iPhone 5

8 October 2006
Lost Wages, NV
Before I start, I better put my flame suit on for all the Apple fanboys out there that I might piss off.

Man, what a big disappointment from Apple! The iPhone 5 launch today was so boring, the only thing exciting was the new iPod nano. Apple should of name the 5, the 4SS. Nothing new besides a longer screen and a faster processor. Well I guess I will be switching over to the SIII or maybe even the Note 2.

Here is the new iPod nano, looks great.
I was also disappointed. They're just catching up with Android now. It's really kind of sad.

Nevertheless, it will still sell like crazy. I will probably pick one up myself as my sister needs a new phone.
For a few more details: http://www.apple.com/iphone/compare-iphones/ has been updated. Its taller and a little thinner.


It looks nicer, but not tremendously nicer.
Sux that there is a new connector - that's a HUGE blow to all sorts of aftermarket products. For example, many NSX users will not be able to connect their iPhone 5 to their NSX until there is an updated device for it.

Giving ipod Touch colors = good.
Giving the ipod Touch lame dorky colors (unless you are a chick) = bad

Nano is indeed color, but there are two fails that I see:
1. again with the lamo colors
2. lack of GPS

#2 would have made it a key workout device and gone head to head with Garmin. I would have bought one to update my 2nd gen Nano for working out with Nike+, but now I see no reason to do so. I believe Apple missed the mark that the Nano's core market is the work out crowd.
Sux that there is a new connector - that's a HUGE blow to all sorts of aftermarket products. For example, many NSX users will not be able to connect their iPhone 5 to their NSX until there is an updated device for it.

no for $30 each you have to buy one of these

or if you want the $40 cable you would need to buy these

uggh... waste of money!!! but we all get to shell out more cash for adapters for everything we already have :mad:
Agreed. I was watching for the release of this phone to see if it would sway me to the Apple side. It looks like I will be getting the Samsung Galaxy S III after all. I was hoping for a bigger screen. I know it doesn't matter to most, but I've got big hands. :wink:
if you like iPhones, well- this is a better iPhone...

Not quite the revolutionary, game-changing, loaded w/ all the bells & whistles release that presumably many wanted. Seemingly, it's a better iPhone- which is what perhaps some are content w/. Similar minimalist, modern industrial form-factor; lower-profile design; larger screen; lighter weight; improved sound/speakers & noise isolation/reduction; heftier battery; quicker processor; newer OS; better camera performance; incorporation of more user-friendly sat/gps nav, etc.

My lineage has been iPhone 3G & iPhone 4. I didn't go w/ the original iPhone, the iPhone 3GS, and the iPhone 4S. I'll be getting this "The New iPhone" / iPhone 5. I'm content w/ my user-experience & playing w/ apps, doing some occasional doc's & emails, streaming music/video, and using the camera makeup perhaps 99.999% of my phone activities. Reliability/dependability along w/ un-compromised performance are paramount to me, so my iPhone's have served me well. Obviously, YMMV.

May be 10-15 years ago, I'd be more geek'd out for the Android-powered offerings. I'm not really much of a tinkerer/tweak-er anymore. More focused on quality & consistency, do less - but do it best.

FWIW, I'm a PC guy when it comes to desktops & laptops/notebooks. I haven't leaped into the tablet foray yet. For such a mobile platform, a rooted tablet/mobile device may lure me. Then again, the consistent UI/UE of the iPad is very alluring. I guess it all depends on my needs & requirements.

Sux that there is a new connector - that's a HUGE blow to all sorts of aftermarket products. For example, many NSX users will not be able to connect their iPhone 5 to their NSX until there is an updated device for it...
No worries, there's an OEM Lightning to 30-pin Adapter & Lightning to 30-pin Adapter (0.2 m cable) already available. And there will be many more after-market offerings of adapters/cables available in the marketplace for pocket-change.

EDIT: arista5 beat me to it, while I was penning! :D
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The iPhone 5 launch today was so boring, the only thing exciting was the new iPod nano. Apple should of name the 5, the 4SS. Nothing new besides a longer screen and a faster processor. Well I guess I will be switching over to the SIII or maybe even the Note 2.

4G LTE on the iPhone 5 is pretty significant, in my opinion. From a tech perspective lack of it on the 4 series was (one of several) dealbreakers. Of course I live in a 4G city, and whilst I'm not a big data person, the thought of buying a phone that is already 1 generation behind is bothersome.

I will say I still use my 4+ year old blackberry 8820, so I'm old school and I don't trade phones every 2 years. I don't really plan to get the iphone 5, or a new phone anytime soon.

I wanted to see the micro USB on the new phone, too. I don't think the new lightning port is it. Apple scoffs at the ITU and the USB charger connector agreement.

4G LTE on the iPhone 5 is pretty significant, in my opinion. From a tech perspective lack of it on the 4 series was (one of several) dealbreakers. Of course I live in a 4G city, and whilst I'm not a big data person, the thought of buying a phone that is already 1 generation behind is bothersome.

I will say I still use my 4+ year old blackberry 8820, so I'm old school and I don't trade phones every 2 years. I don't really plan to get the iphone 5, or a new phone anytime soon.

I wanted to see the micro USB on the new phone, too. I don't think the new lightning port is it. Apple scoffs at the ITU and the USB charger connector agreement.


yeah, it was significant--when it was introduced on Android phones over a year ago.

The point is that while it is a great update for the iphone (no one is saying that the new iphone is bad or does not have improvements), we have seen it all before. There is nothing new to the market, nothing revolutionary.

This seems to be the way Apple works. Revolutionize an industry, then fade into oblivion over the years when everyone catches up.

Steve Jobs admitted to this himself regarding Apple Computers in the 90s.

I would say the iphone's edge is in it's cult-like following. Some people will buy the iphone no matter what it packs or no matter what Android has.

In many ways, the iphone is like the Porsche 911. Nothing radical ever changes, it rather evolves over time. Yet, it still sells to its key demo and will always have that name going for it.

The biggest downside to the new iphone is that it will no longer integrate Google Maps. Apple made a HUGE mistake in thinking they can take on Google in the Map/data game. That is Google's forte, and there is absolutely no competing with them.

If you read all the reviews by developers already running Apple's map service, they all say it's a downgrade.

Apple will never be able to catch up with all the information Google has.
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I wanted to see the micro USB on the new phone, too. I don't think the new lightning port is it. Apple scoffs at the ITU and the USB charger connector agreement.

You just need a friend in the UK, and then you can get one of these:


Also available for Lightning:

No one is claiming there are no changes. They are only saying that they aren't satisfied with the changes, and that those changes are catching up to technologies already on the market (e.g. LTE, larger screen).

If you are praising those as revolutionary, there isn't much to say.

I think they are great additions to the iphone, but why would anyone be excited for them when they've already been on the market for so long on Android?

It's good for people that want Apple/ios that also want to catch up with modern technology.
yeah, it was significant--when it was introduced on Android phones over a year ago.

The point is that while it is a great update for the iphone (no one is saying that the new iphone is bad or does not have improvements), we have seen it all before. There is nothing new to the market, nothing revolutionary.

This seems to be the way Apple works. Revolutionize an industry, then fade into oblivion over the years when everyone catches up.

Steve Jobs admitted to this himself regarding Apple Computers in the 90s.

I would say the iphone's edge is in it's cult-like following. Some people will buy the iphone no matter what it packs or no matter what Android has.

In many ways, the iphone is like the Porsche 911. Nothing radical ever changes, it rather evolves over time. Yet, it still sells to its key demo and will always have that name going for it.

The biggest downside to the new iphone is that it will no longer integrate Google Maps. Apple made a HUGE mistake in thinking they can take on Google in the Map/data game. That is Google's forte, and there is absolutely no competing with them.

If you read all the reviews by developers already running Apple's map service, they all say it's a downgrade.

Apple will never be able to catch up with all the information Google has.

Totally. Compared to competition nothing new. It is an IPhone with current technology.
Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that perhaps that many people don't care to use an android even if it had feature X first?

This phone will still sell off the shelves regardless if Samsung or Android had something first. The only people that really care are the ones that argue about cell phones on the Internet.
Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that perhaps that many people don't care to use an android even if it had feature X first?

This phone will still sell off the shelves regardless if Samsung or Android had something first. The only people that really care are the ones that argue about cell phones on the Internet.

Actually, if you bothered to read my post, I said that myself precisely. That is part of the whole mystique of Apple, something that dates back to its early days while battling MSFT.

And I would argue that the whole set of people that care would include more than a subset of people that argue about cell phones--say, people that care about technology in general.

But then again, I think you've demonstrated that you belong to the subset of the set.
Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that perhaps that many people don't care to use an android even if it had feature X first?

This phone will still sell off the shelves regardless if Samsung or Android had something first. The only people that really care are the ones that argue about cell phones on the Internet.

The general masses buy into just hype?
Actually, if you bothered to read my post, I said that myself precisely. That is part of the whole mystique of Apple, something that dates back to its early days while battling MSFT.

And I would argue that the whole set of people that care would include more than a subset of people that argue about cell phones--say, people that care about technology in general.

But then again, I think you've demonstrated that you belong to the subset of the set.

Didn't mean to come off short nor was I just replying to your post, but I see the same arguments every time a new iPhone comes out. It's literally as simple as accepting that some people just love Apple products, they make well designed stuff and it is marketed EXTREMELY well. I don't know one person that has switched from an iPhone to an android and I know a ton of nerds that went in the other direction. I think I still know 4 or 5 hardcore Android guys, and they're lifers and that's okay.

Personally speaking for myself, I work on the bleeding edge of technology in the Cloud Computing sector... I have to keep up with so much crap that the last thing I want to do is fiddle with a friggen phone. Trust me, I get where it's fun to toy with stuff and the Android platform has always been a great outlet for people to nerd out a bit. But it's a phone, I use it and that's it.
I was a little disappointed but after watching the 5 minute video I was a little happier. I'm still getting one though cause right now I have a 4 non 'S'.

I mean what do we really expect? I cant say they are catching up to Android because all Android is, is a collection of OS's installed on mostly inferior hardware. At least with an Apple device you always know what you're getting. It's never "but this apple phone but not these 5 over here, well except for maybe that one and that one over there, except this one has a better screen but overall the device is a piece of crap. That android over there is a solid piece of hardware, except the O'S is obsolete and not supported or upgradeable after next month"
It might not be anything revolutionary but considering I own every other Iphone, Ipod, Ipad I will probably be placing an order tonight!:wink:
Am I the only one here who doesn't need or require a smart phone?

You're probably not the only one, but you do understand for some people they are invaluable, right?

With my Android phone, I can quite literally do my entire job from anywhere in the world. That gives me a lot of freedom. I never have to miss one of my kid's activities because there's work to be done.
I was also disappointed. They're just catching up with Android now. It's really kind of sad.

I honestly don't think they're anywhere close to android. Not even in the same universe.
I mean the iPhone is just buttons. You click an app and that's it.
It just seems old and blackberryish to me. Android seems more like a full computer.

I'm curious if you can turn off 4G. If not, people will be returning these phones in droves.
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