K one too. so it really comes down to maintaince items...upgrade the clutch, buy wheels and tires, cause you would someday anyway, etc, etc.

i know it sounds dumb, ithink its cause they are hand made, but every NSX i have owned or driven is very different....just make sure the one you pick feels good to you, and fix what needs to be fixed...

As far as girls on prime....well i think there are 4, including you...which makes you VERY popular :cool:
its cool to see a girl who is into cars too...

let me know when you want to Boost that thing too.. :) GO turbo!!! ill help

Still looking. I want one by the end of the month/first week of next month.

Take your time girl...make sure the car you buy is the ONE...don't comprimise. It takes months, sometimes years to find the right car.
I want one by the end of the month/first week of next month.

What's the rush? Finding one in 2 weeks is easy. Finding one with minimal issues may take a little more time. Patience is a virtual. If you are planning on keeping the NSX for a long time, it may be worth the time to find a good NSX later than a mediocre NSX now. We don't want you to have buyer's remorse and sell the NSX than leave the forum.:wink: Good luck on your search.