How many tickets have you got?

3 April 2002
Lee's Summit,MO/8mmLake of the Ozarks
I was busted today doing 80 in a 65. Deserved as are most tickets. My wife says it seems like you get them often:rolleyes: .

Not really however, its about 1 every 1 - 2 years and its always on the interstate w/defective equip. lawyer speak so the points don't show.

Am I that different than you other that are on the road often ? So how many have you guys had in the last few years.

1 in NSX and 1 in my daily driver.

Before anyone says it, a V1 in being ordered.
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Would the V1 have helped you in the exact situation you were in? It would have avoided the ticket?
After six years and seven months of driving my NSX, my ticket count is 0. When I go fast, the stereo is turned off, watch front and back like a hawk, slow to check the overpasses, don't fly by a pack of cars going slow (cop could be the leader!) and avoid the fast lane.

I have no radar detector and really have no desire to buy one.
I am not trying to brag or anything; and it is not something I'm proud of, but I have had 8 tickets in the past 2 years. None in the nsx. 3 of them were for going 3-5 miles over the posted speed limit and 1 while pumping gas. :rolleyes:
coolnsx said:
Would the V1 have helped you in the exact situation you were in? It would have avoided the ticket?

Today, yes it would have. The one before that I was in the NSX and I doubt it!

I'm no maniac mind you and get no pleasure from this. I see myself as a normal car guy like alot others here on Prime or other sites I visit.
I was on the way to the beach with my father, sister, and wife in the car. I was about 3 hours from home when I pulled in to get some gas. About 4 gallons went in the car, when a policeman pulls up and asks me what part of MD im from. Then he asked for my license and registration. He said that back on that road I was going 70 and that it had a speed limit of 60. I thought he was kidding, but found out that he wasnt. I guess he figured I wouldnt drive 3 hours back there to contest his ticket. I dont even know why I wasted my time arguing with him, completely ruined the trip.
Handicap Bias?

A related story from today:

...So my mother calls me and tells me she needed help running an errand and needs me to take her somewhere today.

Not a problem as I see it - I'll just go and take her car for the day then :D - a Lincoln LS - no bimmer but still a good handler and fun package, especially considering she doesn't really drive much.

My mother has had countless surgeries over the years due to various back, leg, knee and ankle problems from an accident years ago. Thus the handicap plates on her car.

So I'm out and about and decide to avoid some backed up traffic on the freeway to take the access road near the mall.

I'm exiting and am now on the service road still doing about 60 in a 40 zone. Naturally what do I see but a radar gun pointed at me and a cop looking right in my direction ready to add another victim to his quota today.

It has been a while since I got a ticket, so I figured I was just due. Then something strange happened - the guy just let me fly by!

I thought maybe it was a mistake so I start turning into the mall hoping a little extra traffic will make it harder to pinpoint me should he follow, but what do I see in the rearview mirror - his lights starting to flash and he goes after someone else!

Was it a mistake or did he decide to let me go because of the plates? I know the point at which most radar/lidar guns are pointed at is usually the front plate. The time between me passing and his strobes engaging was about 6-8 seconds.

Coincidence or luck, I don't know, but needless to say me and my driving record are happy!

So anyone think it was the plates?
I just can't accept the fact this actually happened to me.
I never have luck this good.


Anyway in the span of about 3 years I had about 5-7 tickets.
Mostly speeding, but the ones that really irk me:

"Failure to maintain financial responsibility" - Couldn't locate my insurance card at the time...Okay okay... mostly my fault.

"No turn signal and 90 in a 60" - from a non traffic cop at 11:55pm (most likely end of shift and filling quota) who paced me with all his lights off. The no turn signal was the salt in the wound. - I saw several people not use their signals but naturally who gets pulled over for that...

"Aggressive Driving" - for chirping my tires in a puddle turning at less than 10 mph. - In white Settlement TX - where the police outnumber the actual citizens on any given night.

It's taken a while, but most are finally off my record.
By my age:

16-19: 5 tickets
20-24: 2 tickets
25-34: 1 ticket

I like the trend here...:) And none in the NSX (*knock on wood*).
Only 2 in the last four years. One with the family going 75 in a 65--plane trap in rural Illinois. Court supervision, the county just wanted their money.

One in rural missouri going 82 in a 60. That one was in the nsx. The state trooper was very cool. Said he was reducing the speed. (I hit the brakes really hard when I met him on the road).

Hey Tom, you need to open your eyes bro. :D I drive like a maniac in KC and I always see them first. The passport detector helps too.
coolnsx said:
Would the V1 have helped you in the exact situation you were in?

I have the V1 on at all times in any car that I drive and it won't protect you in every situation. For example, many jurisdictions have their radar set to "instant on" for a particular speed and by the time you get the reading on the V1 it is too late. I have been averaging getting pulled over about 5-6 times per year with the V1 and it is always an "instant on" scenario.
donwon said:
1 while pumping gas. :rolleyes:

I hear you! When I was in college, I had a 85 civic hatch, with dark windows, no front plate, frame around the rear plate, and front window banner. The cop saw me pumping gas, and parked and waited. As I later pulled out, he pulled me over instantly after I got on to the street.

10 yrs later I got harassed at a video store parking lot by a cop about no front plate, and dark windows on my 98 GSR. I basically told him to go to hell. I knew he was just over his "city" line (must have returned some movies himself).

2 years ago I had a cop whip a u-turn (GSR) and speed up to my bumper and follow me for a mile. I was pissed cause I was only being followed because of my Mugen wing, wheels, shiny muffler, being lowered etc. I actually pulled over myself and got out of the car and put my hands to my side saying WTF. He was shocked that I pulled over and how upset I was for being discriminated based on my cars looks. He said he was just following close to see my registration sticker (come on please....) I gave him the speech that you cannot always judge people by what car the drive. He checked my record (clean) and actually apologized for following so close. I got sick of the stereotyping that my GSR got, so I got smart and bought an NSX :D

In the last 10 years, I got a 50 in a 30 in the GSR, and a passing in a no-passing zone GSR (citizens arrest! I went to court and proved that it was impossible to have been passing in the no-passing zone, and the judge said "well obviously this lady came here today to testify against you, and doesn't have anything against you, so I believe her testimony." What a joke.
No tickets in the last year and a half (none in the NSX), but my last one was tough to detect. I35 between SA and Austin, going around 80 mph with the interstate flow, and come over a crest to see a trooper sitting on the shoulder. I slow a little and go by him, and he pulls out behind me - surprised me, because I'm in a non-descript TL-S at the time.

He proceeds to pull me over and ask me what my hurry is. I respectfully say that I wasn't going faster than anyone else, just staying with the flow of traffic. He tells me that I was tracked by aircraft and timed for the last 13 miles, and in addition to speeding I was also following too closely. However, since I really wasn't going very fast when I passed him, he didn't write a ticket for speeding, just following too closely, which just so happens to be the most expensive fine to pay. Unfortunately, my Passport or your V1 wouldn't have helped me here.

As I sat in his cruiser, I listened to the aircraft pilot radio down which cars and what mile markers he was following, and what the infractions were. It was actually pretty interesting to hear their chatter.

Thanks to, the ticket was dismissed and now I can worry about driving my arrest-me-red NSX. :D
22 tickets in the past 6 years (all for speeding) most of them for 20+ over the limit. 3 liscense suspensions in total. 6 tickets in the NSX. my worst was 3 in less than 1 month but...that was a couple years ago. Am I proud of it - NO! Am I going to drive slow........
donwon said:
II dont even know why I wasted my time arguing with him, completely ruined the trip.

I think some of them get off on ruining things for people.

I have quite a few friends that are police officers. They all tell me the same thing, "if the speeder has a radar detector visible in the car it is intent to speed and the speeder is getting a ticket." I think the valentine is a great unit maybe the best, but it is not concealable like the passport srx or k40. Also the valentine does not have laser scrambling capabilities like the srx or k40. If and when Valentine makes a stealth unit I will buy one. Until then I am in stealth mode. Yes one can unplug the Valentine before the cop gets to the window but if the officer is observant enough he will see the power cord and then your screwed.
I use to get tickets all the time, now I just stay home. When I do leave I obey the traffic laws the best I can. After all I am officially out of favors with my girlfriends mother's boss...the DA.

FYI I am in the process of getting a distributorship for passport radar systems. If anyone is interested maybe a group buy could be set up.
I can't remember the last time I got a speeding ticket. For sure I haven't had one in the last 20 years, although I have been stopped for speeding a few times. In fact, one time I was high tailing it in my old RX-7 to a lake to meet a fishing buddy (~5:30am) and was a bit late. Just as I crested a hill on a rural two lane highway, I came upon a state patrolman. No time to react, he got me on radar at 102 (in a 55 zone). I politely told him the truth, and explained the 6 pack of beer in the car was for later in the day while fishing, and het let me go. :D I guess the guy was going off duty or something.

I better go find some wood to knock on....
To many...3 in 3 years all in different cars,only one in the X and I deserved it. the other two were absolute B.S. The one I was guilty for sure I was lets say comparing the difference between my car and some loud mouth in a built pony.wish I had my windows up and the stereo bangin because that one was a bitch $$$. oh yes if I remember correctly the 2 patrol cars came after me and let the pony split,go fiqure
1 only in the CRX of all cars, 134 in a 65...go VTEC baby!!!! Went to court, lawyer argued that my car could not go that fast (which has to be true) and I got off except for a $1000.00 fine..ouch!
AaronR said:
1 only in the CRX of all cars, 134 in a 65...go VTEC baby!!!! Went to court, lawyer argued that my car could not go that fast (which has to be true) and I got off except for a $1000.00 fine..ouch!

Motor swaps and bolt-on FI kits are great! :D

Cheaper insurance than a "real" sports car, and way faster as well. My Integra did high 12's and easily would hit redline in 5th (150+). Never had to use the "my integra can't go that fast" in court though!!
25 years at the wheel
0 tickets (of any kind)
I hate to say it, but when I get it, I will probably deserve it.
V1 has helped with the NSX but observing the situation and not being stupid probably has saved me more often.
pt91 said:
25 years at the wheel
0 tickets (of any kind)
I hate to say it, but when I get it, I will probably deserve it.
V1 has helped with the NSX but observing the situation and not being stupid probably has saved me more often.

I think this really is the real question asked here. Why is it that some people seem to never get tickets and others almost seem targeted.