The concept of Land Banking is not to get in when the developers are getting in, get there before they do. You do not need to deal with the finances that you stated, you just need to deal with a company that specialize in Land Banking and does in house finance for you at a reasonalble rate. You can not finance Land Banking with traditional banking methods here in So. Cal.
I wish you are here so I can show you how Land Banking works here in So.Cal. One very important thing is that you are not developing the land you buy, that is for the developers, a land lot will grow up to 40X its value from farm land all the way to developed lots, it might take over 30 years to achive that, but with correct information we are just positioning ourselves somewhere along that 40X growth time frame to make some profit.
The idea of Land Banking is to treat each land lot you buy as a bank or savings account, but with a big end return instead of small monthly returns.
Like I said, it is not for everyone, and populations got everything to do with property value here in So. Cal, but income of the area not as greatly. Not definate, but here is an example. Rowland Heights, average household income $40K+/year, average residential home $325/ sq.ft. Rancho Cucamonga, avaerge household income $80+k/year, average residential homes $280/ sq.ft.
Anyways, good luck NSXTRA with what ever you decide. I'm just giving my $.02