I hate snow!

21 January 2004
New Brunswick, NJ
At the breaking point, I am so tired of snow that if I never saw it every again, I wouldnt care less. :mad:

That's all:biggrin:
I would love it if it snowed hard, but then was 80degrees the next day to melt it all away.

Drove the snowcat to work today.


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This has definitely been a strange start to the year. It has snowed probably a good 10"+ each week consistently for us since the first storm hit us back in December. I don't recall it ever snowing so consistently in the past couple of years.

I don't mind the snow though, I get to have some fun in the RL on snowy nights when I arrive to my parking lot lol.
Well... it's suppose to be 80 degs in LA today but still chilly at nights (50s)

Chilly is 20 and below :tongue:
But it looks soooo pretty :smile:


Hows the zdx treating you mike? The type s with winter tires on has been a trooper so far even if its only fwd
The snow is getting pretty old. I just have my girlfriend give me rides when needed. The NSX stays in for a few days till its clear. We got a foot of snow around here.
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Hows the zdx treating you mike? The type s with winter tires on has been a trooper so far even if its only fwd

She's an ANIMAL! But I really hate this snow, I shoveled for 2 hours this AM starting at 6am and got Christine's car stuck in my court. I had to have a front loader pull her car out with a rope to the tow hook. :frown:
yea we have some snow , use to pray for it , snowmobiler for 37 yrs , dont want to see it now , talk cold ,1979 saranec lake -52 below ambient temp =no b.s. ,yea i was there , it was the year before the olympics and they were building the snow jumps in lake placid ,set the record for temp in ny ,cant wait for spring
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I've had enough....I went out last week and bought an 07 Dodge Nitro just to survive my commute...my BMW(rwd only) was no match for this winter. It's a fun truck but I still got stuck this am :eek: I thought I would have been able to just plow through. Uh Bad Idea...stuck it back in the garage and waited for the plow guy. I can't wait for SPRING!!!
I was in Mexico last week sipping on drinks, watching the waves come in, and soaking up the sun....coming home to cold, gray, and snow was just depressing. :(
It's the North East. Having diverse, unpredictable weather is normal.

Two weeks from now it could be sixty degrees and get a blizzard right after that.

Here you can have 80 in March and a snow storm in April.

You want weather? We got it!

At least we don't have Californians!:tongue:
I dont mind the snow, been spend a few hours driving the plow each day of the snow.

though, i wouldnt mind two weeks of 40's with some 2 days of rain to wash away all the snow and salt so i can take out the car.
I don't think I could live that much snow. The last time I saw snow was during the blizzard in 1996 while living in NYC.

I think I'm going to drive my NSX this weekend. :biggrin:
It's the North East. Having diverse, unpredictable weather is normal.

Two weeks from now it could be sixty degrees and get a blizzard right after that.

Here you can have 80 in March and a snow storm in April.

You want weather? We got it!

At least we don't have Californians!:tongue:

We are smarter than that......:biggrin:
"Weeeeeeee!" Killington, Mad River, Okemo, Hunter, Stratton ........... doesn't get any better! :biggrin::biggrin: