Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

NsXMas said:
I'd like to sign up.

Are there any penalties if I have to cancel?

My schedule is pretty flexible, but there could be last minute stuff that comes up for work.

If we have 12 people and you are one of them, they'll reserve the day for us. If we don't have payment for 12 people, it may not be good. If we have more than 12, then one less is OK.

Now if we don't have 12 people, then one less person doesn't make a difference because they'll open the class to anyone.

So if I were you, I wouldn't sweat it.
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

Ok, now we separate the real men from the posers :wink:

You can now call Jim Hall and pay them directly for the class. Their number is (805)654-1329. They will ask for your name, age, height, weight and zodiac sign.
Be sure to specify March 23rd and that you are with the NSX group and it's on like donkey kong!

1. CDub - Chris
2. icefire - Jerry
3. awsomr1 - James
4. coolnsx - Gil
5. tbnsx - Troy
6. ss_md - Scott
8. DaveG - Dave
9. Ryan H.
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

PAID :biggrin:
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

Ok, I have been given some new guidelines that Jim Hall has asked me to relay to everyone.

We need at least 12 people to pay in full by Feb 23rd or the group event will be in jeopardy of being rescheduled to another day. If someone and or another group calls and wants March 23rd, then we will have first right of refusal. If this happens, we will need to pay up front the full amount for 12 to guarantee our exclusivity for that day, unless we have at least 12 payed.

1. CDub - Chris
2. icefire - Jerry
3. awsomr1 - James
4. coolnsx - Gil PAID
5. tbnsx - Troy
6. ss_md - Scott
8. DaveG - Dave
9. Ryan H
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

I am Pre-Paid all the way.


1. CDub - Chris
2. icefire - Jerry
3. awsomr1 - James
4. coolnsx - Gil PAID
5. tbnsx - Troy
6. ss_md - Scott
8. DaveG - Dave PAID
9. Ryan H
Sorry but I'm out. Actually do have to put work before play this time. :smile:

1. CDub - Chris
<strike>2. icefire - Jerry</strike>
3. awsomr1 - James
4. coolnsx - Gil PAID
5. tbnsx - Troy
6. ss_md - Scott
8. DaveG - Dave PAID
9. Ryan H
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

I think I need to start charging the non-members for the use of the "Prepaid" term.

Hmmm...enough royalties collected to pay for fun events.......:rolleyes:

NsXMas said:
I spoke to TBNSX today. If TBNSX confirms (by early next week), then I'll also confirm, and be PRE-PAID!!! :D :D
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

We need at least 12 people to pay in full by Thursday, Feb 23rd

We are good to go if we all pay before the deadline. :biggrin:

1. coolnsx - Gil PAID
2. DaveG - Dave PAID
3. Rod - PAID
5. CDub - Chris Cloning himself
6. awsomr1 - James Paying on Tuesday
7. tbnsx - Troy Will decide this weekend
8. NSXMAS - Frank Only goes with Troy
9. ss_md - Scott Still waiting for a hall pass
10. Ryan H Anyone heard from Ryan?
11. Leonard Stern Will know Saturday
12. Lloyd Wright Will know Saturday
13. SexyRed - Danny You need this Danny
14. George Schultz - Will go if Danny goes
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

I did this a year ago. Much fun, you will learn alot and become a better driver from the sessions. I remember after the classes driving home, all I saw were driving lines all the way home. It was cool!

BTW, out of 17 students that day, my cousin and I finished 1 & 2. Cousin 2nd, me 1st. :tongue: You'll get a certificate with your best time on it for record keeping and braggin rights.
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

Simons2k said:
I did this a year ago. Much fun, you will learn alot and become a better driver from the sessions. I remember after the classes driving home, all I saw were driving lines all the way home. It was cool!

BTW, out of 17 students that day, my cousin and I finished 1 & 2. Cousin 2nd, me 1st. :tongue: You'll get a certificate with your best time on it for record keeping and braggin rights.

Have you seen their new track? Maybe you can come check it out with us?

We are very excited to announce that we are now running classes at our brand new state-of-the-art racing facility in Oxnard, California. The complex features a lengthened track with banking and will have landscaping, a covered dining area, spectator seating, an observation tower and classroom. Karts now reach top speeds even faster than our former track and pull up to 1.4 G's in the corners. :biggrin: :biggrin:
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

Paid today...
Just Paid Today!!! sorry to disappear!

Ryan Hatch
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

NsXMas said:
I spoke to TBNSX today. If TBNSX confirms (by early next week), then I'll also confirm, and be PRE-PAID!!! :D :D

I will be PrePAID by tomorrow :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Update 2/21 9:54am... I am officially PREPAID!
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Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

We are good to go tommorrow!!!!. :biggrin:

1. coolnsx - Gil PAID
2. DaveG - Dave PAID
3. Rod - PAID
4. awsomr1 - James PAID
5. Ryan H PAID
6. Lloyd Wright PAID
8. tbnsx PAID
9. NSXMAS - Frank Paying tommorrow
10. ss_md - Scott Paying tommorrow
11. Leonard Stern Paying tommorrow
12. Si Paying tommorrow
13. CDub - Chris Cloning himself
14. SexyRed - Danny You need this Danny
15. George Schultz - Will go if Danny goes
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Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

We are good to go tommorrow!!!!. :biggrin:

1. coolnsx - Gil PAID
2. DaveG - Dave PAID
3. Rod - PAID
4. awsomr1 - James PAID
5. Ryan H PAID
6. Lloyd Wright PAID
8. tbnsx PAID
9. NSXMAS - Frank Paying tommorrow
10. ss_md - Scott Paying tommorrow
11. Leonard Stern Paying tommorrow
12. Si Paying tommorrow
13. CDub - Chris PAID
14. SexyRed - Danny You need this Danny
15. George Schultz - Will go if Danny goes

OK, tomorrow was yesterday. I finally got off my lazy procrastinating ass and called Jim. Yes, Jim picked up the phone and took down my info. Jim's a soft spoken nice guy.

So I'm "Prepaid".:wink:
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

We are almost good to go !!!!. :biggrin:

1. coolnsx - Gil PAID
2. DaveG - Dave PAID
3. Rod - PAID
4. awsomr1 - James PAID
5. Ryan H PAID
6. Lloyd Wright PAID
8. tbnsx PAID
9. CDub - Chris PAID
10. NSXMAS - Frank Paying tommorrow
11. ss_md - Scott Paying when Linda lets him
12. Si Paying tommorow
13. SexyRed - Danny You need this Danny
14. George Schultz - Scared of us youngsters
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Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

Where is FuryNSX??
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

Just got confirmation from Nancy from JHK that we have 10 people paid for the event. So I guess we are still 2 people short.

When I asked her about the format of the classes, she told me that they normally split us up into 3 groups of 4 people per group, base on their driving skill. Each group will have the same number of laps regardless the time it takes per group.
Re: Jim Hall Karting School On March 23 - Sick day! Cough, cough, sneeze................

Since we have two openings left I'll contact my waterproofer to fill one space.