Lazy Grammar

Re: Re: Lazy Grammar

ChopsJazz said:
I don't think I need to come to anyone's defense, but Andy never asked for perfection from anybody. But he did ask for an honest attempt at proper grammar. And I totally concur with him. Many people read one's posts and never see their faces. In fact, in this type of forum I'd say that it's highly likely that we may never have the opportunity to meet one another. In that respect, the only way that we draw inferences into what each of us is like is through the messages s/he posts.

True, but the point I'm trying to make is that he doesn't need to come here correcting people and then rolling his eyes and giving them attitude like he's perfect! Simple as that. And if you need an example of a honest mistake where Andy corrected someone with a snobbish attitude, please let me know, I'll refer you to the post. :)
Hey Andy,

I think this thread has brought out the ego factor in a lot of the responders.

Yes, each person has the right to post in any language he/she desires. However, it is also the right of readers of this site to say 'I cannot understand this post; therefore I won't even try.' and then skip to the next post. Potentially valuable information may be lost due to a failure to communicate properly.

If, by having one's grammar critiqued, one's feelings are hurt or ego is bruised, perhaps that person will either not post anymore or will make an effort to use proper grammar. If the former, at least in extreme cases we have lost little as a community, because the post would have been at best hard to read and at worst unintelligible. If the latter, we will find information passing in a more easily understood manner with fewer misunderstandings as to the actual meaning and/or content.

I, for one, welcome valid critiques of my grammar, spelling, or construction. At the same time, as a communicator using the English language, I feel I should be allowed to critique the same in others’ posts.
I don't think I need to come to anyone's defense, but Andy never asked for perfection from anybody. But he did ask for an honest attempt at proper grammar.

This is correct, with emphasis on the words “honest attempt”. As mentioned several times lately in a few various threads, I do admit that I am not perfect. Most of the time I will copy-n-paste a post into Word and run a spell-check. Obviously, some things will not get flagged such as “a” inadvertently followed by “an”, or “an” that should’ve been an “and” or leaving a word out. This one extra step that I do, is more than what I can say for a couple of “slaggards” :p that I can think off, and it reflects in their posts. So if you want you use an occasional boo-boo against me vs repeated hyper-grammar-mutations, help yourself. But when somebody blasts me for wanting to live in a perfect world, you better be ready because I’m most likely to blast right back at you, right SOLO? :)

Many people read one's posts and never see their faces. In fact, in this type of forum I'd say that it's highly likely that we may never have the opportunity to meet one another. In that respect, the only way that we draw inferences into what each of us is like is through the messages s/he posts.

And to carry that a bit further - not subliminally directing this comment towards anybody - how someone presents themself via keyboard could also be a factor if Person A ever wants to meet Person B. What is the old adage? You do not get a second chance to make a first impression.

True, but the point I'm trying to make is that he doesn't need to come here correcting people and then rolling his eyes and giving them attitude like he's perfect!

Get off it, FoYoAss and go re-read a couple of my posts in this thread, as to why this silly (not exact wording, but what you inferred as to the social redeeming value) thread was initiated in the first place. Somebody (bacon) in another thread told me to make fun of him in an off-topic thread, which is what I did. (By the way, he even posted that he was flattered, so goody for me.) But what do you know.....there are quite a few other people that are annoyed by flagrant misuse of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. So I think we have a point!

And if you need an example of a honest mistake where Andy corrected someone with a snobbish attitude, please let me know, I'll refer you to the post.

Careful FYA.....this thread is about grammar not attitude. I will be the first to correct you and admit, I am not a snob but I am sarcastic at times. Those are two different characteristics. Besides, if you are referring to what I think you may be, there is a very long history behind that relationship which you are obviously oblivious to. I strongly suggest that unless you know the whole story, perhaps you ought not to wander down that path.

But I think the real reason you are "annoyed" at me is because I called you a wimp for canceling the TWS drive because of a few raindrops, no? :cool:
AndyVecsey said:

Careful FYA.....this thread is about grammar not attitude. I will be the first to correct you and admit, I am not a snob but I am sarcastic at times. Those are two different characteristics. Besides, if you are referring to what I think you may be, there is a very long history behind that relationship which you are obviously oblivious to. I strongly suggest that unless you know the whole story, perhaps you ought not to wander down that path.

Andy, I have no clue of what you speak? If you're referring to me being ghetto, I assure you that I am!
I'm just saying that if ur going to "criticize" people, do so without the attitude and belittling them. Is it so hard for you to be nice to people? Why is it that there are several people on the boards that do not like ur attitude? It's not just me. ;)

AndyVecsey said:

But I think the real reason you are "annoyed" at me is because I called you a wimp for canceling the TWS drive because of a few raindrops, no? :cool:

Andy, I could careless what u think of me! :) I'm secured with myself without having to belittle anyone. I'm not annoyed, I just think it's funny the way you correct people, that's all. In fact, 2 of us, no names, had a laugh about u waiting up for us. I would have given u a courtesy call if I had a number, but you don't associate with the Houston guys and no one had your number.
And if ur calling me a "wimp" b/c I didn't feel like driving to TWS, you're referring to all the guys b/c it was a mutual decision after seeing the forecast. :) I have no fear driving in the rain and would do so without hesitation.
FYA - you have a private message.
Slam me if you like (the following is JMHO). Come on people this is a car forum not an English Class. Spelling and grammar are important in communicating. However, don't you think this is going completely anal? This is suppose to be a friendly environment; where we can share information, stories and pictures. Don't hack on people in this forum, because it's really rude and unecessary. I am only speaking for myself here. Although, I am sure others will agree with me that I am not a member of Prime to get slammed for my writing skills.

FYI - poor spelling annoys me as well. However, I am not the type that openly criticizes others in public. Because the fact is: I am not perfect, nor do I claim to be. I can say with amazing accuracy that there isn't one person on Earth that is perfect! If you are "perfect" then you must be an alien from another planet. If that's the case then maybe you do have the right to criticize. Otherwise "if you can't say anything nice - don't say anything at all".

If people really feel the "need to help" Prime members with their writing skills PM or e-mail them one-on-one. Seriously, if you want to correct spelling, grammar and sentance construction become an English Teacher/Professor.
I like this exchange!Since we are a multicentric worldwide forum there are bound to be problems,,however we must all communicate and english is the common denominator!Some of the posts on this board are barely comprehensible I presume do to foreign primary language.The posts that get me are from those who can speak english but are so hastely written,or the author dose not take the time to fully explain thier context,or worse assumes we all know what the poster is thinking without us knowing!Some may laugh or marvel at nxstacy's long posts or any long posts but sometimes that is what it takes to fully explain thyself.How many times have any of us posted something and then have 10 other posters finish your thoughts or add things that you probably should have included?Or what follows is 20 ?s because we don't follow through with our thought proccess,before pushing send.I have no hard feelings for any of the grammer police lets just try harder to not need them!imo.
My .02:

If you were to decide to be a "grammar Nazi", it would be more than a full-time job, as almost every single post on every thread has some error or mistake in spelling. Since I am an English major (with a follow-on Masters in bullsh**, like many of you), I am more sensitive than most to incorrect grammar and lazy spelling. However, I like to frequent these message forums to get useful information that will further the enjoyment of my NSX. I really don't care if someone else screws up the structure of their sentence if their intent is to help me solve a problem or improve my car. I try to take care to correct my own mistakes, but I don't happen to be the kind of guy who thinks less of someone because they like to type fast and don't worry about using spell-check before they submit their reply.

Is it mildly annoying to have to decipher IM style writing? Sure, a little bit. Does it affect my fondness for NSX Prime? Not in the least. I think it's more annoying when people start threads like this and take valuable time and space away from what this site is all about. I'm sure this particular thread will run for 3+ pages, and not a single post to help out other NSX owners...what a shame.

I guess I'm ready to be flamed now!:cool:

Joel said:
Remember the saying:

[size=+2]I before E except after C

Example: "receive" vs. "believe"[/size]

Now, repeat class....

The ending of that saying is " and sounds like 'A' as in neighbor and weigh."
speaking of spelling mistakes

why isnt there a new and improved spelling system

do we have to stick with ( Knife ) for saying ( nife )

and dont give the laim excuse of heritage. I hate heritage. Its just an excuse for old timers to keep the wolrd as they know it.

Progres always succedes. Thats why you will always see post with bad grammer ans pelling.

Its natures way of protesting against stuped heritage.
Leftlane: no flames intended,,,but this site is alot more than just the nsx to many.That is why there is the "off topic" forum.To many of the regular members and those who check the site many times daily, posts that are poorly designed and written are fustrating and leave those who want to help scratching heads.I also don't get too mired in personal (emotional) posts but even you are intrigued enough by this non nsx topic to get involved!And so it is for many posters,again this site is alot more than just the nsx,for better and worse.
SCS2k said:
See above.

I am very aware of the rule. I was posting tounge and cheek.
Basically stating how the meaning of the rule could be lost in his lesson. Because the entir rule wasn't posted. Which would explain why some people spell things differently. How dialects are formed. ect. ect. ect.
Thanks for the english lesson though.;)

I don't care how people make a point as long as the make one.
The spelling doesn't bother me, nor does the grammar. It just urks the hell out of me when someone is criticized for a mistake in a casual forum. As for myself most of my grammarical (is that a word? "t") , mistakes come from my typing style. I am not a typist.
I don't hunt in peck, but, I have a style that is not convetional.

I read a lot of posts and like someone stated earlier, A Grammar Nazi would work overtime. Everyone is making similar mistakes.
I learn a lot from this forum, and I wouldn't want someone not to post due to something as minor as spelling or sentence structure.

Why impede on someone's intelligence based on their typing?
Thinking it is one thing, publicly saying it is another. If you really want to help them, private them. Have the lesson stay between you and them. There are vendors that have posted on here, that I have a hard time reading their posts. I understand what they are trying to say. I would bet that no one is going to call out Andy on a technical post. If he were to post about the BBSC and it was full of grammar errors, they would find a way to understand what he was saying. Why because those that are interested in them know that he has one on his car, and they could learn something about the unit.

SJS, KPOND, Bryan Zublin, they can spell backwards on a Forced induction post, and you can bet your butt I will find out what the hell they were talking about. You guys can argue the sentence structure, spelling, all you want. People will comunicate in the form that they see fit. Intellilectual forums are boring anyway.
;) The content on this forum keeps me coming back, I don't care how it's spelled or structured. Seriousness, Inanity, Levity, Anger, it's all fun to me. I guess I will get off my box.

Has anyone seen my keys? It don't matter, the car isn't running anyway.
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I do not mind having a grammar nazi. When I see someone type "anyways", I just want to punch someone in the face.
I think both sides of this argument have valid points. Typographical errors can be annoying. Information that is helpful regardless if its "correct" or not is still helpful.

In any case, exercising moderation maybe helpful in getting along with others. ;)
IMO len3.8 has it right. And he has it wrong. On the one hand, it is perfectly reasonable to see someone's dialect such as, "y'all are morons!" or "Nice car, eh?" creep into written text. Even the misuse of expressions like "tongue in cheek" or "huntand peck" are less irksome than the type of butchering that occurs in many posts. But on the other hand, dialect does not account for mistakes like, "I only take my car to there shop" or "A turbo is better then the BBSC" or "I do all my breaking in a straight line" (which some Mustangs and Vettes probably do! ;) ). They are certainly not typo's, and they can be awfully bothersome to wade through.
Chopjazz, thanks for the corrections. You knew exactly what I was talking about even though the words in & and were switched within their perspective sayings. Did I do them on purpose? Did you know exactly what I meant? Yes. Truth is as a kid or an adult I never use that saying. It simply isn't part of my culture. I was born and raised in the U.S. There are things that I simply will say and spell differently then others. For example, I hear people saying. " I drove at putnam it was a Hoot " I ask you what the hell is a hoot? I can imagine that they are expressing that they had a good time. You will never hear it was a hoot coming from my mouth. So there is a chance that when reapeating it or quoting someone, that I may in fact quote it incorrectly. Learning a language has many different sides.
We learn to speak it, We learn to read it, We learn to write it. It's an ongoing process. I have a 11 year old that can pick anything I write apart. Why? because her mom is a SLP and she is getting a much better education than I got. You guys can scoot around the issue if you want. Some people are making the mistakes due to not knowing how to put it into words. Not from this country, ect. ect. I had a test once and this word was on it,
CUPBOARD It was a pretty important test. How do you think I pronounced this word?

I agree 100% with the position that doc and Jazz take.


I agree 100% with the position that 3.8 and FYA take.

Although this is an "off topic" thread, in a way, I do regret initiating it. Even though I was very serious about this subject when I posted it (and still am), I wish some things that were typed (by me and by others) were not done so.

I think I need to view that movie again.....the one where they practice the word "goose-frah-bah". :) For the record, I was only joking about being the GN. Unfortunately, it was a bad joke. :(
I think passion wins out when we all post. No apologies needed here. You made people think, like it or not a lot of people will pay more attention to how they post. That is what the forum is for.
I have no problem learning from people or being corrected by them. Healthy debates are good for all. In a group setting on the net or in person, I don't see anyone using language that would be any different if we were all in the same room.
Don't sweat it, people should air it out more often.
It looks like the hatchet has been buried, but I just wanted to make one argument against a point that was made repeatedly: useful information and readable posts are NOT mutually exclusive!

Yes, as long as the post can be understood, it can be a useful post, even with grammatical and spelling errors. But, how much easier would it be on everyone if the same useful post was submitted with a minimum of errors?

And, for everyone that used the excuse of not being well-versed in the English language (for whatever reason, from not being their first language, to not having paid attention in English class), that is a weak argument. How else will you ever improve, if you don't accept anyone's corrections?
If you don't care about improving, then that may be a character flaw. Personally, I try to improve in everything I do, from speaking a language correctly, to doing my job, to working on my car.
Now this is some bad grammer! I don't think they will be selling that car anytime soon. I certainly don't have the best grammer myself, but this here is a Del Sol being sold by a dealership that doesn't seem to know how to spell. Something about that bothers me.
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