Handicap Bias?
A related story from today:
...So my mother calls me and tells me she needed help running an errand and needs me to take her somewhere today.
Not a problem as I see it - I'll just go and take her car for the day then
- a Lincoln LS - no bimmer but still a good handler and fun package, especially considering she doesn't really drive much.
My mother has had countless surgeries over the years due to various back, leg, knee and ankle problems from an accident years ago. Thus the handicap plates on her car.
So I'm out and about and decide to avoid some backed up traffic on the freeway to take the access road near the mall.
I'm exiting and am now on the service road still doing about 60 in a 40 zone. Naturally what do I see but a radar gun pointed at me and a cop looking right in my direction ready to add another victim to his quota today.
It has been a while since I got a ticket, so I figured I was just due. Then something strange happened - the guy just let me fly by!
I thought maybe it was a mistake so I start turning into the mall hoping a little extra traffic will make it harder to pinpoint me should he follow, but what do I see in the rearview mirror - his lights starting to flash and he goes after someone else!
Was it a mistake or did he decide to let me go because of the plates? I know the point at which most radar/lidar guns are pointed at is usually the front plate. The time between me passing and his strobes engaging was about 6-8 seconds.
Coincidence or luck, I don't know, but needless to say me and my driving record are happy!
So anyone think it was the plates?
I just can't accept the fact this actually happened to me.
I never have luck this good.
Anyway in the span of about 3 years I had about 5-7 tickets.
Mostly speeding, but the ones that really irk me:
"Failure to maintain financial responsibility" - Couldn't locate my insurance card at the time...Okay okay... mostly my fault.
"No turn signal and 90 in a 60" - from a non traffic cop at 11:55pm (most likely end of shift and filling quota) who paced me with all his lights off. The no turn signal was the salt in the wound. - I saw several people not use their signals but naturally who gets pulled over for that...
"Aggressive Driving" - for chirping my tires in a puddle turning at less than 10 mph. - In white Settlement TX - where the police outnumber the actual citizens on any given night.
It's taken a while, but most are finally off my record.