if you like iPhones, well- this is a better iPhone...
Not quite the revolutionary, game-changing, loaded w/ all the bells & whistles release that presumably many wanted. Seemingly, it's a better iPhone- which is what perhaps some are content w/. Similar minimalist, modern industrial form-factor; lower-profile design; larger screen; lighter weight; improved sound/speakers & noise isolation/reduction; heftier battery; quicker processor; newer OS; better camera performance; incorporation of more user-friendly sat/gps nav, etc.
My lineage has been iPhone 3G & iPhone 4. I didn't go w/ the original iPhone, the iPhone 3GS, and the iPhone 4S. I'll be getting this "The New iPhone" / iPhone 5. I'm content w/ my user-experience & playing w/ apps, doing some occasional doc's & emails, streaming music/video, and using the camera makeup perhaps 99.999% of my phone activities. Reliability/dependability along w/ un-compromised performance are paramount to me, so my iPhone's have served me well. Obviously, YMMV.
May be 10-15 years ago, I'd be more geek'd out for the Android-powered offerings. I'm not really much of a tinkerer/tweak-er anymore. More focused on quality & consistency, do less - but do it best.
FWIW, I'm a PC guy when it comes to desktops & laptops/notebooks. I haven't leaped into the tablet foray yet. For such a mobile platform, a rooted tablet/mobile device may lure me. Then again, the consistent UI/UE of the iPad is very alluring. I guess it all depends on my needs & requirements.
Sux that there is a new connector - that's a HUGE blow to all sorts of aftermarket products. For example, many NSX users will not be able to connect their iPhone 5 to their NSX until there is an updated device for it...
No worries, there's an OEM
Lightning to 30-pin Adapter &
Lightning to 30-pin Adapter (0.2 m cable) already available. And there will be many more after-market offerings of adapters/cables available in the marketplace for pocket-change.
EDIT: arista5 beat me to it, while I was penning!