It's official: NSteXpo 2007 in Austin!

13 February 2000
Austin, Texas
It's official: NSteXpo 2007 in Austin, but postponed.

<big><b>NSteXpo 2007 will be in Austin!</b></big>

UPDATE 4/27: Due to the number of NSXers who can't make it, we will postpone this. I'll start a poll to see what dates will work best.

UPDATE 5/2: Vote here!

<strike>It is tentatively scheduled for May 11 (Friday) - May 13 (Sunday), with most of the activities on Saturday. More details including schedule, prefered hotel, etc. will follow. Stay tuned. ;)</strike>
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<big><b>NSteXpo 2007 will be in Austin!</b></big>

It is tentatively scheduled for May 11 (Friday) - May 13 (Sunday), with most of the activities on Saturday. More details including schedule, prefered hotel, etc. will follow. Stay tuned. ;)

Is this a track event? Car show? (sorry for the stupid question :) ) Anything called NSteXpo has to be good though :)
Im currently in Miss which isn't too far from TX so I was planning on checking this out but I won't be available that weekend either.
Wow, that's a lot of people not in for that weekend. I'm in, but that seems kinda soon(any chance of re-scheduling to accommodate more people?). I guess I need to order some new tires and start installing some of my parts.
I can attend the events Saturday, but will need to leave early Sunday morning to spend Mother’s Day with family.

Well that sux. I wish more people could make it. Hey Ojas is there anyway to take a poll and pick a different wknd. I hate to have only 5 or 6 people show up for NSTEXpo.
Hmm .. just remembered that I have to go to my friend's graduation that sunday ... :-( ... So most likely I'll be there for the friday & saturday events only.

Cheers .. Gus

Due to the number of NSXers who can't make it, we will postpone this. I'll start a poll to see what dates will work best. :)
Man you guys that are voting for July and August are killing me. I guess I'm the only one that thinks it's a little hot out to be standing around kickin' it in a parking lot in July or August. :confused:

I will attend no matter when it is as long as my schedule allows, but I did vote for October hoping that it is not so hot out. :cool:
Tempting...very tempting. I'll check back to this thread when a date is finalized.
I agree with Paul.

Standing around outside in the middle of July doesn't sound too appetizing to me.

But if the majority rules, I will do my best to make the date.
I agree with Paul.

Standing around outside in the middle of July doesn't sound too appetizing to me.

I don't know about you guys, but I really need a tan anyways...., so I'll be there, any date! Picka date, I'm there! :biggrin: