iPhone 5

Am I the only one here who doesn't need or require a smart phone?

I have an old LG Envy 3 without a data plan. :smile:

I spend enough time on a computer at work so I have no desire to play on the internet with my phone. Plus the data packages can really add up with a family of 5. I have VZ because of their super signal where we live and also at the river.

My wife has the I-phone 4 and she loves it but I find it kind of annoying that she feels the need to keep up with her FB messages and emails 24/7. AT first she spent a lot of time with games, but that seems to be waning.

I may eventually upgrade to a 4S now that the price will be lower. I just hate thinking about another 30 bucks a month down the toilet.
You're probably not the only one, but you do understand for some people they are invaluable, right?

With my Android phone, I can quite literally do my entire job from anywhere in the world. That gives me a lot of freedom. I never have to miss one of my kid's activities because there's work to be done.

Right. Some friends and I were talking about this the other day. We probably use our smart phones now more than our car or anything else. I find myself using my phone more than an actual computer anymore. It's a pretty important device in my life between work, social and home.
Right. Some friends and I were talking about this the other day. We probably use our smart phones now more than our car or anything else. I find myself using my phone more than an actual computer anymore. It's a pretty important device in my life between work, social and home.

+1 I use my phone way more than my laptop or computer
The thing is that the iPhone is what the cool kids have and is way more intuitive. My wife and her friends who went to other phones all want back to the iPhone. They just like how easy it is to use. Plus like I was saying I notice that the "cool" kids have it and at the end of the day if it's cool it sells. Look at Ferrari, there are cars half the price that out perform them but we all want one because they are cool. Any one who says they don't want a Ferrari is lying.
I'm most disappointed in the fact they didn't call it the "iPhone 6"
I just wish Apple knew how to count..
I'm most disappointed in the fact they didn't call it the "iPhone 6"
I just wish Apple knew how to count..

My biggest surprise was that it wasn't just "the new iPhone". My MacBook has an internal number of 10, but they don't call it the MacBook 10. None of the other Apple products have numbers, either.
Really? I think it's rad. I plan on using passbook a lot. I will be ordering for my wife and I tonight. Each to their own I guess.
One thing I can say is that every person I personally know who left the iPhone platform for Android has been counting down the months until they can leave it. My sis-in-law, her husband, bro-in-law, cousin, 2 friends and dad all left iphone for andriod and are all going back with this release.
Also a word of caution to those AT&T Unlimited Data holders...


Taken from article:

So the iPhone 5 is coming out. Its LTE data speeds mean you'll stand a much better chance of blowing past your data caps, which in turn means those grandfathered Verizon and AT&T unlimited data plans are more precious than ever. Here's how to make sure you don't lose yours. Don't Order Online

One note before you run off and pre-order tomorrow: Don't. AT&T and Verizon are both notorious for having opaque online tools for carrying over grandfathered plans. That's a bad thing, since if you accidentally ditch your plan, you probably won't get it back. Reps at both stores said that you've really got to be careful, since recovering your unlimited plan is pretty much a lost cause—not totally impossible, just effectively so.
The real benefit of in-store is being able to stop and ask, "Now, you're sure this isn't going to mess with my unlimited plan, right?" You're just sort of left to your own devices online.
Don't Add Anything to Your Plan

Adding anything to your plan, like sharing bandwidth between devices or hotspot capability, will void your unlimited and dump you into a shared, tired plan. So don't splurge on, say, sharing your new iPhone's plan with your tablet's, since that will stick you in a new, limited package. Sorry, you're stuck with the basic data plan if you want to keep unlimited.
The good part, for now at least, is that the bump up to LTE does not trigger this.
For AT&T

AT&T is in a strange place right now: Like Verizon, it's trying to push its users into shared data plans. You can sign a new "unlimited" contract, but AT&T's now throttling its unlimited customers after 5GB—seemingly down from the old estimated soft caps around 6GB.
I spoke with AT&T store representatives, who explained the process for porting over your iPhone along with an unlimited plan has always been kind of a hassle. The stores just sort of figure it out with trial and error. None of them had seen how the system handles the iPhone 5, but they figured it wouldn't be a problem to port those plans over. So we were told a few weeks after the iPhone 5 comes out, dropping by an AT&T store should be all you need to do to keep your plan.

No one is claiming there are no changes. They are only saying that they aren't satisfied with the changes, and that those changes are catching up to technologies already on the market (e.g. LTE, larger screen).

If you are praising those as revolutionary, there isn't much to say.

I think they are great additions to the iphone, but why would anyone be excited for them when they've already been on the market for so long on Android?

It's good for people that want Apple/ios that also want to catch up with modern technology.

So please explain to us what would be "revolutionary"?
So please explain to us what would be "revolutionary"?

How about not LTE, and not a larger screen (both of which Android introduced over a year ago.)

[this is your cue to start going on and on about the internals that were upgraded]
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So please explain to us what would be "revolutionary"?

A bigger screen? :rolleyes:

There will always be a percentage of people who want the latest and greatest thing. Who cares if it's a battery-killer or if they'll actually use it. For these users it's important to have something they think is better than the state-of-the-art.

A bigger screen? :rolleyes:

There will always be a percentage of people who want the latest and greatest thing. Who cares if it's a battery-killer or if they'll actually use it. For these users it's important to have something they think is better than the state-of-the-art.


Then welcome to 2011.
If anyone wants a large screen with great battery life, there is a Droid Razr Maxx HD coming with a 4.7'' screen and a 3300 MAH battery which is rated for well over a day. It will truly be a no midday charge phone.

I never liked any of the previous iterations, but this new one looks great. If anything, it looks like the iphone 4/4s with that metal band around the periphery.

Combined with the Kevlar backplate, and gorilla glass front, this is shaping up to be a really sexy phone. I've got to say, it has me more excited than the iphone 5.

And before any haters jump in, I am actually ordering the iphone 5 tonight to check it out. I hope it can sway me back, but it's not looking good with all the downfalls.


Just ordered mine (iPhone 5). Let's see how this goes. When I ordered the iPhone 4s I also bought the droid razer. The razor on lte had serious battery issues. So hopefully the apple won't have this issue with the iPhone. Personally I wish it wasn't any thinner (depth) then the 4s and they packed more battery in the space
Just ordered my wifes on verizon. No issue with it being sold out. Should have it on the 21st.
"pre-order" musings...

Here's how the "pre-orders" for the iPhone 5 went down earlier today at 12.01am (PST), generally speaking...

- Apple Store got bum'rushed & offered reference #'s to those who couldn't get through; for those who got thru within the first hour and/or got a reference #, Apple accepted orders & offered a delivery date of 9/21 (1-week). Those who placed a "pre-order" after the initial rush (post ~1hr) received a delivery date of 9/28 (2-weeks), and now it's 3-weeks for such "pre-orders"

- AT&T Wireless site initially was boggy/lagging, but then all was fluid/smooth; all "pre-orders" were accepted (and are still being accepted) w/ a delivery date of 9/21; ETA for deliveries w/ a "pre-order" now are 14-21 days

- Verizon & Sprint sites accepted "pre-orders" w/o much if any issue, w/ a delivery date of 9/21; Verizon Wireless ETA for deliveries w/ a "pre-order" now are 9/26, Sprint is still showing 9/21

- B&M stores such a Best Buy, Radio Shack, Walmart, and possibly Target - all have been taking "pre-orders" since opening their doors today; likewise for retail stores for Apple, AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint

- International markets experienced "pre-order" issues whether from Apple or carrier, generally all/most selling out inventory of "pre-order" units for 9/21 delivery.

My experience...

About an hour or so after the "pre-order" start, I tried the AT&T site & I was on the wait page for a bit w/o it updating/refreshing so I then tried the Apple Store site & I was able to place an order immediately. I got a 9/28 delivery date from Apple. During this time, the AT&T site opened-up but my order was already processed & I didn't want to mess w/ cancellation/re-ordering as it'd take time for the upgrade-eligibility to reset.

When I did a "pre-order" on the iPhone 4 from AT&T's site at it's release in June '10, I was able to enter an order but I never got an order verification / email confirmation at the end due to the site being overwhelmed, so I wasn't sure if the order went thru. Later in the following day, I got the confirmation. So, that was something I wanted to avoid this time w/ AT&T assuming they'd get overwhelmed. And it's likely others also assumed this so they wanted to just deal w/ the Apple Store site. Seems like they were ready this time, from all what I've heard/read.

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