Just drove an NSX for the 1rst time!

12 April 2007
As the title says, 91 5 speed for sale here (I am not ready to buy an NSX though and this one is not in good enough shape) but I wanted to drive one just to experience it. I have been on the board for a little while cause I love the NSX and will def. buy one within a year or 2. Anyways the drive was .... orgasmic!

Manage to get on the onrap in 1rst, I tap it almost to the redline in 1rst, 2nd and 3rd(by this time I'm going so fast so I slow down) but wow! the sound, the feeling in curves too.

I love it,

As the title says, 91 5 speed for sale here (I am not ready to buy an NSX though and this one is not in good enough shape) but I wanted to drive one just to experience it. I have been on the board for a little while cause I love the NSX and will def. buy one within a year or 2. Anyways the drive was .... orgasmic!

Manage to get on the onrap in 1rst, I tap it almost to the redline in 1rst, 2nd and 3rd(by this time I'm going so fast so I slow down) but wow! the sound, the feeling in curves too.

I love it,


So you wasted the sellers time just to go on a joy ride. Next time just go to a Checy dealer and take a Vette for a spin.
Actually, if it would have been a good deal I would have tried to buy it, but too expensive and not in great shape!
Alright, thanks for turning this post into a protection for the seller. Poor poor seller, he works for a used car dealership and had to go for a ride in an NSX, yeah I have so much pity.... secondly I am not ready to buy an NSX but if the deal would have been right(price and condition) I would have made things happen. But im in no rush. Now enough with the seller protection police! I must admit that 2 replies that have nothing to do with my trial of the car and rather of the time, pity and what not of the seller is annoying. Keep it to yourselves please.

Thank you guys.
And I have tried an MKIV but not an FD. The supra is not my cup of tea, but I admit that it is a beast!
Then like the Doc. said, don't go around wasting sellers time for a joyride!

another one agreeing with Doc and Greg.
I'm kinda glad you posted this though. That way when you go look for another car and post the VIN or ask questions, the seller will have a good idea of what to expect from you.
At least for a year or two until you are ready to buy.:rolleyes:
Hey man, I'm glad u had a "orgasmic" time with the car. I just bought my first NSX sight unseen, and I still have to wait about two weeks before she'll be delivered.

Chris from Tacoma
If this was at a used car dealer than I see NO problems with this guy taking for a ride. He has to know what a good and bad example drives like, right???
I agree, private seller, don't drive unless you want to buy. Car lot... Why not take a trip? I've taken many a test drive in cars I had no intent to buy. Even ended up buying one. Also ended up using another dealer for service b/c the let me test drive a car they KNEW I wasn't going to buy. They were super great guys, and took great care of the car I bought elsewhere.
I hate people who waste others time. When you are paid on commission you understand.
I agree, private seller, don't drive unless you want to buy. Car lot... Why not take a trip? I've taken many a test drive in cars I had no intent to buy. Even ended up buying one. Also ended up using another dealer for service b/c the let me test drive a car they KNEW I wasn't going to buy. They were super great guys, and took great care of the car I bought elsewhere.
only if it's a dealership, they even sometimes offer stuff like free shirts and movie passes for test driving their current promotion vehicle. anyways glad you enjoyed the ride hopefully you decide to pick one up. good idea to pass if it was a clunker.
I hate people who waste others time. When you are paid on commission you understand.

Mitch, I am in sales. I get paid on commission. Have been for the last 15 years. I know some people are out for a test drive. The thing is, even though they don't buy TODAY they might in the future.
Geez guys, cut the poor guy some slack! I don't see anything in the original post that warrants such flaming. You don't know the circumstances of his test drive but you sure are making some ludicrous assumptions about the guy's character.

If he said he was a habitual test driver, taking numerous NSXs out with no intent on purchase, then I could see your responses as valid. But this was his first time in an NSX. Perhaps the salesman was having a boring day and said what the hell, let's go for a drive.

Hey nray, welcome to the forum (I think).
Geez guys, cut the poor guy some slack! I don't see anything in the original post that warrants such flaming. You don't know the circumstances of his test drive but you sure are making some ludicrous assumptions about the guy's character.

If he said he was a habitual test driver, taking numerous NSXs out with no intent on purchase, then I could see your responses as valid. But this was his first time in an NSX. Perhaps the salesman was having a boring day and said what the hell, let's go for a drive.

Hey nray, welcome to the forum (I think).

Private seller - big no-no IMO. Who has the time to waste on a tire-kicker? Especially someone who redlines first, second, and third gear (how fast is that anyway?).

Dealer - ok, if it's a slow day. These guys need to make a living, so entertaining a tire-kicker could mean passing up a potential sale. I dont see the point in test driving unless you're ready to buy though. Something else might catch your eye between now and the time when you're ready to purchase.

Am I the only one who has a crummy job that makes it nearly impossible to even get to a dealer on the weekdays, and leaves me busy with yard/housework over the weekend?

Salesmen who go out on test drives without requiring a deposit etc know they will get some tire kickers.

But a good salesman and a good car might just convert some of the tire kickers into customers.

By going for a spin with the OP, the salesman established a relationship with a potential customer, and made him committed to buying a NSX in the near future.

Mitch I own/run a small business so I also get paid solely based on sales performance. Yet I'm happy to assist people with enquiries because when I do that well, sometimes they come back as customers. How is this any different?
The premise here is that the OP can't even afford nor is prepared to be looking for an NSX yet felt compelled to redline a car someone will eventually buy. Way to go buddy...sort of like people who are in such a hurry to work that they break the law and endanger everyone else in order to do so - why?

Let me guess the OP wasn't on a track when he brilliantly red lined the NSX up to what 3rd? We all know how fast that is...

I'm siding with Meeyatch and in my opinion karma has a funny way of rearing its head.