I just had an epiphany...wrist watches are obsolete

I really love my Breitling, but I probably only use it half the time to check the time. I use the cell phone the rest of the time. I wouldn't give it up though.

The watch market is certainly in trouble because of cell phones.
i reached this conclusion about 10 years ago, so since we have 2 boys, i inserted a clause in my will that my estate will buy a rolex that matches the one i have and the boys will draw straws as to who gets my actual watch and the new one goes to the other son. (i bought my watch to wear as a reminder of where i came from. switzerland... just kidding ;)

mine's tucked away and the clause is there for the boys.

You're a good man Hal.
I have a friend he is an "artist" and always smoking weed. The most relaxed, laid back guy on the planet. There are two things he refuses to have in his life. Watches/clocks, and a cell phone. It infuriates others around him, but I have never seen anyone at such peace. I think two of the worst inventions ever are the cell phone and the watch. They constantly make you worried about things that are never actually here, but somewhere else. He is always enjoying the moment, and I am always worried about the next.
I have a friend he is an "artist" and always smoking weed. The most relaxed, laid back guy on the planet. There are two things he refuses to have in his life. Watches/clocks, and a cell phone. It infuriates others around him, but I have never seen anyone at such peace. I think two of the worst inventions ever are the cell phone and the watch. They constantly make you worried about things that are never actually here, but somewhere else. He is always enjoying the moment, and I am always worried about the next.

Or maybe it's just the weed.
I have a friend he is an "artist" and always smoking weed. The most relaxed, laid back guy on the planet. There are two things he refuses to have in his life. Watches/clocks, and a cell phone. It infuriates others around him, but I have never seen anyone at such peace. I think two of the worst inventions ever are the cell phone and the watch. They constantly make you worried about things that are never actually here, but somewhere else. He is always enjoying the moment, and I am always worried about the next.

It's the WEED.
+3, its the weed,

who needs a clock or phone when you smoke weed and play playstation all day and eat hot pockets and cereal

technicaly nobody really needs a watch, but it can be used for convinience and style, i havent worn one for years because i lost my watch when i had my arm casted up, and i havent had my freinds old watch fixed yet, im really picky about things, and its hard to find a watch i like,
+ like 43 or something LOL

I wear a Rolex but simply for fashion as its the only piece of jewelry that I wear.

I never look at it for the time, always my i-phone. I will actually look at it for the date but thats it.

so as far as obsolete, yes in the time sense but no in the fashion sense.
IMO the sensory input and intrusion of modern electronic devices ie. internet etc.,are things that should be used in moderation.

^^This is a great line from someone who has 2800 posts+ lol.

I have no input on this subject but that's because I'm 22. Got my first pay-as-you-go phone 7-8 years ago. And from what I remember in high school nobody wore wrist watches. As mentioned above everyone uses their cell phone. Wrist watches are for "old guys" is pretty much the mentality of my generation. Who knows what we'll dress like 40 years from now though.
Ha! I am a living anachronism. There is a jewelry store closing where I live and when the 80% sign went up I went in. I came out with 4 new watches. I've had a different watch on every day for two weeks and not one person has noticed. And then I started looking and maybe 1 person in 20 was wearing one at all. I guess that I explains why I am the only one that is ever on time for anything.

I wear my flashy watch only on special occasions , and it stopped working 4 years ago . Too me its a fashion accessory , I couldnt give a crap what time it is when I'm out partying . If anyone asks the time , I just say Oh my watch has stopped working :cool:
Get rid of your tie while you are at it.
So you stop wearing a watch because a little kid made fun of you?

Just like driving a car, you can have a beater, or travel in style.

If you do own some nice watches, it is a piece of jewelry, a symbol which reflects who you are (at least how people view you as).

If you walk into Norsdrom, a high line car dealership, or a nice restaurant and have a Rolex Yacht Master on you wrist, you'll be surprise how much nicer people will treat you just from the stereotyping.

Watches will never go away. There is a good reason why Rolex can't even meet the consumer demand.

Everyone who was "elite" used to have pocket watches on nice long chains.

How many of those do you see anymore? I just have a feeling that the current/next generation will phase watches out.

Just my forecast into the future. :)

Oh, and don't get me started on top hats.
Everyone who was "elite" used to have pocket watches on nice long chains.

How many of those do you see anymore? I just have a feeling that the current/next generation will phase watches out.

Just my forecast into the future. :)

Oh, and don't get me started on top hats.

I'm not so sure. Wristwatches are just an evolution of the pocket watch. This thread shows that watches are often worn as accessories and status symbols. That's not likely to change. It's crazy to think some people pay tens of thousands of dollars for a watch; it's even crazier to pay the same amount for half a gram of well-cut carbon. Yet these markets have existed for generations. Most of the 20-somethings I know in the financial services industry wear nice watches and aspire to own even nicer ones in the future.
Get rid of your tie while you are at it.

I agree. A tie is the most worthless article of clothing. Who came up with the idea that it would be a good to wrap a piece of cloth around your neck and tighten it?

Back on topic. I wear a watch everyday and I can't leave the house without one on my wrist. I can probably count five days in the last 20 years that I haven't worn one.
I agree. A tie is the most worthless article of clothing. Who came up with the idea that it would be a good to wrap a piece of cloth around your neck and tighten it?

Back on topic. I wear a watch everyday and I can't leave the house without one on my wrist. I can probably count five days in the last 20 years that I haven't worn one.

I disagree. I really like my ties. They finish off a nice shirt perfectly. I guess it depends what line of work you are in. If you never have to wear one to work then you probably will never appreciate them. Most people don't wear them for fun.

OH and +4, it is the weed man... artist are some pretty damn laid back people with little worry for time. In a deadline driven business like newspapers, that causes a problem daily.
I just had an epiphany...wrist watches are obsolete

It took you that long to realize that?

I saw one episode of The Flavur of Love and it hit me:

"Why wear a wrist watch when I can wear a tacky clock around my neck! Eureka!"
I'm not so sure. Wristwatches are just an evolution of the pocket watch. This thread shows that watches are often worn as accessories and status symbols. That's not likely to change. It's crazy to think some people pay tens of thousands of dollars for a watch; it's even crazier to pay the same amount for half a gram of well-cut carbon. Yet these markets have existed for generations. Most of the 20-somethings I know in the financial services industry wear nice watches and aspire to own even nicer ones in the future.


Or that we are in a time of convenience, with Starbucks at every corner, every girl looking the same with a boob job (not complaining at all), everyone aspiring to get a bigger house, nice car, so on and so forth. I, for one, am seeing a lot of people forgetting what it is to appreciate the simplest little things.

I love winding my watch. I wouldn't mind paying in excess of 100k for a watch (Richard Mille) it just simply means I have to make more money. We are all guilty of capitalism but we don't have to take it for granted. Rolex's are nice but you can get them everywhere.

Yeah, people will pay for a half gram piece of carbon that you can get at any mall but where the beauty lies is flying to say south africa to pick out that piece of carbon for that one you love. The women, I mean, woman that is able to put up with me and love me for who I am deserves for me to do things that are extraordinary.

I am kinda surprised by the responses here about watches to be honest with you guys. Maybe this is me getting older, I don't know. It's funny cause people here that appreciate what honda has done with the nsx should appreciate things that are handmade, exclusive, timeless. To me that's the allure of all my purchases... It's no longer get this and get that, more like I can afford this do I really want it?

just rambling...
Alright-y then… I’m in mood to ramble!

Let's see any cell phone tell time when you're up camping up in the Rockies. Guess what, there isn't one! Cell phones are also high maintenance compared to watches. A battery in my watches lasts years and few of them are eco or motion charged so there is no need for one anyway, while my cell has a three or four day battery life with normal use. That takes it right out of the picture when I’m camping for a week. But cell does have one upper hand on wristwatches – it automatically switches time-zones.

IMO, other than their functionality and convenience, watches are also somehow a sign of class, just like a suit. I believe suits to be obsolete but they’ve been a staple of business environment for over a century and will probably always be that way, even when everyone starts wearing the futuristic one-piece aluminum foil suits with copper wire ties.

Anyways, I have one designated watch that I wear all the time and I take it off once every two weeks or so when I need to have it off to do something. I shower with it, sleep with it, swim with it, play guitar with it and fix my car with it… I need half a second long glance to get the time, which, if you want convenience, is quicker than – reaching into my pocket to get the cell phone – pointing the mouse over the taskbar to get the time (which is usually off anyway) – looking at the sun – turning on the TV and putting on TV Guide or a news channel. I do know people who hate watches cause it takes them few seconds to read the arms and tell the time but that’s where the happy meal swatches come in. Lastly, I will pass my watches to my kids and grand kids someday and I’m sure they’ll appreciate that. My iPhone will probably be a paperweight by then.

Asking someone what time it is… Now THAT’S obsolete!
I have a friend he is an "artist" and always smoking weed. The most relaxed, laid back guy on the planet. There are two things he refuses to have in his life. Watches/clocks, and a cell phone. It infuriates others around him, but I have never seen anyone at such peace. I think two of the worst inventions ever are the cell phone and the watch. They constantly make you worried about things that are never actually here, but somewhere else. He is always enjoying the moment, and I am always worried about the next.

That's why God invented the "silence ringer" option. :biggrin:
Geez, I must be in the minority here, since I always wear a watch and find it easier checking the time on my wrist rather than pulling out the cell phone. I've also been adding to my collection and have been catching hell from the guys at work here who think that wearing a Movado is over the top when a Timex will do. Too bad.

What kills me though is young kids who can't tell time unless it's digitally displayed. :confused: I was recently asked by a young kid how do I tell time on that watch since there are no numbers. I told them I guess a lot. :biggrin: