Laser Interceptor

24 October 2007
Calgary, Canada
Has anyone purchased and tested out a laser interceptor?

I will probably be buying one in the spring, but wanted to know if anyone has tried one. There was a rumour the production units differed from the ones tested at

I have spoken to the distributor and he indicated discounts on 10 or more, but he only takes certified it might be a little risky.

WOW I was just going to post that same question. Doing some research on them and they seem to work well. I'm planing on a remote v1 install in the back window w/ the 4 laser interceptor receivers to block that BS POP mode. I currently have a K40 intergraded radar detector that I plan on getting rid of. To many false alarms I just turn the thing off all the time.

Contact:@ 602-370-6885 for US distribution per there website? haven't tried to contact them yet.

In action=> 96% effective looks like a sweet setup

Some testing results complements the guys @ LIDAR
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Jason this probably doesn't apply to you since you live in Canada.

Anyone in the US that is considering the purchase of a "jammer" should be aware of your state laws reguarding the use of such devices. Some states have started re-writing the jammer laws to replace "radar jammer" with "all jammers".

A little more info in this thread.
interesting thread. There is a lot of debate about the issue. The hope is not a lot of people buy them, so they remain 'under the radar' so to speak to the government. Hopefully, they do not enact laws every where.

I have yet to see a statute in Alberta, but if I was someone using one in a state where it was illegal, I would do what I used to do in Ontario (where radar detectors are illegal)....carry a second cheap one. If you get pulled over, you can give the policeman the cheap one, that way it only costs you the fine +$100
but my understanding is that these things are also functional parking sensors and they can be turned off when you want your speed to be clocked, thereby decreasing suspician.

Word is that the guys of lidar test had a unit with way more diodes than production.
leave it on when your going 10-12 over, because that would be more common right? leave it off when you are going 20 over and be smart enough to be on a deserted road, not a FWY or Hwy. Thats what I would Do. 60 or 70 is just Ignorant now days, this isnt the 1950's cars stop faster then they used to.
Those interested in purchasing at a discounted price take a look here:
I am hosting a GB on it so price is $440 a unit.

I'd like to get in on this group buy and hope that a NSXer from PRIME who is local to you will step up and handle a group buy within a group buy.

I would do it, but Im in Canada and customs wise it could be tricky as the units would pass through twice
Hey its up to you guys as you can just sign up on that forum if you want. Just register on the mazda6club forum and send me your info. I was just posted here cause I saw this topic and figured if you were interested Id like you all to be able to take advantage as people from all other boards have come over as well you can see...hey if you want Id trade you a system for your car! ha just kidding. Always been one of my favorite cars.
I signed up...hopefully elvis and his product is legit. Is he still taking cash/certified cheque only?
I signed up...hopefully elvis and his product is legit. Is he still taking cash/certified cheque only?

I would be very weary about something like this I think if i decide to get it I will buy from the manufacturer. I would rather spend the extra cash to be 100% certain that i don't get screwed - *note I'm not saying this is the case :smile:
I would be very weary about something like this I think if i decide to get it I will buy from the manufacturer. I would rather spend the extra cash to be 100% certain that i don't get screwed - *note I'm not saying this is the case :smile:

Chuck, you don't need this because you don't speed!!!:biggrin:
Chuck, you don't need this because you don't speed!!!:biggrin:

Right........actually my licence will be clear of points as of April 15th of this year for the first time since getting my licence:biggrin:. I have bought quiet a few squad cars with my long driving record. Its all that dam bikes fault its just so tempting:rolleyes:
hope you're kidding...

Why would I be kidding about laws that were implemented in the 70s to conserve fuel, then never lifted after the fuel crisis because governments had come to depend on the revenue they created?

Speed limits haven't been about safety since 1973.
We are having a fuel shortage in Edmonton, Is it the 70's again, gee whiz....
The laws are for revenue, not safety. :)

If they were really for safety, the fine for speeding would be so high people would not speed. $10 000 would probably do it... or like a country in scndanavia(dont remember which) which takes a percentage of your income.
Slurp, with that Jammer, your coming down to Kelowna with MaximumY and Sin and me.
Percentage of my Income, Do you realize how much money that is, cheezzee!
My plan is to pick up my car in vancouver on the Friday of the may long weekend, drive thru seattle(that was the trade off for the wife) and head to Penticton/summerland on sunday to meet up with you guys.