yea you can just drain it down a little , as far i see it drain completely , change the seal ,move on , i got fluid too if you need it
yea you can just drain it down a little , as far i see it drain completely , change the seal ,move on , i got fluid too if you need it
no its just honda MTF , which works fine , you will read a lot of stuff about different tranny lubes &how great they are , if your tranny is ok (no syncro grind) this is what you use , a lot guys talk about how diff. oils did away with their shifting problems , ITS JUST TEMPORARY , soon they will have shifting problems again !!!! I've played this game for a long time :wink:
Be sure to pop plenty of pain killers before bed. My chest and arms were soooo sore from working on my back under the car pulling the shaft out that it kept me up all night. I was in pain pretty bad.
Hey, also, where can I get the tool that properly installs these bands on the boots? Anyone out there???
Part Number: SER 3191
This should help.
Not the same tool but they work the same way.
KDTool# 3955 or
Lisle 30800 CV Boot Clamp Pliers