Imola Orange on Ebay JH4NA21642T000066

Re: Imola Orange on Ebay

$50k for an 02? I don't think that's expensive at all. By the way, the ad states it has a "Computec exhaust". Never heard of it. It's also not as expensive as this 02 Imola Orange.
Re: Imola Orange on Ebay

The interior is listed as being black but it is obviously orange. It also has an expired listing on Craigslist in Richmond for 60k and this is the second listing on Ebay with the first getting no bids. This may not pass the sniff test......
Re: Imola Orange on Ebay

I'm not sure if it's the "best" deal based on the amount of miles. IMHO, it is pretty high for an NSX. Color is nice, but I'm more concerned about the mileage. I've been speaking to the seller. Apparently, he's the son, and the real owner is the dad who lives Virginia. I don't know what's going on, but I have asked a couple of times for them to call me or to provide some sort of phone number so I can get more details, no such luck. Kinda weird for someone who is trying to sell a car and has listed it TWICE. No bites the first time this car was listed last week, but I'm sure many of you were watching the ebay ad. :) If you take your time, you can pay slightly more for an '02 with MUCH less miles, but a different color. This is why I'm on the fence. I have seen '02's going for the 50-55k range in great condition and lesser miles. Granted, not an imola orange. Since I just sold another car, I now feel comfortable paying cash for an NSX... but I'm on the fence with this one.
Re: Imola Orange on Ebay

Im very familiar with this car if anyone is seriously interested:wink:
Re: Imola Orange on Ebay

Yep, thought I knew this one. Here are my notes made in early 2006:

"JH4NA21642T000066 is an imola/vivid 2002 model 6 speed with 49,6xx miles in Fort Myers, FL, running on e-bay 2-16-2006. Scanlon Acura dealership running it. “One owner”. Drvr’s seat o/s bolster really worn and r view mirror buggered up."

The seller's description of this NSX, coupled with the seller's E-Bay feedback rating, would be of concern to me...... anyway, hope this info helps someone out there looking.
it's my dream car and colour, and i'm about 50k short :(
Re: Imola Orange on Ebay

$50k for an 02? I don't think that's expensive at all. By the way, the ad states it has a "Computec exhaust". Never heard of it. It's also not as expensive as this 02 Imola Orange.

No bidders so far so whoever puts up $45k bid at the last seconds will get it. Now $45k for this car is really cheap!
Re: Imola Orange on Ebay

He does NOT plan on selling the car for 45k. We have been talking over the phone and via email. He wants 50k and did not set a reserve (he is not really familiar with ebay). He told me he also received a bid of 48k, and if I want the car, bid higher. I'm on the fence with this one. I know 45k would be a great deal... but not sure about 50k. What do you guys think!

No bidders so far so whoever puts up $45k bid at the last seconds will get it. Now $45k for this car is really cheap!
Re: Imola Orange on Ebay

SO I won the bid...but as I said, he won't sell it to me for 45k. What do you guys think I should do? He said someone offered him 48k, but I'm not sure if this is true or if he's playing games with me to try to drum up some additional sales..... Personally, I'm hesitant due to the miles, the vibe, and the history of the car (first owner tracked car).
Act like you won it for 45K, which you did, and ask him when and where you can see it, pick it up and is a cashier's check, etc. O.K.? If he sends you an email saying he won't sell for 45K, forward it to Ebay, unless you can negotiate a good price.
Folks, STAY away from this car. Someone just emailed me this via ebay:

"This vehicle was supposed to be removed from a listing because it's not being sold now. For some reason, it still showed. Please send me an email letting me know you are okay with this. The listing was for my friend, but he owes more than he thought on the car. I'm sorry this was still listed. It was not meant to be. Thanks for understanding. I hope you do."

The owner said his daughter listed the car for him (and she sells cars all the time--- is that why she didn't know how to set a reserve??? WTF?!),

Now I get this email from the owner's "friend." Also, the car is listed as being located in Millersville, MD but the owner stated it's actually located in Fairfax at his father's................ interesting...interesting.
If you won the bid can't you push E-Bay to make the seller honor the sale??? I would talk with E-bay about this :mad:
Orange looks really good :cool:

I had an Acura dealer up in Oregon back out on a deal for an NSX I won on eBay. Dealer rep said the price was too cheap and they made a mistake on the listing.

eBay said its a private matter between me and the dealer. eBay cannot enforce any legal matters.