I think i need a fuel pump... help

7 March 2003
Miami, FL
My car has a fresh rebuilt ... fully built engine with low compression pistons, new bearing, new cilinders, new crankshaft, new rods, new piston rings... etc.

Engine has about 100 miles on it.. maybe 150

I couln't drive it fast, or pass 3k rpms cause when they rebuilt my motor, and put my fairly new clutch in.. they said it cannot be alligned and that I have to replace it soon (I also have no reverse, I have to turn off the car and start it in reverse). So when I give it a bit of gas... still under 3k, it would slip a bit (in gear)... so I had to drive it very slow

One day I start my car, and it starts fine, sounds good, but as soon as it starts it dies. I try to give it a bit of gas, and it dies again. I don't know what to do. CAN IT BE FUEL PUMP, or something to do with fuel?

Before this insident happened, I taken my car one mile away from my house to the mall. (another day, not the same day)
And when I was excelerating from the complete stop it would starter. felt like clutch, but now that I think of it can be FUEL problem.

So What do you guys/girls think.. Do you think its fuel problem, or engine?.. If its fuel.. can someone help me locate the fuel return line, so I can check if fuel is traveling through there. Maybe something is wrong with my fuel pump?

Please let me know... and Thank a lot in advance
Sounds like the MAIN RELAY, part #RZ-0101. That would be my guess.
It's easy to check the pump by checking the fuel pressure. You do this via a port on the fuel filter. Your filter might be clogged too. If you are not comfortable working on the engine I would take it to a reputable mechanic, you might have several problems.
One day I start my car, and it starts fine, sounds good, but as soon as it starts it dies.

Sounds like the ignition switch to me. The engine gets power (I am simplifying) from the ignition switch in both "run" and "start" positions.

You can change the "switch" WITHOUT changing the key part, only the back electrical part of the switch. If you can get another car, just swap it and start it up.

one thing I forgot to mention..... for some reason when the car dies.. the oil light is on. I checked the oil level and thats fine... oil presure when car starts is fine also... so I don't know whats going on...

please get back to me.. thanks

Sounds like you have several problems. You need to get your car to some one who has experience working on NSX'S. Who did you engine rebuild? Can't get your car in reverse with out stopping the engine sounds like clutch problems, you mentioned a problem with alining the clutch?

Well you're getting some good advice here. It may be the switch or it may be fuel as you were thinking, or it may be something totally different like ignition or any number of electronic bits. Then again, if you don’t get an check engine light then most of those are probably OK. For us to guess any better would require a lot of Q&A with you doing little tests in between. Not real effective long-distance. A good mechanic should be able to isolate it fairly quickly.

The clutch thing sounds rahter fishy, especially if it seemed fine before the car was torn down for rebuild.

New crank and rods? The crank alone is over $4k! Yikes, what happened?
I have to agree with NSX FoYoAss. It sounds like it could be the main relay just behind the pass seat under the upper trim panel. Juswt replaced mine. Part cost 74.00 from Ed Moorse Acura.
Ergozoom1 said:
I have to agree with NSX FoYoAss. It sounds like it could be the main relay just behind the pass seat under the upper trim panel. Juswt replaced mine. Part cost 74.00 from Ed Moorse Acura.

Or you could try www.Asian-Auto-Parts.com I think, thats what it is. I paid about $50 bucks shipped to my door. The guys name is Dave Day, fast shipping, great service!
dmitriy_2by2 said:
I couln't drive it fast, or pass 3k rpms cause when they rebuilt my motor, and put my fairly new clutch in.. they said it cannot be alligned and that I have to replace it soon (I also have no reverse, I have to turn off the car and start it in reverse). So when I give it a bit of gas... still under 3k, it would slip a bit (in gear)... so I had to drive it very slow

The problems with the clutch sounds like your mechanic installed the clutchplates wrongly. Did he look if the right side of the plates faces the engine or the gearbox?

Good luck,
dmitriy_2by2 said:
My car has a fresh rebuilt ... fully built engine with low compression pistons, new bearing, new cilinders, new crankshaft, new rods, new piston rings... etc.

Engine has about 100 miles on it.. maybe 150

I couln't drive it fast, or pass 3k rpms cause when they rebuilt my motor, and put my fairly new clutch in.. they said it cannot be alligned and that I have to replace it soon (I also have no reverse, I have to turn off the car and start it in reverse). So when I give it a bit of gas... still under 3k, it would slip a bit (in gear)... so I had to drive it very slow

One day I start my car, and it starts fine, sounds good, but as soon as it starts it dies. I try to give it a bit of gas, and it dies again. I don't know what to do. CAN IT BE FUEL PUMP, or something to do with fuel?

Before this insident happened, I taken my car one mile away from my house to the mall. (another day, not the same day)
And when I was excelerating from the complete stop it would starter. felt like clutch, but now that I think of it can be FUEL problem.

So What do you guys/girls think.. Do you think its fuel problem, or engine?.. If its fuel.. can someone help me locate the fuel return line, so I can check if fuel is traveling through there. Maybe something is wrong with my fuel pump?

Please let me know... and Thank a lot in advance

Did you get your NSX up and running? It's sounds like to me several things could be the cause of your problem. Did your rebuild include any changes in the fuel system?
with the rebuilt... i got:
new JE low com. forged pistons
new oem rods
new bearing, rings, caskets, etc.
new crankshaft

Anyone lives in North Miami Beach, FL area that can maybe check it out... please