How many tickets have you got?

I've only had 1 speeding ticket...and that was seven years ago. I should have contested it as I totally didn't deserve it.

0 in the NSX...but have been given a warning for speeding twice (both times for only five miles over the posted speed limit).

I'm actually more worried about getting tickets during Mammoth trips in my SUV.
AaronR said:
1 only in the CRX of all cars, 134 in a 65...go VTEC baby!!!! Went to court, lawyer argued that my car could not go that fast (which has to be true) and I got off except for a $1000.00 fine..ouch!

With all due respect....the $1000 fine might prevent me from saying "I got off". BTW, I got my NSX free, except for the $38,000 or so! :D
15 years as a licensed driver, 2 parking tickets. Never used any radar detector, although I try to follow folks who do. :D
How many are on my record, or how many times have I been pulled over?? The numbers are VERY different....hehehe.... ;) the way, I got my first ticket when I was 4 YEARS OLD!! I got it for 'Driving without a license' in Indianapolis. It is kind of faded, but I have it and it was the beginning of my life of crime in traffic offenses. :D
None. I try to drive safely and responsibly at all times.

But it's okay to take off from a set of lights as fast as you can... so long as you don't go over the speedlimit. ;)

I hope MYNSX reads and replies this thread... :D :D :D
1 ticket 3 years ago comming back from Mardi Gras in our suburban.

Pulled over with 2 other members on this board traveling 160+ and passed a cop took 9 to pull us over and sat on the highway for well over and hour... Given 4 tickes, 14pts and 1140 in fines...

We got off all of it :D -450 in lawyers fees
LeftLane said:
With all due respect....the $1000 fine might prevent me from saying "I got off". BTW, I got my NSX free, except for the $38,000 or so! :D

Where I got the ticket I should have been arrested, and would have gotten enough points to lose my driving privledges for 12-24 months (none of which happened), so in my eyes..... "I got off". Plus it never showed on my record so it is not a factor in my insurance. I have lost $1000.00 in worse ways :D
Kroger said:
1 ticket 3 years ago comming back from Mardi Gras in our suburban.

Pulled over with 2 other members on this board traveling 160+ and passed a cop took 9 to pull us over and sat on the highway for well over and hour... Given 4 tickes, 14pts and 1140 in fines...

We got off all of it :D -450 in lawyers fees

:confused: traveling 160+ in our suburban.
steveny said:
:confused: traveling 160+ in our suburban.

The suburban ticket was 3 years ago... sorry for the poor structure of my post. 83 in a 70

160+ was in a Viper GTS...
Ive always had a heavy foot .... ive had too many and i dont want to remember any of them......a few a got off with just a warning the others I just paid as they were zone 1 speed violations. Oh i has one where i was over a 100 mph, good thing i had no points on my license. $450 fine and 11 pts.
steveny said:
I thought the Viper was a Two seater:confused: :confused:

I didn't say we all were in one car :p there were NSX'S involved in this nonsense... The older and more reckless generation HAHA
steveny said:
FYI I am in the process of getting a distributorship for passport radar systems. If anyone is interested maybe a group buy could be set up.

Well I have an 8500, but have been considering upgrading it with a ZR3. How knowledged are you with the escort line if you don't mind my asking? is like paying taxes....just cannot be avoided sometimes, unless you have proper legal help. :D ;)
4-speeding tix. 1 dropped because cop didnt show at court. 1 wiped because i took a driving course.

1-violation for having old address on my licence. Couldnt ticket me cause he didnt have his gun on so he gave me that instead.

That was between when I was 18-20. I haven't had a ticket in over 2 yrs. I know I got a thick head and a lead foot.
I got busted for 80 on the freeway in San Diego around last Thanksgiving and I get about one parking ticket a month here at UCI if you wanna count those, too! Haha :p :D
Iv got one, and the cop gave it to me on thanksgiving night. I guess he didnt like the sound of a bov when i went under the yellow.
RSO 34 said:
I I have been averaging getting pulled over about 5-6 times per year with the V1 and it is always an "instant on" scenario.

Could you tell me what highways you were travelling on when you got pulled over?