Kill Bill Kicks Ass (literally)

i saw kill bill on tuesday, evidently the japanese version (which i saw) is slightly more violent as Tarantino said; they accept violence easier. Anyone know if this is true? The violent edition not the quote.

a mate of mine into Japanese flicks was really disappointed with Kill Bill... he said it shamelessly ripped all the best bits of Japanese manga! i haven't seen it; maybe someone would confirm.

Im into manga too, neo and the quality in this film was awful. I was hoping in the vain of Blood: the last vampire, or Lain.

Otherwise the film seemed to be a montage of Tarantino's favourite memories of watching films when he was a youngin' (i know thats what he intended) I just expected a little more. I'm starting to get annoyed at this 'release half a film trend' lately. Yes its difficult with lord of the ringish type epics, but still......
this movie is the one you need to see in the theatre..

very nice.
I saw Kill Bill last night -- I thought "why avoid a good film simply coz it has Lucy Liu in it. Screw fear." So i went.

It was pretty good. So much blood!!! :D
My friend and I couldn't help but laugh at all the spurting blood, which annoyed some nearby people. But it was sooooooo overdone! i loved it. i especially loved all the injured guys lying on the restaurant floor... heheh.... sick humour....

I was hoping Mr.Wolf was going to drive in towards the end and finish off Lucy Liu... it would have been a lovely ending. :D

Does Kill Bill have any censoring of words?

When i saw it at the cinema, in the fight scene between two chicks and her daughter arrives home, she introduces her name but there was a censored "BEEP" ... this happens twice, yet in scenes after that they are throwing around the F-word and all kinds of colourful language. :confused:

Now i want to know what she said! :D
i think it may have something to do with not revealing her code-name yet? Or its integral to the story line that we dont find out her name until later.:confused: