Is it worth buying an NSX

30 October 2005
Hey all. I know most of you are gonna think this is a stupid question but hear me out.

ive loved exotic supercars my whole life, and in the last few years ive had some fast sports cars... but in a years time i will have the finances to afford an NSX which is one car ive always loved... Ive looked at lots of pictures, read lots of articles, pro's cons... the lot.. and ive come accross lots of mixed comments.

more than once i have read stats of 0-100kph (62mph) of 7seconds. which isnt exactly that fast. I know the point of the car is focused more to track ect... but if 7 seconds is accurate, thats pretty slow. someone tell me thats wrong.

i spose the thing i wanna know is does the car still hold its own on the road... obviously its got the looks but in stock form, can it keep up with the cars of today?
Previously ive owned a 20b twinturbo eunos cosmo, which was a pretty quick car, but there were many faster cars on the road.
i dont expect a 10+ year old car to still be one of the fastest on the road when it wasnt the fastest to start with...but...

but the question, as much as you love the nsx.... is it worth the money, is it worth the expensive running costs? or do you think a newer car for the same money would be a better buy?
Im in australia and nsx prices start from 50k up to about 80k which is a lot of money...

tell me your thoughts... convince me.. but be honest.
The speed depends on if you're looking at a 15 year old one, or a newer one. The newer(97+) ones do 0-60 in 4.5 seconds and the 1/4 in 12.9. Theres not too many cars faster in stock form...
Even the early NA1 Coupe is capable of a low 5 second 0-60 time and a mid-thirteen second quarter mile.
Disregard the specification!! Don't make comparisons based on advertised HP and power to weight ratios. Get a ride in an NSX and then compare it to the baseline car/cars you are familiar with. I have found for me its about "Overall Balance" not just "one" performance criteria. I have owned cars that are faster in straight line acceleration but the NSX is much faster overall; It has a higher top speed and can get through the corners with precision and confidence.:cool:

In fact when driving with a group of NSXs, an interesting thing consistently occurs, as we come upon warning signs for difficult curves in the road, we all increase our speed instead of slowing down. With an NSX, curves in the road become the joy of driving rather than being difficulty's to be cautiously negotiated. :biggrin:

Best of luck in your search; just remember its your search and in the end your car. Only you will know which car will fill your unique driving needs and wants in the real world; this can't be experienced on a specification sheet.:biggrin:

The simple answer is if you want one buy one. Some 4 years ago I was looking for a fun car to drive in the summer and work on for fun. I first thought of a new S2000 but as soon as I found one to sit in that idea was over. 6' 3" does not do a S2000. My co-workers were saying get a Corvette, yes I am a skilled trade’s person in Milwaukee so that was not a surprising recommendation and I know I could spend lots of time working on a Corvette. I went on EBay and saw there were at least 300 Corvettes for sale then I looked at NSX's and there were 13 for sale. That made my decision for me and I could not be happier. I drive my NSX a few thousand miles a year, spend some time working on it and the other owners I have met all been great.
7.0 second 0-60 time?...maybe if you had a 400lb passenger and A trunk packed with beer kegs.....the generally accepted 0-60 time for the original NSX is 5.2 seconds...but who really cares..the car is tight/quiet and loves the twistys...and it's a Honda! yes the maintenance costs are more than other Hondas but nowhere near the cost of owning a Ferrari or Porsche.
I have a 94 coupe that went on a nice diet and weighs just under 2900 lbs.
On a good day sub 5 sec. to 60 is no problem. But that is not the point of the NSX. If 0-60 is your concern a Subaru WRX sti or a Mitsu EVO would be your ticket and those cars also possess some great handling capabilities.

You buy the NSX for several reasons. Some are:

- Honda Racing heritage
-Honda build quality------> Reliability
-Exotic good looks
-Hand built all aluminum body, suspension, seat frame etc. etc.
-Impressive performance and handling
-Mid engine layout with wonderful music just behind your ears

The pride of owning an automobile that has been heralded as the best ever sports car ever built. That was a few years ago. Many cars are faster, more powerful, even better handling but the NSX still provides a complete and persuasive package in a design that is a bull's eye. And as they say, a thing of beauty is a joy for ever:smile:
How does the saying go? "Straight lines are for fast cars. Curves are for fast drivers."

I don't have an NSX (YET!) but I have had it's cousin for lack of better terms for 5 1/2 years (S2000). I almost got rid of it a little over a year ago until a friend convinced me to take it to the track. He's had quite a bit of track experience over the past 12 years in various Honda's and a Vette. He told me, take it out there, you, even though you are new to the track will eat up Vettes, Vipers, you name it. Well, he ate them up (he also has an S) and I made a decent showing for my virgin self (I did pass the Vette!).

Point being is that cars like the S and definitely the NSX offer a lot in a straight line but man o' man when you see a curve, an off ramp, whatever, that's the fun.

Another saying, "Fun isn't around the corner. It is the corner."
I think even the Automatic's are faster than 7.0 to 60. The general accepted range of 0-60 for a NA1 car (5 speed) is 4.9-5.4 seconds and the NA2 (6 speed) is 4.5-5.1 seconds. That said, if 0-60 is all you care about, you would be better off with a Holden Monaro or similar saloon.
dont get confused and think i am centred on 0-100kph times. i was just asking. while handeling, braking and looks are most important, i still enjoy a fast accelerating car.

"convince me"
This tells me all I need to know! You are not really interested in the NSX...

if i wasnt interested in the car i wouldnt bother asking questions. i dont need convincing to make a decision, i just wanted to hear from owners their opinions on why to buy the car.

and that said... what dont you like about the car, the things that turn you off slighly... or just annoy you.
dkabab said:
dont get confused and think i am centred on 0-100kph times. i was just asking. while handeling, braking and looks are most important, i still enjoy a fast accelerating car.

"convince me"
This tells me all I need to know! You are not really interested in the NSX...

if i wasnt interested in the car i wouldnt bother asking questions. i dont need convincing to make a decision, i just wanted to hear from owners their opinions on why to buy the car.

and that said... what dont you like about the car, the things that turn you off slighly... or just annoy you.

i love the daily drivability, exotic looks, efficiency, balance, formula1 heritage, basically the whole package. as far as my dislikes/annoyances ,.................parking, parking, parking, and occasional unwanted attention.

the car is a jem, it deserves to be pampered, preserved, admired, and stored away from harm. but thats not its purpose. its meant to be driven and enjoyed every chance you get. (lifes too short) Having an NSX is like having a low maintenance hot chick, easy going, and leaves you wanting more after every ride. having an exotic supercar to drive daily makes life more enjoyable, and problems seem smaller when you drive. :smile:
dkabab said:
and that said... what dont you like about the car, the things that turn you off slighly... or just annoy you.

I have trouble parking the car in areas where I can't watch it. I can't visit my friends and leave the car outside parked on the street for a couple of hours... Don't think anyone would steel it, but just not comfortable leaving it alone when it's not home in the garage...

That's the only annoying part.
dkabab said:
more than once i have read stats of 0-100kph (62mph) of 7seconds. which isnt exactly that fast. I know the point of the car is focused more to track ect... but if 7 seconds is accurate, thats pretty slow. someone tell me thats wrong.

Were you looking into an auto. There is no way my car deos 7 seconds even with an inexperience driver. Most 7 sec car to 62mph can not spin 2nd gear while shifting.
I think the reason a few of us are being a little negative is that we have many people who come in to the forums, try to ask questions aimed at "dissing" the car and our choice to own one (all while acting as if they are interested in one). No harm intended towards you if you are actually interested in the car. It's no different than the F-chat guys get about the idiotic prices for service and parts, the Elise guys get about reliability and day-to-day livability, etc. Every car has faults, and with the NSX people seem to think it is that since it will not turn 9's in the 1/4 it is an overpriced, outdated shitbox. We like to fool ourselves into thinking otherwise.:wink:
enesexdreamer said:
Having an NSX is like having a low maintenance hot chick, easy going, and leaves you wanting more after every ride. having an exotic supercar to drive daily makes life more enjoyable, and problems seem smaller when you drive. :smile:

Couldn't agree more. My only complaints are parking worries and no interior storage (but I think there are some cheap ways to solve that). Radio kinda sucks too and is expensive to upgrade. And if you don't want excessive looks, just don't get a bright color. And depreciation is nonexistant on early 90's, 97-99s, and 02-03s. It's like the old Prelude ad "You'll never have your pizzas delivered again."
NsXMas said:
Let me ask you something...

Is it worth it to have sex?

And I'm 100% serious.

If you're in Aussie land talk to NeoNSX.

While on that topic, I see the NSX as an attractive woman that's down-to-earth - a keeper for sure! You could get a knock-out (F-car) that'll turn heads everywhere, but she will likely be high maintenance and leave you with an empty wallet. Some people prefer to get an ugly woman and put her under extensive surgery to try to make her look pretty, but in the end, it's still the same ugly woman. If this doesn't make sense, my apologies - I've ben out in the sun for the past four hours doing yard work on a holiday.

I'm pretty new to these boards, but these questions are getting annoying. Why do people want us to convince them to purchase an NSX? Do we get a prize for doing so? When I went to buy an NSX, it was a no-brainer. Like you, always loved them so I bought it when the opportunity came along. Operating costs are not that bad, especially if you compare it to cars in its class. If you're looking for something really fast, you should look into another car.
This may seem a little off topic but bear with me.
When I was a young man many moons ago I had a friend and we will call him Fred to protect his identity. Fred had a car that would do 0 to 60 in about 13 seconds and had a top speed of around 95 mph. It was an Austin Mini that was lightly tweaked and was running 165 70 10 on 5.5 inch wide wheels. It had a 3 point harness and a competition seat and a roll cage. The suspension was not stock.
Fred would go out at 3 am in the morning and drive on b roads and on a roundabout near his home that was ¼ mile circumference with 4 corners that was 4 lanes wide until he ran low on petrol. Fred had a stop watch that he would use to time various point a to point b routes that were in the 10 mile range.
Fred drove like he was on a race track most of the time even when he was on a public highway in traffic. Fred managed to evade perusing police cars on more than one occasion and once got away from a top of the line pursuit car. He also got caught more than once too.
Very few people would ride with Fred more than once. When people did ride with Fred nobody ever asked Fred to drive a little faster. Most people asked Fred to slow down and some asked him to pull over so they could get out.
Do you think that if you were in that car with Fred, that could only do 0 to 60 in 13 seconds and 95 mph that you would ask him to speed up?
My point is that since the advent of radial tires, virtually every car on the road is quick enough to get you killed real fast.
And you are asking us if an NSX is quick enough. What are you, FRIKING CRAZY?

Oh BTW the best way to see if you like the NSX is to take it for a nice long test drive. Only you can decide if it’s for you.


thanx for the replys guys. sorry if my thread is all too similar to other people new to the forum but it was an honest question.

all i was after was owners honest points and views on owning an NSX. ive owned a few cars in the past and whilst i loved them to death... some i regret buying, and looking back i can think to myself, that wasnt really worth the time and hassle. dont think im negative towards the nsx in anyway, or the owners, i hope you understand what im trying to ask.
dkabab said:
thanx for the replys guys. sorry if my thread is all too similar to other people new to the forum but it was an honest question.

all i was after was owners honest points and views on owning an NSX. ive owned a few cars in the past and whilst i loved them to death... some i regret buying, and looking back i can think to myself, that wasnt really worth the time and hassle. dont think im negative towards the nsx in anyway, or the owners, i hope you understand what im trying to ask.

I can not speak fotr everyone, but I think I understand, and will be happy to help in any way I can. Again, you have to understand we have been "dicked around" so many times by trolls, we are all a little tired of them, and when a sincere post is made, some of us (including me) can be quick to assume the trolls are back.:rolleyes:
dkabab said:
ive owned a few cars in the past and whilst i loved them to death... some i regret buying, and looking back i can think to myself, that wasnt really worth the time and hassle.

If you buy an NSX the only regret you will have is not buying one sooner . . .
I had plenty of choices besides the NSX and ended up buying one of the last 05s. For the first time in a long time I cannot think of another car I want over this one........Steve