I hope you die!!!!

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Some of you people are nuts! Please tell me that you being offended was just a joke. And to actually castigate someone for an innocent comment is completely insane. Would it make you feel better if he wished that someone would be struck by a car and die instantly so there would be no suffering for the victim? Get a life!
davidb said:
Some of you people are nuts! Please tell me that you being offended was just a joke. And to actually castigate someone for an innocent comment is completely insane. Would it make you feel better if he wished that someone would be struck by a car and die instantly so there would be no suffering for the victim? Get a life!

Hey I heard of someone once that was hit by a car, your comment is in very bad taste!!!

I agree a lot of people are over reacting to the comment, but I also agree that the original comment wasn't very well thought out.
hlweyl said:
To the person who opened their door on my new nsx yesterday, I hope you get cancer and die!!!!!

But seriously, I was parked on an end space on the far side of that space so that hopefully noone would get close to me. The space was farthest away from the medical building where I work part time.

I come out to my car at the end of the day and there's a door ding that took a chunk of paint off about half the size of a dime. At least they coulda left a note on my windshield confessing. I guess i'll have a good body shop try to touch it up without spraying the entire door. I doubt calling my insurance company would be of any benefit.

Makes me wonder why people are so ignorant in this world.
Hey Hlweyl,
Is a door ding worth the stress of wishing death upon another person? So you work at a medical center? I hope you aren't anything more than a janitor, because a doctor or lab tech with that attitude is dangerous.
Have you ever stopped to think that it might have been a child pushing the door too far and not being able to grab it quick enough to avoid the accident? These things happen to all of us from time to time. The simple thing would be to call the poilce for an accident report to be made, then get the dent repaired and be done with the whole thing. We didn't really need to know about it. If attention is what you were seeking ... you got some.

Soichiro said:
I've seen cow-shit smeared on a Lamborghini. That's about the worst IMO.

Wow, I feel sorry for the owner of the Lamborghini, but I have to tell you. The people who smeared that cow crap on the car got some guts. Even with gloves on I woudn't want to pick up cow shit. To smear a whole car with it must of taken a lot of cow shit as well:eek:
I must agree with whiteNSXs comment. hlweyl probably didn't mean what he said literally. He's just venting. Although the comment was in poor taste, :( put yourselves in his shoes. How would you react if someone put a major door ding in your $80,000 "baby"? :eek: I know I wouldn't take it very well. :mad: I probably would also throw a fit and make harsh remarks... I know the car is just a material thing, but if you were really pissed off would you just forget about what happened because it's "just a car"?
ChrisK said:
To smear a whole car with it must of taken a lot of cow shit as well:eek:

Hmm... I dunno if it's the whole car. Let's think of it this way, it's cow shit smeared on a bull, not so bad now is it? :D
was it 1 in 5 or 1 in 3 people that dies from cancer today. So, chances are that criminal will die from cancer. And we all have experiences of seeing someone dying from cancer. I too have lived with someone for the last few months of their cancer infested life, and the experience is something I still see in my dreams quite often.

I think using a gun in non life threatening situation is wrong, but if I saw someone do something to my property, I would feel like shooting them, ... in their knee cap. Luckily I don't live in the US, so no guns. I do carry a water gun all the time though. So I can wet someone if they piss me off. And a megaphone to shout at them.

Oh, and drop dead comment reminded me of something... when I was in school and in Religious Education lesson, I seem to remember a hot debate by my friend, who spotted a story in the new testament that Jesus says drop dead to someone and they die... I got to check the reason why he had to die. But if you are a God you can do that. And supposedly thats one of the 10 commandments... not to kill.
hlweyl said:
To the person who opened their door on my new nsx yesterday, I hope you get cancer and die!!!!!

But seriously,

Thanks for the compassion guys, i'm sure we all have been there. To the people that were offended by the comment "i hope you get cancer and die" i apologize. I was angry at the time and I did follow that comment up with the next 2 words "but seriously." In my area, when one says "but seriously" the previous comment isn't to be taken literally.... but maybe I live in a vacuum where noone esle in the world uses those phrases:)

And to NSX pilot, thanks for the idea about checking security cameras, I haven't even thought of that.

IMO i do think it was intentional. I was parked farthest away from the building and there are plenty of handicapped spaces up front. There was enough room in the space next to me to park a Mack truck. If it was an accident, surely the person would have left a note. Oh well:(
But if you do, next time kindly listen and analyse the exact meaning of the curses that come out of your mouth.....

And on the flip side, he should've thought about his word selection before posting the thread. Not everyone associates the phrase "but seriously" to mean that the previous words are to be ignored. Too late. It's like saying something mean to somebody then telling them to ignore the offending comment. I've done it and I regret it. (Side note to who may be listening - even though the wound is there, I apologize).

Door ding - very petty. Last year I got rear ended at a red light. I was upset, but I didn't berate the guy. Shoot, I liked driving around in a big rent car.....man you can haul a lot more trash in a Taurus than an NSX. :p

Like Soichiro, nsxtasy and AKUDOU say - it is just a car that can be repaired. I am not advocating that door dings on an NSX are to be "overlooked" but let's put things in perspective.....like 9-11.

And to hlweyl, thankyou for apologizing about your word choice faux pas.
I've only had my car for a little while, but I've noticed that even if you park your car far away from others someone will amost always park next to you, at least from my experiences. I'm not sure if they're doing this to be asses and piss you off since it's obvious u're trying to avoid other cars or if they're just interested in the car and want to get a closer look (but then y don't they park like a spot away).
Re: Re: I hope you die!!!!

Hey Hlweyl,
Is a door ding worth the stress of wishing death upon another person? So you work at a medical center? I hope you aren't anything more than a janitor, because a doctor or lab tech with that attitude is dangerous.
Have you ever stopped to think that it might have been a child pushing the door too far and not being able to grab it quick enough to avoid the accident? These things happen to all of us from time to time. The simple thing would be to call the poilce for an accident report to be made, then get the dent repaired and be done with the whole thing. We didn't really need to know about it. If attention is what you were seeking ... you got some.

Give me a break! So next time your car gets vandalized, you are going to have absolutely calm voices telling yourself, "OK, OK, it is only a car. I am gonna call the police now and then get the car repaired and be done with the whole thing." All this time, you will not get upset, or stressed out or swear. Since you don't think ANYONE need to know about this, as you preach, you are just going to keep the entire incident private. Of course, if you really are some attention seeking kind, you probably will tell a few friends.
Hyweyl, just did what anyone would do when his pride and joy got vandalized. He was upset and shocked. He cursed and swore and some of you get upset with his words and he gets tormented by guy like you who obviously has never said any swear words in your life. He wrote to his friends( us ) about it and you called him attention seeking.
As I said before, many curse words people often use are really no better than cancer.
Yes, cancer sounds nasty and so is SOB, A-hole, go to hell, or any curse word. I would like to see someone jumping up and down if next time he/she hears someone saying SOB, drop dead and reacting by saying,"hey that's really in poor taste. I know someone who has a mother too!" or "hey that's nasty, my friend's mother died from a heart attack."
Teapot calls the kettle black.
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hlweyl said:
To the person who opened their door on my new nsx yesterday, I hope you get cancer and die!!!!!

But seriously, I was parked on an end space on the far side of that space so that hopefully noone would get close to me. The space was farthest away from the medical building where I work part time.

I come out to my car at the end of the day and there's a door ding that took a chunk of paint off about half the size of a dime. At least they coulda left a note on my windshield confessing. I guess i'll have a good body shop try to touch it up without spraying the entire door. I doubt calling my insurance company would be of any benefit.

Makes me wonder why people are so ignorant in this world.

Before I bought my NSX ... I owned a Ferrari. I parked awaaaay from everyone when the car was new. I noticed that regardless of where I parked, someone went out of their way to park next to me, even in a parking lot like Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine, TX. Thirty nine football games could be played there at once with room to spare! So if keeping your NSX safe from door dings is a worry, leave it at home and drive something less bling bling to work. Use the NSX for weekend pleasure. You will live longer and be happier.

AKUDOU said:
there's a door ding that took a chunk of paint off about half the size of a dime."Life is like a door ding" (Sounds like a good title for a book)The first one is the worst you get immune to the rest. So get over it.
My momma used to tell me.

"Life is like a box of chocalates. When you go out to the car- you never know what you will find on the outside"

Sorry about the car, really. But cancer- Please!!
this thread is a huuuuuge waste of band width!!!!!
The title of this thread is very catchy I must say. If you forgot the actual title, go back and read it. For some reason, my day is better after reading the title. I laughed out loud...something I have not done all day.

I think some of you guys need to calm down though. hlweyl was angry and not in his right state of mind when he posted that message. I think we need to cut him some slack.
The title of the thread might be catchy...but the reason there is so much uncomfort in this thread is because of the desease mentioned. Many people have seen loved ones go through and pass on from this nasty desease. This being done in a jokingly fasion is just plain a slap in their face. While the posters intent is all in good fun (for him, and other's who don't know people who have died from cancer), it is HUGELY offending to many people. I hope this thread dies, I'm sick of seeing it bump back to the top.
Ah, the beauty of living in a politically correct world. For every single thing that has been uttered, there is always someone who might get offended by it.

My father died of cancer less than 6 years ago. Do I feel like I was slapped in the face? Puuleaze.

Did what hlweyl ranted about give someone cancer? No. Did it affect my father in any way? No. Did it affect _______ (fill in the blank with anyone you know)? Again no. It's just a rant, give it a rest. If you don't like what he's saying, don't visit this thread. It's just like radio, TV, or movies: If you don't like it, don't listen/watch.

As far as the damage to the car: I can absolutely understand getting angry over someone damaging my property, especially if it was done on purpose.
I drive a beater with 150K miles (don't have an NSX yet), and would still get upset, just out of principle.

It's all relative. NSXIMAGE says just get over it. Well, maybe a door ding is a big deal to hlweyl (it would be to me). Maybe the equivalent to you would be someone willfully running an SUV bumper into and across your hood. I'm sure you would just take it, and not get angry. What if someone who is insanely envious torched your NSX, while you were away from it. I'm sure you would be calm and collected.
Originally posted by Ponyboy
This thread = worst ever.

Originally posted by WOODY
this thread is a huuuuuge waste of band width!!!!!

It's obvious that both of you didn't intend to use those precise words, which might be considered offensive to some. The way you should have worded these posts is:

I hope this thread dies!!!!

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