july gtg!!!!

if Patrick can't then I will...not to worry Mister Tommy...we take care of it...you want the bbq grill near the Blair Witch Project site right?:D
she only likes Ferraris & HREs

Those are not HREs.....they are Simmons.

Oh yeah, how does everyone like my new avatar???

The wheels are beautiful.
is this a strictly nsx thing or can I tell some of the s2k people about it? if it's just nsx, it's all good. I just want to make sure I don't invite if you guys/gals want to keep it to a smaller size.

football anyone?


AndyVecsey said:
she only likes Ferraris & HREs

Those are not HREs.....they are Simmons.
hmmm, uhh I never stated those are HRE's... You could've also implied that I thought the red NSX was a Ferrari.

Anywayz, she told me in a past convo' that she likes HRE's only... (also Giovanni's)
Hey guys, I know I suggested Bear Creek park but I drove by today, and it was a lake. The past few weeks of rain have reaked havoc on the grounds. I called the constables office and they said that it should be cleared up by the 11th but Im kinda sceptical. If by chance the grounds are still a mess, anyone got any ideas??? How about getting together to play some B-ball and a BBQ at a neighborhood park or something? I dunno, lets start getting some ideas. Tommy, Paul, Z, Ricky, Tom, Nick, what do you guys think?

I found a great place the other day. It’s George Bush Park down Westheimer Parkway across from RSI and behind the West Oaks Best Buy. I was on my way to the Shooting Range and noticed they have lots of room. Great parking, nice scenery, and a huge roof over us. Like a huge Pavilion for all to share.

If you guys like, a few of us could meet at the Westheimer/Hwy 6 Starbucks like we have before, and we could drive by there and see what you all think. It's just down the road.

Let me know...it's just a thought and I'm always open to other options.
- Z

i think that's great! we can meet up and head there together! i am thinking we hang out alittle with some light snack, afterward we all can head to post oak CPK for some nice pizza!!
Nick, how do you like your exhaust?
Damn Z I totally forgot about that place. Good call, that would be perfect!!! Sounds good to me. Do you guys want to go out for pizza or BBQ. Makes no difference to me, as long as I'm eating, I'm a happy camper! :D :D :D

Oh yeah, what kind of exhaust did you put on Nick???
that sounds like a plan to me...bear creek is over-rated...cpk sounds good or kfc...heck i go for tgif or mcD..

so bummed..my computer crashed with a hostile virus trying to extort money to buy there security software or they just keep bombarding me w/ kiddy porn sites...

need to find windows xp to format my c drive..
anyone got a right angle drill btw? -for something else

i am currently on my wife's pentium 2 laptop..it sux


you are kidding me, ricky? i can't believe this happening to you!
i warned you about down loading porn! :D
just kidding! hope you can get it fix asap!!
Tommy, you of all people, should know that Dr. Phil suggests 2 healthy servings of porn each day as a daily requirement..

wooohoooo....no more weekends of work for Mr. Tommy!!!!
Lorne Michaels said take the weekend off...:D

no wonder you never get sick, you such a heathy ox!! so two time a day? i need to try that!! find your wheel yet? i know you have been thinking and looking!!
i am glad you finally thinking about getting wheel! so what change your mind? for a long while you told me you not gonna get wheel. see you are Wheelman, you must have wheel!!! there's no man without the wheel!!;)
remember the spoon is not real...
we must let go of worldly things to obtain the unobtainable..

to question the man behind the wheel is like having a storm without a rider...

hey if we keep going then I can hit the 100 mark on posts!!;)