Impressions of the S2000

In everyday driving I'm shifting below 7k 50% .the car does have useable torque below vtec.It can pull usefuly in 5th gear from 3k and 6th from 4k.It is no dog below vtec!
When the S2000 first came out, my wife and I drove to Modesto and found two in the dealers showroom. I was in the market to buy a sportscar and told the dealer I was pre-approved by my credit union. The following was my experience:

1. The markup was F'n obsurd.

2. The dealer would not allow test drives.

3. I could not fit into the cockpit comfortably.

4. Love the look.

5. Didn't buy. I won't buy a pair of shoes without first trying them on.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.
I can understand how it's really not proper for me to comment on a car that I've never driven. Sharing a few opinions of the car that other prior owners have mentioned to me is by no means the absolute critique of the car. I do want to drive an S2000 someday so I can experience the car for myself. Knowing it's the NSX's little brother, I do know it's a great car and very fun to drive.
FYI...the S2000 does have sufficient headroom for those that think the S2K interior is cramped. My 6'3" drove both my S2K and NSX...he's got major back problems and after his experience with both cars, NSX gave him more back pain than the S2K. Therefore, headroom is better in the S2000, but I think there's more leg room in the NSX. That's my experience of owning both cars. If you're over 6'4", there's always the option of opening the top

'98 Blue NSX-T
Guess I'll be the lone dissenter here re the S2000.

I bought one when they first came out, but sold it about 3 months later. Maybe I grew up with cars that had some semblance of torque, but I found it very difficult to enjoy a car that only had 153 lb. ft. of torque, with most of that in the upper rpm ranges. Constantly having to shift the car at 8000+ to keep it in the sweet spot of the HP and torque ranges was not for me.

I now own a Boxster S instead of the S2000, and couldn't be happier. My Boxster S and my NSX are (at least in my opinion), two of the very finest sports car available today.

I know the argument that a Boxster S is much more expensive than an S2000...and that's true. But at least for me, it was money well spent.
Hey guys. I'm admittedly biased here, so I'll keep the dialogue going.

docjohn - thank you. Don't believe the hype. I've personally been in 4th gear, top down, AC on, wife and I in the car, and uphill and the car has pulled smoothly from below 35mph. No hiccups, ho hesitation. As I've said, the S is no Viper but that's the point. It really sings above 6K but is perfectly tractable below 4K rpm and plenty peppy to drive in day to day traffic even here in congestes S. CA.

Litesokneecough - I hear you and I feel your pain. I was unable to buy an S when they first came out because I was absolutely unwilling to pay $10K over markup on the car. I eventually got a 2001 (which incidently I sold a year later for $100 less than I paid for it) and later a 2002 at and then slightly below MSRP. My biggest gripe with the S has always been that it wasn't sold in the states as an Acura. Sadly, Honda dealerships are neither equipped nor trained to sell, service, or maintain these cars the way they should be. Bummer.

Stevefromatl - I strongly encourage you to drive on before you pass judgement. The S actually fits many different body types (except the very broad of beem) quite well and the engine sounds quite nice, thank you. BTW, have you never heard an old MG, Triumph or Austin Healey before? Trust me when I tell you that a 4 cylinder can be made to sound very nice indeed.

Vytas - Again, I hope you understand that my comments weren't meant to be personal in nature. Its just that the no torque comment is one of my pet peeves. Incidently, if you're ever down here in Orange County, look me up. I'd be more than happy to take you for a brisk drive in a properly broken in and properly maintained S and let you see why I'm so crazy for these little jewels!

Blue Knight - I agree with you. I've been shocked by how many owners have such dramatic differences in body types and still say the admittedly stark and shrink wrapped (both on purpose BTW) interior of the S "fits them like a glove". Top up you'd be surprised how much headroom there is in the car. Of coure you've got some minor blind spots to contend with but such is the nature of the convertible. Top down, as long as you're shorter than 6'6" or so, no problems. Plus you've got a very stiff structure for a 'vert (stiffer than some closed top cars), great site lines over the hood (although not as good an experience as the NSX, IMO), very simple and supportive seats, and everything is right at your finger tips. No extra doo dads and no fluff. Just the way I wanted it. BTW, many owners agree with me when they say they actually have more room in the drivers seat than passenger seat. Weird little piece of 411.
Originally posted by Mike O:
Guess I'll be the lone dissenter here re the S2000.

I bought one when they first came out, but sold it about 3 months later. Maybe I grew up with cars that had some semblance of torque, but I found it very difficult to enjoy a car that only had 153 lb. ft. of torque, with most of that in the upper rpm ranges. Constantly having to shift the car at 8000+ to keep it in the sweet spot of the HP and torque ranges was not for me.

I now own a Boxster S instead of the S2000, and couldn't be happier. My Boxster S and my NSX are (at least in my opinion), two of the very finest sports car available today.

I know the argument that a Boxster S is much more expensive than an S2000...and that's true. But at least for me, it was money well spent.

Hi Mike.

You must have been posting at the same time I was.

Sorry to hear the S didn't work out for you. I freely admit that the S isn't for everyone and it sounds like you got a better car for you. That's what its all about so congrat's.

FWIW, I looked at the C5 'vert, M roadster, Boxster S, and TT Quattro cabrio before buying my first S. The Boxster S was the only car that I liked as much or more than my beloved S.

Truth be told that I actually agree with you that the P car is not only the better car but for real world, every day driving, its a better car as well. So having said all of that, why did I still buy the S2000? Well, you alluded to it. Value and cost.

The Boxster S that I wanted (sport package, xenon lamps, but nothing fancy like a nav system) was slightly over $55K (before tax, lic., registration). That represented a $23K or 72% premium over the S and frankly too big a pill to swallow for me. Couple that with higher insurance and maintenance costs and I just couldn't get comfortable with that price differential.

I could afford both. That isn't the issue. The issue, for me at least, was whether I thought I was getting that much of an incrementally better product for that much more money and for me, at least it wasn't there. That doesn't take anything away from the inherent goodness of the car and let me tell you, you've got a real sweet machine there. That's just my personal choice.

In the end, diversity is what makes us all so interesting anyway. How boring it would be if we all decided to drive the same car and had the same wants and desires. Plus, the truth is that I still secretly lust in my heart for the Boxster S and I doubt too many P-car owners, while many respect and admire my little over achiever, reciprocate.
Da Hapa,

Nice review of everyone's comments. Our goal of sharing such a forum is to enjoy our cars based on our personal preference and of course, financial reasons. With a price of $32,840 MSRP, convertible, fun and loads of other qualities, it's hard to compare with anything else in it's class....not to mention the record breaking 9000RPM AND 120hp/liter engine. When I owned it early 2001, people at work came out to check out my car almost on a daily basis. I was proud to give them the spec of the car and most of them would go "Wow, 240 horses for a 2 liter!!" When I gave them rides, they liked that even more. We can't deny the fact that many dealers are still selling at or over MSRP due to the demand. I can't think of any other Japanese car that gets as much interest except maybe for the recent Z. I'm sure if we all have the dough, that's one of the cars parked in our garage.

Based on the hot Japanese car video, Bestmotoring, when the crew interviewed a Honda executive at the auto show about the intentions of releasing the S2K, here was his response...."We (Honda) simply want to release a car that was fun and target it towards all the people in the world that enjoys driving." Of course, it was also a 50th birthday present to Honda. We can't argue about a birthday present to oneself...

'98 Blue NSX-T
Da Hapa,

Nice to see others like you who share a common passion for great cars, no matter who makes them.

I have good friends in the Viper Club who think there's no better car than a Viper, others in the Mercedes Club who wouldn't drive anything but a Mercedes, as well as many Corvette buddies who will only drive Chevys and that's it (because their Dad did, as did their Grandfather).

I hate to admit it...but my wife and I have owned over 90 (yes, ninety) cars since we've been married. Everything from my NSX and my Boxster S to Vipers to Panteras to Prowlers to Porsches (including 8 different 911's) to many many different muscle cars (primarily mid year Corvettes). To me anyway, life's too short to limit my driving pleasure to only one make of car. I feel sorry for people who will only drive Honda's or Porsche's (and that's it) since I feel they are truly missing out on some other fine machinery. Right now my everyday car is an Audi, my wife's car is a BMW, and my toys are my NSX, my Boxster S, as well as a fully restored '72 Trans Am with a stump pulling 455 H.O. engine with something like 415 lb. ft. of torque. Can't say I'm not diversified.

Back to the S2000...I think it is a hell of a car (especially for $32,000), and one that I know a lot of reviewers as well as owners absolutely love. Guess since I'm so accustomed to more torque, I really didn't feel it fit my needs, so I sold it to someone who I know who still owns and loves the car. I have several friends here in Nashville who own S2000's and we occasionally go out for drives in the country and they always seem to have a big smile on their faces (and a few extra $$$ in their pockets from not buying a Boxster S like I did).
You're right Da Hapa. I should drive one before I go criticizing it. I guess I'm just not a fan of small cars in general. Whether it is a miata, boxster, Z3, or S2000. I can fit alright in them, but they remind me too much of really fast go carts. I don't doubt the S2000 is a great car and probably is a ton of fun to drive, but I just need more car.
Blue Knight - Thank you, sir. I agree with you. Its really nice to come to a forum with intelligent people who are open minded about sharing ideas, thoughts and biases. The truth is that while I've been a car nut for as long as I can remember, I consider myself very young (I'm all of 30) and I have a tremendous amount to learn. I look to you guys, my fellow enthusiasts to educate me.

Mike O - I couldn't agree with you more. Diversity is the spice of life and I think that we miss out on a whole lot if we refuse to consider what else is out there. I wish I could afford to have your ownership experiences (he types jealously) but all the same, what a wealth of knowledge you are for having owned, driven, and relied on such a wide spectrum of vehicles. Enjoy that P car, my man because its a beauty.

Steve - I can appreciate where you're coming from. As I mentioned earlier, that which is one mans dream is another mans nightmare. For me, the "really fast go kart" feeling that you don't enjoy is what enamors me to the S. To each his own. All I ask is that you enjoy that NSX because as long as I can afford one, I feel better knowing that enthusiasts are out there enjoying them.