Infineon High Performance Driving School


Experienced Member
12 January 2003
Sacramento, CA
The NSXCA is trying to arange with TrackMasters to make their 21 July date at Infineon Raceway (Sear's Point) an NSX High Performance Driving School. In order to do this, we need to have a solid interest from at least 50 NSX'ers (not counting those that are typically instructors) by the 18th of April.

I know there was some interest in this type of event a few months back but not really enough to get something solidly organized. What I need is to have individuals put their names on a list here if they are interested. If I can get close to 50 names in the next 12 days then I can go negotiate with TrackMasters to focus this event around the NSX.

We have enough NSX instructors available that you can learn the best way to truely handle your car in a safe environment with a person that knows the car well. If you have never done a high performance driving school in the past, these are definitely a must do experience. You will learn a lot about your car and yourself in a safe and well controlled environment. No prior track exerience is necessary.

The registration fee has not been set yet, I anticipate it will be in the $300-$350 for the day. We may be able to negotiate a discount for club members that sign up early for the event.

Post your name in a reply to this message if you are interested in this event.

Tom Kohrs
L5-S1NSX said:
Sounds Great Sign me up...

Do I need to bring my NSX ?



If we get enough NSX's to own the event, then we will insist that people drive their NSX, if we only get marginal interest, then it will be a standard TrackMaster school with a contingent of NSX's. That is what I am trying to guage by asking poeple to express an interest now, before the registration gets opened up to the general public.

I'm definitely interested. I haven't been to one yet and have been looking to attend one for some time now.

Interested People:

1.) tk
2.) yaynsx
3.) L5-S1NSX
4.) Dan H.
5.) smooth

I'm definitely interested. thx...

1.) tk
2.) yaynsx
3.) L5-S1NSX
4.) Dan H.
5.) smooth
6.) Like007
7.) NSX-Tuner
I'm interested.

1.) tk
2.) yaynsx
3.) L5-S1NSX
4.) Dan H.
5.) smooth
6.) Like007
7.) NSX-Tuner
8.) EK
9.) RavnNSX:cool:
I might be able to come and instruct, let's see how the interest develops!

Infineon is SOOOO much fun:smile:
I'm interested!!! Count me in!!!

1.) tk
2.) yaynsx
3.) L5-S1NSX
4.) Dan H.
5.) smooth
6.) Like007
7.) NSX-Tuner
8.) EK
9.) RavnNSX :cool:
10) RonNRaiders
Wouldn't Thunderhill be alot easier track to learn at for the first timers? The cost is quite a bit less too. I run with the Lotus Group and the cost is only $165 non-member for the day.
I haven't driven at Infineon yet but will have to check my schedule.
I'm interested as well!

1.) tk
2.) yaynsx
3.) L5-S1NSX
4.) Dan H.
5.) smooth
6.) Like007
7.) NSX-Tuner
8.) EK
9.) RavnNSX
10) RonNRaiders
11) bnesse
1.) tk
2.) yaynsx
3.) L5-S1NSX
4.) Dan H.
5.) smooth
6.) Like007
7.) NSX-Tuner
8.) EK
9.) RavnNSX
10) RonNRaiders
11) bnesse
12) Daves_X
13) Binh
14) DonD
15) RichA
18) KipO
19) DonH (from lists)
Litespeeds said:
Wouldn't Thunderhill be alot easier track to learn at for the first timers? The cost is quite a bit less too. I run with the Lotus Group and the cost is only $165 non-member for the day.
I haven't driven at Infineon yet but will have to check my schedule.

Yes, THill does offer a "safer" track to learn for first timers if they mess up since it offers more real estate. The new improvements they made to the track helps even more. BUT, a first timer ought to be safe on any track with the right instructor as no first timer is expected or supposed to drive the car to test the safety limits of the track or their car or their capabilities! While THill is a safer track, it is also a higher speed track whereas Infineon is a more technical track. If you learn/master Infineon - by respecting the track, you will be a far better driver than mastering THill.

Also, THill does not draw the same number of people given the distance for south Bay folks. Most people would prefer driving to/from the track the same day rather than kill another day. Also, we have run THill so many times that people would like something different. Reno-Fernley was offered the last two years and our numbers were about 20. As Tom noted, to break even on an NSX event, we need 50 paying registrants.

Registration cost for track events will vary among different clubs based on several variables and amenities. We have found our association with TrackMasters and NCRC to be great venues to hold events. We know the organizers, their operations, safety focus, and instructional materials as well. YMMV.
Hrant said:
1.) tk
2.) yaynsx
3.) L5-S1NSX
4.) Dan H.
5.) smooth
6.) Like007
7.) NSX-Tuner
8.) EK
9.) RavnNSX
10) RonNRaiders
11) bnesse
12) Daves_X
13) Binh
14) DonD
15) RichA
18) KipO
19) DonH (from lists)

20) B. Butts - I'm in if my travel schedule permits. Stay Tuned...
I am very interested, thanks Tom

1.) tk
2.) yaynsx
3.) L5-S1NSX
4.) Dan H.
5.) smooth
6.) Like007
7.) NSX-Tuner
8.) EK
9.) RavnNSX
10) RonNRaiders
11) bnesse
12) Daves_X
13) Binh
14) DonD
15) RichA
18) KipO
19) DonH (from lists)
20) Butts
21) Norcalwhite