Intalling Licence Plate Issue

7 April 2003
Overland Park, KS
Got new plates and had to do a switch out of the old plates. The issue is the left screw inner threads that are secured to the inner part of the bumper frame broke off. The screw is not striped, the treads broke off, now what? There are no treads for the screw to grab hold, please tell me there is a easy fix....:confused:
There are plastic inserts that can be placed into the holes and used to hold the screw when screwed in. I know I've seen them in packets to hold license plates, so when you go to the auto store look for something like that, I'm sure it'll work. If you need me to take a picture of what I'm talking about let me know.
How about a sheet metal or wood screw ? If the stripped hole is metal you can always use a tap and go up to the next size but my first suggestion is a quick and easy fix
When I bought my '92 , both screws were totally rusted and both broke off. I drilled out the old screws and retapped the holes. As has already been said, the holes could be drilled out to alarger size so as to install the plastic inserts.