Lazy Grammar

AndyVecsey said:
Personally speaking, I get very annoyed at people that do not attempt to use proper grammar.

I agree with you on principle (the principal is your pal, so I know this one is correct), but YOU drive me crazy in your posts with prolly this and prolly that. Too lazy to type probably? And to think, you were our magazine's editor:D

All I have to do is make sure my inflection is proper, as most of my patients never made it through a summer Sylvan session!!

I agree with you on principle (the principal is your pal, so I know this one is correct), but YOU drive me crazy in your posts with prolly this and prolly that. Too lazy to type probably? And to think, you were our magazine's editor:D

You got me there Gary, good call. :o However, in my (lame) defense, I do not use "prolly" or "gonna" or "wanna" nearly as often as certain individual's lack of punctuation or run-on sentences.

3.8 - you have missed my point, big time. PM me if you want clarification.

All - normally, I wouldn't initiate a thread such as this, but it was done from a prompt from another thread.

I'm going for a drive. Happy VTEC-ing everyone. :cool:
So as not to offend anyone in this thread, I made sure this would pass a spell check before posting: :D

Owed two the spell checker

I have a spelling checker -
It came with my PC.
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot sea.
Eye ran this poem threw it,
Your sure reel glad two no.
Its vary polished in it's weigh,
My checker tolled me sew.
A checker is a bless sing,
It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
And aides me when aye rime.
To rite with care is quite a feet
Of witch won should be proud.
And wee mussed dew the best wee can,
Sew flaws are knot aloud.
And now bee cause my spelling
Is checked with such grate flare,
Their are know faults with in my cite,
Of nun eye am a wear.
Each frays come posed up on my screen
Eye trussed to bee a joule
The checker poured o'er every word
To cheque sum spelling rule.
That's why aye brake in two averse
By righting wants too pleas.
Sow now ewe sea why aye dew prays
Such soft wear for pea seas
Joel said:
Remember the saying:

[size=+2]I before E except after C

Example: "receive" vs. "believe"[/size]

Now, repeat class....
The rule as I learned it back in Scotland, was a modification:
When the sound is like EE, put i before e, except after c.
I think that covers the majority - hard pressed to find an exception.

Generalisms are always unfair to those who don't fit the category but, as a foreigner, I am appalled by the general standard of spelling & grammar in this country. I find even extremely (otherwise) well-educated people are lacking in this discipline. One of my Indian (Asian) colleagues at work & I frequently laugh at some of the content we encounter in our professional environment. English is not even his first language yet he uses it more correctly than many US native speakers.
The foundation of my grammatical & spelling education was laid in primary school by an almost fanatical teacher. This was at a small rural school, where the head-master was actually a teacher & taught 4 grades in the same room. Even in high school, our papers were graded for grammar & spelling, even outside of the subject in question. i.e. not just English class, but science, history, geography etc. It would be nice to see a better emphasis on this in US elementary schools, then maintained through high school. Again, it's up to the teachers to reinforce these disciplines, but it doesn't appear to be an issue.
Incidentally, I do claim to spell well - however, I am a dyslexic typist!
AndyVecsey said:
Personally speaking, I get very annoyed at people that do not attempt to use proper grammar. For example:

Typing "i" instead of "I". Cripes all you have to do is hold down the "shift" key, is that too much to ask for? :rolleyes: Using all caps.
i get upset at these horrible violations of common keyboard communication, too.
The general lowering of standards is depressing!

The general lowering of standards of communication and conduct in society are depressing and worrisome.
There was a great essay I saw once about this, wish I could find it online somewhere. The general tone was something to do with maintaining high standards leading to the advancement of society while the lowering of standards brings us ever closer to the decline of society.
Like it or not you are judged on your communication skills. If you type in internet ebonics you are telling the world that what you have to say is not even important enough for you to put the effort into formulating it properly. Why would anyone waste time reading it and attempting to communicate with someone like that?
Come on folks, forums like this one depend on intelligent discourse, not the lowest common denominator.
Re: whatever

WOW wudnt it be GREAT to liv in a prefec world lik Andy wishes he was in!!!!!

some people just need a reason to BITCH!

While I am quite sure that Andy can speak for himself I would like to say that he is asking for nothing less than would be expected in any professional situation. This forum has always maintained a higher level of conversation than seems typical on, for example, many of the import car forums. His post encourages maintaining high standards of communication - something that we should all aspire to in any case. Your post of "whatever" contributes nothing and your attack was uncalled for.
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WOW wudnt it be GREAT to liv in a prefec world lik Andy wishes he was in!!!!! some people just need a reason to BITCH!

SOLO - two words for you.

In the English language, the first letter of the first word begins with the 6th letter of the alphabet.

In the English language, the first letter of the second word begins with the 25th letter of the alphabet.

After you figure it out, have a nice weekend.
Exactly !!

While I am quite sure that Andy can speak for himself I would like to say that he is asking for nothing less than would be expected in any professional situation. His post encourages maintaining high standards of communication - something that we should all aspire to in any case. Your post of "whatever" contributes nothing and your attack was uncalled for.

Let's try this scenario. An American citizen goes to (fill in country of your choice) _______ but has a "disrespect" of that country's native language, with respect to intentionally not using proper capitalization and punctuation. I think you get my point.

ANDY - three words for you.

In the English language, the first letter of the first word begins with the 6th letter of the alphabet.

In the English language, the first letter of the second word begins with the 25th letter of the alphabet.

In the English language, the first letter of the third word begins with the 20th letter of the alphabet

After you figure it out, have a really nice weekend!!

Re: whatever

WOW wudnt it be GREAT to liv in a prefec world lik Andy wishes he was in!!!!!

some people just need a reason to BITCH!
Since my response from another thread fits better in here (in response to SOLO's comment), I am copying here.
ajnsx said:

Younger generations who are used to text sending on mobile phones and quick e-mail responses are gradually changing the form of language.
Absolute hogwash. Do the text books that teach our children reflect as much? No. Is one's success in their profession reliant on good abilities to communicate? Sure it is. The exchange of ideas is governed by the ability to communicate effectively, not the receiving party's ability to read minds.

I understand your point, really I do. And, I'm not angry at all. ;) However, I'm pretty sure that most everyone on this forum feels, and has even made statements that this forum is better than others, etc. The bulk of the reason comes from the knowledge that is shared, and if it were to deteriorate to unstructured garbage its value deteriorates along with it. Imagine the FAQ's being written in gibberish that kids use when instant messaging with friends. It would be meaningless. At the same time, a thread that has value to the community is deteriorated in value when the the point one is trying to communicate to others can't be understood or is hard to follow. [read: not spelling, typo errors. I'm talking about purposeful misuse or neglect.]

Let me say it again: I have little problem with spelling errors of lack of proper structure due to one not knowing. I just don't like to see crap written when one is perfectly capable of doing a bit better. Am I asking for anyone to do so? No, just stating my opinion.
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I initiated a thread similar to this some time ago and got lambasted for it. It amazes me that, not only are people defensive about pulverizing the english language in print, they are downright adamant about their right to do so!

As for Spellcheck, I don't use it on-line. I employ an old method called proof-read. Sometimes I miss one or two mistakes in a post, but at least those are honest mistakes, not deliberate misuses or abuses. If a post contains spelling, usage and grammar that gets too offensive for me I simply move on and ignore the writer's post. Their loss, not mine.

Favorites: there/their/they're, prolly,i/I, definately, to/too, then/than.
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typo's and lowercase characters isn't really that dramatic.
it's when you start using SMS-chat like on mobile phones that English is butchered. eg. <I>"dun 4get 2 call n rite"</I>.

Why doesn't Forums Nazi also become the grammar Nazi -- he's well qualified for the job, and has been very quiet the last two weeks. :D
some words to chuckle at...


Overheard by my friend/classmate: [thick cuban accent]
"liver her alone, cheese mine."

One of my other friend's ex's voice-mail: [sultry south-asian accent]
"peace leaf a massage after the beef."

Re: some words to chuckle at...

Osiris_x11 said:

Overheard by my friend/classmate: [thick cuban accent]
"liver her alone, cheese mine."

One of my other friend's ex's voice-mail: [sultry south-asian accent]
"peace leaf a massage after the beef."
I almost fell off my chair laughing. That is funny.
AndyVecsey said:
Personally speaking, I get very annoyed at people that do not attempt to use proper grammar. For example:

Typing "i" instead of "I". Cripes all you have to do is hold down the "shift" key, is that too much to ask for? :rolleyes:

Using all caps.

No punctuation.

Poor diction of plural vs singular.

Nobody is perfect, but cripes, why not use spell check or just type a little slower?

Admins - may I be the Grammar Nazi with carte blanche rights?


You want to be what? :confused:

Typing "i" instead of "I". Cripes all you have to do is hold down the "shift" key, is that too much to ask for? :rolleyes:

Even in this sentence, shouldn't you place a comma behind Cripes?

I'm no spelling bee winner, nor am I an English teacher, but...
AndyVecsey said:
why not use spell check or *just type a little slower?*

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Originally posted by AndyVecsey
When I saw the very first BBSC kit in action at Acura of Brookfield, MB and shared ideas on mechanical components. Specifically he asked me to look into some different coupling arrangements. I came up with a an idea or two;

and ur here trying to correct every ones grammar?

FoYoAss - you lost me.....what does my above quote that you copied from a thread about the supercharger pulley have anything to do with this one?

Oh I see, I forgot the "I" after "MB and". Well excuse me for that tiny faux pas. A thousand pardons, please. At least I don't type "ur" instead of "you're". Do you drive like you type? :p Sorry, I couldn't resist that one. :D

I think he hunted for a snippet that would point out an example of imperfection. Note the red in the snippet.
Originally posted by AndyVecsey
When I saw the very first BBSC kit in action at Acura of Brookfield, MB and I shared ideas on mechanical components. Specifically, he asked me to look into some different coupling arrangements. I came up with a an idea or two;....
MarkB said:

I think he hunted for a snippet that would point out an example of imperfection. Note the red in the snippet.
Originally posted by AndyVecsey
When I saw the very first BBSC kit in action at Acura of Brookfield, MB and I shared ideas on mechanical components. Specifically, he asked me to look into some different coupling arrangements. I came up with a an idea or two;....

No, actually if u refer back to his post where he made several errors, I corrected him there. No need to hunt it down! :rolleyes:
My point is that if Andy wants everyone to be perfect, he himself should take a look at his post as I've found errors in his own! So what the point of correcting other peoples minor errors? :rolleyes:
AndyVecsey said:
At least I don't type "ur" instead of "you're". Do you drive like you type? :p Sorry, I couldn't resist that one. :D

I did that on purpose as I knew u would pick at it. :rolleyes:
AndyVecsey said:
Personally speaking, I get very annoyed at people that do not attempt to use proper grammar.

I don't think I need to come to anyone's defense, but Andy never asked for perfection from anybody. But he did ask for an honest attempt at proper grammar. And I totally concur with him. Many people read one's posts and never see their faces. In fact, in this type of forum I'd say that it's highly likely that we may never have the opportunity to meet one another. In that respect, the only way that we draw inferences into what each of us is like is through the messages s/he posts.