july gtg!!!!

21 October 2001
Katy, TX.
okay guys! time to think about our next gtg, how about the weekend of july 4th sounds? or the weekend after? let me know if any of you have any suggestion! details will follow!!
wuss up bro? blue angle is good! how about your low and fast? can't wait to see your new and improve engine cover! hey, bring your girl with you next gtg! bbq is a great idea but may be too hot, we need a place have tent or cover!

so which weekend is good for your guys? please reply here!!
I know bear creek park has pavilians, but it may be kinda hot huh? I guess we will kick around a few idea over the next few weeks. Lo n fast is good but shes gonna take a break for the next few days, I got some thing to do to her. Ill see if my girl will join us as well. I think she will enjoy it. Well everyone, lets here some ideas!!!!

hi guys...wife is trying to get us to go back to Virginia that weekend but I am fighting it...we should definietly do something.. maybe try to reserve Pavillion at Bear Creek? or go to Moody Gardens? Install Party and order a bunch of pizzas and knock back some cold ones?:D
more on the next gtg!

ok, guys! Paul aka "nsx yoda", suggest we do our gtg things the weekend of 6-27th, 7-10th or 11th instead! he thinks the cops and the traffics will be pretty bad on the 7-4th weekend, which i agree!
please let me know which weekend will work better for you guys! so we can plan ahead accordingly!! i am looking forward seeing all of my bros and their "PIMP TIGHT" NSX on our next gtg!!
Damn pigs, I hate them...the fuzz is all over the place...
take away their badge, gun, and NSX and they are nothing!!!!
hahahah! stop it wheelman! i am gonna take away your wheel, so you can't be the wheelman any more!! so which weekend works better for you bro?
I’m along for the ride this time, no planning on my part. I’m going to sit back and relax. Let me know when and where. :cool:
i'm game!!! are you all against having it at someone's house? best place to BBQ. if it gets too hot, just go inside! just an idea. Otherwise, I have NO idea :)
EssTooKayTD said:
i'm game!!! are you all against having it at someone's house? best place to BBQ. if it gets too hot, just go inside! just an idea. Otherwise, I have NO idea :)

Bear creek park is very nice and lot of shades...should be o.k. (i go ride my bike there all the time). How ever, if it gets really really hot...we can all go to your house and have some cold one, how's that? ;) :D
Fastrunner said:
Bear creek park is very nice and lot of shades...should be o.k. (i go ride my bike there all the time). How ever, if it gets really really hot...we can all go to your house and have some cold one, how's that? ;) :D

hey man, I didn't volunteer, but I'm more than happy to host something like this. I love it. Everyone chips in on gettin stuff and we can play poker, video games, watch whatever on TV, shoot the shit, go drive, WHATEVER. if you want to have it at my place, I'll just clear it with division (fiance') hahaha :)

I'll even invite the s2k guys/gals out. Just say the words.

tom, you sure your driveway can handle all of nsx, and s2k all at the same time? where do we gonna park? :D
i am thinking the gtg will be in july 10th or the 11th. more details follow!
stormrider said:
tom, you sure your driveway can handle all of nsx, and s2k all at the same time? where do we gonna park? :D
i am thinking the gtg will be in july 10th or the 11th. more details follow!

well, the 2 car garage is for my ONE S2000 :D

i can move my extra cars out so 4 nsx's can park on the driveway...front two cars can be low. back two, to be safe, shoud be stock height. then side of the road for the rest who don't give me parking money :D hahahaha

i don't think there will be any worries about your cars, dings, or kids or the like. but hey, that's up to you guys. if you want to do it at someone else's place that may have a longer drive way, all good. I'll ask carmen about july 10 or 11th. we'll see if it's even possible :)
i think we should do the bear creek park or any other park for a bbq or picnic! or what about a lake? anybody knows of near by lake? that should be cool!!
i didn't say tom's house is no good, i just worry about parking! we can do the bbq or picnic thing and head to tom's crib to warm his house up for him!! :)
I guess the plan is for sunday the 11th huh? Sounds good to me. Bear Creek has grills but I think you have to reserve the pavillians. Ill call and check it out, but there is plenty of shade from trees out there. Oh yeah, how does everyone like my new avatar??? Thanks Ojas:D :D :D
damn, all of you guys having such nice avatar! i need to have a done too! can't keep up with you guys!
patrick, need to change his name to nice-n-slow instead!!
by the way can one of you guys help me call to reserve a pavillian?