How many tickets have you got?

Since purchasing my NSX, all other tickets have been forgotten! ALmost one year and none..............................yet:D
Based on the responses of this thread my wife will not be saying anything to me about tickets again. All I have to do is show this info to her!

I would suggest saving the thread for those of you that may have future concerns.

One observation of the posts....I find it amazing that none of you have had any tickets in your NSX. I respect that and you have greater self-control of you right foot than I.

And..........well.....some of you are just plain nuts and should think about wearing a helmet as much as possible.;)

Thanks to my attorney for 0 pts. Thank you Lone Jack, Missouri Police Dept. for the $100 dollar fine, and thanks to all you vehicular degenerates that contributed and unknowingly helped me cause. May your lights be all green.
Almost got pinched today for putting the wrong plates on my car....oops!! :)