Infineon High Performance Driving School

Re: Form or function????

92 white 0650 said:
Yeah, every little ounce counts !! :cool: ...........oh wait, Hrant's washing them to look good; almost forgot. Must be why he doesn't want to mount that lap timer; it just wouldn't look good. :rolleyes:

Ted, it's my next project, but image is everything :biggrin:

And Kip, no worries about those flying rubbers :wink:
Hrant said:
No videos, but what about this aftermath from 104F ambient temp :biggrin:

Kip was throwing 8" spaghetti strings on the track :eek: Good thing it literally washed away by just spraying 50% diluted degreaser from Costco :tongue:

Its a good thing you were not behind him long it would be worse.
Hey your wheels are not that bad mine are usually twice that bad full of ruber even on the outside as well. My car is still in the trailer and I have not seen it since Sears Point.
Steve, sometimes being slower has its advantages too :biggrin:

I ran only about 2.5 sessions that day, and drove back home on those same wheels/tires :cool: So I am sure I dropped quite a few on the FWY as well. My contribution to the scenic rural landscape :wink: