Lazy Grammar

Yellow Rose

22 November 2001
Personally speaking, I get very annoyed at people that do not attempt to use proper grammar. For example:

Typing "i" instead of "I". Cripes all you have to do is hold down the "shift" key, is that too much to ask for? :rolleyes:

Using all caps.

No punctuation.

Poor diction of plural vs singular.

Nobody is perfect, but cripes, why not use spell check or just type a little slower?

Admins - may I be the Grammar Nazi with carte blanche rights?
As I said in another makes it hard to follow someones thoughts.....when they drag on a statement the improper use of a in too many of .....these "." there anyone else who has trouble with you get the point.....don't mean to be redundant......but want to make sure everyone follows what I'm saying here....get it.....okay enough of my rant....I'm jumping off my soap boax now.....see...I mean in another thread.....bye.....
man when i read kgp post i thought i was reading my own......i love this site......:D :D :D ........and i think andy is referring to me with this thread and i am flattered
Too funy, Bacon. Gonna have to let you slide on this one. :D
i don't have time to use spell check and capital letters.......i am to trying to post as often as possible to catch up with you guys with hundreds of thousands of posts.:) :)
bacon said:
i don't have time to use spell check and capital letters.......i am to trying to post as often as possible to catch up with you guys with hundreds of thousands of posts.:) :)
And we're using your bad grammar as an excuse to increase our own post count, LOL :D
My grammar skills and spelling skills are horrible. I most always spell check my posts but I know grammar mistakes are sometimes still there. I have always felt that if someone gets the point what difference does it make on how its delivered. For this reason I did not pay much attention in English class.

I read a study a few months ago about doctors and bad handwriting. The study concluded that a great percentage of doctors could not spell very well and used poor handwriting to cover up spelling mistakes.
Since this post is about grammar, I'll post some common problems that I see everyday. A lot of people confuse "Your" and "You're". "You're" means you are, and "Your" signifies possession. The words "Their", "There" and "They're" are also commonly misused :p
O-Ace said:
Since this post is about grammar A lot of people confuse "Your" and "You're". "You're" means you are, and "Your" signifies possession. The words "Their", "There" and "They're" are also commonly misused :p
Absolutely, and has been discussed on the forum in the past. But, there is a difference between being lazy and not punching a shift key, using decent sentence structure (when we know that person is capable), etc., versus not having a good understanding of the English language. The latter I have no problem with letting it slide, even though it might bother me a bit personally.
i might have to agree with andy and kgp because i just had to read one of my posts 3 times to understand what the heck it was i was trying to say:eek:
KGP said:
Absolutely, and has been discussed on the forum in the past. But, there is a difference between being lazy and not punching a shift key, using decent sentence structure (we we know that person is capable), etc., versus not having a good understanding of the English language. The latter I have no problem with letting it slide, even though it might bother me a bit personally.

we we. Is this french:D
O-Ace said:
You will have to be extra careful if you want the official position of "Forum Grammar Nazi" :D
Uh, no thanks. Honestly, I'm not good enough myself to warrant that illustrious title anyway. :D
bacon said:
i am to trying to post as often as possible to catch up with you guys with hundreds of thousands of posts.
Post count should be replaced or augmented with a method to let forum members score other forum members, leading to an over all member score. Of the things that could be scored, grammar could be one. :p
Is it that serious.

I learned this the hard way in Caracas last year. Although I will not be a permanent resident in the country of travel, I now at least learn the basics of common communication. Spanish (Venezuela, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea) has come back to me from high school classes and Russian is now on the horizon. My point is that if an infrequent visitor can learn the basics, an immigrant that intends on permanent residency dang well better as well.

You just said it yourself. Now learn all of the different dialects of English that are now spoken in the U.S. and you should be fine.
Been in a classroom lately? Please, this is bulls%$t. There are so many different reasons for someone's way of communicating to be different. Hell I can't remember where a period or a comma goes half the time. Not to mention dangling participles. When I was in school it wasn't offered, or shall I say taught as it should have been. That still happens. Not making any excuses for anyone, especially myself. But, if you want perfect punctuation and spelling, and all of the other stuff. Take you a$$ over to the writing forums. If it bothers you to follow a post that badly, stop friggin reading. This is a multinational forum, there will be differences.
Forgive my grammar, I was only supposed to become a janitor, so I wasn't really taught the correct way. Follow me.