Just saw TransFormers

11 August 2005
Central Jersey
Being a HUGE transformers fan when i was a kid, I WAS DYING to see this movie...

So i just saw it..... ONE OF THE BEST FRIGGIN MOVIES EVER!!!

haha... like so much so all i wanna do is sit next to my car and just tell her to transform...

"come on do it,,, you could do it, .. transform... for mee.. come on... please... i know you can do it" ..

hahaha LOL

For a crazy sci fi kick... two thumbs up!!
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I can't say I was impressed with it. I think it had potential but failed to exceed expectation.
Ha! I saw it the Thursday before at Hasbro!

<- Biggest TF Collector on Prime...NSX Prime, Optimus Prime...hmm.
I only liked the movie (not loved it) because it was "transformers"... i had the toys and i loved it as a kid.

the story plot was week.. the film editing was not smooth (scenes, not the actual visual editing)... acting was generally week and not believable.

i needed more robots and less teenage hormones.
I went to the priemere of this movie and the reception for was great. I myself was never a big fan of the cartoon but thought the movie was still easy to follow and pretty funny. Overall I liked this movie I go to alot of movie preimere's its great to see them before they come out especially big movie like this one. This is one of my favorites this year.
As a 19 year old who grew up with the toys and the cartoon, but not when i was old enough to really become part of the cult following, i thought the movie was spectacular. For what it was, Michael Bay included a rediculous amount of CGI and battle scenes and a decent amount of plot and character development. The house scene was too funny. I walked away with a smile that lasted the rest of the night, I dont think people should be too critical, its just like Die hard 4, its a good action movie where the plot explains some stuff, and then u wait to see the cool looking explosions.

Too bad GM got the deal for most of the cars in the movie....transformer NSX woulda been kinda sweet.

-Josh Offsie
I haven't seen it yet. I have heard great things about the movie, but probably have heard just as many negative reviews.

Is it as corny and cheesy as people have said?