Re: In response to us "Inactive" Norcal NSX'rs - Proposed BBQ in Sunnyvale on 7/31/09 of Friday 31st at 1:16PM
1. XO-NSX (Thanh) (24pack fresh cold Heineken)
2. LarryNSX (Lawrence) (Bags of chips like BBQ, Sourcream & Cheddar, etc)
3. ImolaOrange03 (Al) (soda or sparkling water, Best Motoring videos)
4. MikeC_587
5. calexand (Chip) (a couple bottles of good red wine)
6. dafoedoe (Dan +1) Pending timing belt / water pump installation (Veggie platter + Newcastle)
7. 02#154
8. BluryNSX (Danny) + 1 (2 if anyone else was bringing kids..)tenative to approval (sierra nevada and chips and queso dip)
9. s4play (fruit plate / drinks)
10. NSX-Tuner (Gary)
11. Whatisreal7 (Allen) tentatively in but requires final approval from boss lady
12. Batmans (original gal that I was bringing won't be able to make it due to family conflicts. I have extended an invitation to another guest)
12. yojack (+1)
13. slamstrom (Alan)
14. juejaimon (Steve) (Beer & Chips)
15. Ben (Ben) (Will bring a couple bottles of wine from my family's winery)
16. Virginia (Ginger)
17. paladin (Weston)
18. NSX_GT
19. (OPEN)
20. (OPEN last RSVP)
Ok everyone on the list please check your "In Box", if you did not get a message from me, please PM me back.
See you all on Friday!