joke: close shave

29 June 2004
I saw another member posting a thread with a joke, so
I wanted to share a joke with you guys.
You might find it little gross though. just a heads up.

A slight man went to a barber shop, and wanted to get a hair cut and a shave.
After he got his hair cut, and just as the barber mixes shaving cream, the man complains about how he can not ever have close clean shave, because his cheeks don't protrude outward enough.
The barber hears this and brings out a small sphear(ball) and tells the man to keep it between the wall of his mouth and the teeth.

The shave was the closest and the cleanest the man had ever gotten, and he was so pleased that he sprang up from the chair and almost chocked on the ball he had in his mouth.
The man thanks the barber and says "hey, I almost swallowed the ball , "

To this, the barber goes " it's OK ..
, you would just have to bring it back like everybody else does."