"JUICED" - New NSX Game Screenshots!

My gamer tag has been JuicedNSX since I joined over a year ago. Forsight, eh?

My gamer tag was akira3d until I decided to cancel my Live subscription (I couldn't justify paying a fee when I have hardly any time to play games). Too bad too, because I never got to play PGR2 online. And, even worse, I won't be able to claim akira3d whenever I sign back on! Gotta love Micro$oft.

There's a new 2 minute movie showing gameplay. While GT4-purists will find things wrong with it, it shows cars doing stuff you can't do in other games -- such as a full 360, and my favourite -- driving, doing a 180 (into reverse) then another 180 so you go straight again! Just like the movie "Cobra"!!! :D AWESOME!

YES, this features the NSX... you can see them a few times but there's no close-ups.

Other points of interest are the garage (you can fully customize your car; lower it, paintjob, stickers, and neons) and the cars take damage. Actually the damage models looks quick complex -- bits of the front bumper dragging along and stuff. Actually, if you look at the very first photo of a silver NSX (top post) you'll notice it's taken damage to the front.

Enough of my rambling; this looks like this is going to be a fun game!!!

Get the video yourself from a mirror site here:

<FONT SIZE=3><B>http://www.3dgamers.com/dl/games/juiced/juiced_large.zip.html</B></FONT> (21MBytes, MPEG)
What a let down. The demo is awful. The engine noise is horrible. Worst of all, I couldn't even quit the damn thing. Quit was not an option. I had to alt-tab out and kill it.
yeah, i guess they thought the game was so good nobody would want to quit. :rolleyes:

I'm a bit disappointed too. Some of the graphics are a little choppy. I'm wondering if this should have been called a "beta" instead of a demo. :( i'll wait until the retail is released before passing judgement on this game.

The Supra drives like a brick; it just wanted to do donuts all the time. The other cars drive fine.

i tried smacking up my car; and the panels just stayed on! amazing! :p

But on the bright side, I think the graphics are better than the screenshots we've been looking at, and gameplay could be fun multiplayer with the NSX. We could have nsxprime-races online! :cool: