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Introduce New NA1 Non-Pop up headlight conversion like NA2

We'll have a new president before we even see a prototype of these headlights.
sorry, about the delay. Here are some new update picture.
We found some problem on the base of the headlight it is hitting the frame so we need to fix that.



If you have any question please let us know.
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WOW! Looks good..Can you take a picture of the whole car at an angle?

Holy S#it, you must have bad eyes! It only looks good from the front. These are definitely more raised/bubbly than '02+ OEM.
gonna make it lower.....it's still sitting high.
gonna make it lower.....it's still sitting high.

Looking good. I think you're close. I advise taking some measurements on a stock 02+ car and seeing if you can get as low as or lower.

You should be able to sink these suckers in there.
that's about right.....
Look up Gerry Johnsons headlights they were flushed in design....this is still not bad but not what I hoped for....I was hoping for something like the revolution headlights with a polycarbonite cover.
^^ good chop, but needs to be an inch lower still

I'd buy them at that height....but yeah, the lower the better. The problem is that the beam of the light will start to get cut off if you go too low....especially if you set them back.
I am still looking for anyone could let us test fit on their cars. If you interest please email me or pm. We need to test fit the base of the headlight. We have some height issue on it. We suppost to have a customer car put on the headlight but has car got crash so I can not do any final adjustment. It might only take about 3 to 4 hours to finish it.
Please let us know.
Thank you.
definatly a step in the right direction, but still needs to be lower on the bubble. Keep the good work up and you'll be getting a check from me in the near future!
Why can't anyone make the Marga Hills lights? They use the oem headlight, but repositioned farther back with a lexan cover. Very nice looking, does the trick. Too bad the MH ones fit like crap. A revised one would definitely sell.

I prefer the clean look of backyard special's myself.

Regardless, this project is so close to being good...I'd like to see them just push it a little more.
Finally the adjustment has been done yesterday. So not too long to wait until the final headlight come out. If anything one interest please put down your name. We offer only first 10 customer of promotion sponsor for 70% off the orginal headlight prices. There will be $50 deposit. We won't charge you payment until we have the arrival date of the headlight.
Thank you very much

Buyer List.

Very interested but I will need to see detailed pics of the product first!