For a short time I drove my 92 with no power steering to work a lot. I had no problems using it as a daily driver for that time. Once you start moving even just a little bit (My guess 5MPH or higher) you can already 1 hand steer the NSX, so it is not a problem. It is only when you try and move the steering wheel while the car is not in motion for that first few feet while trying to get out of a tight parking space that you need two hands, but it is not that hard at all. On the opposite side I drive an 04 Lexus which has one of the more over boosted feeling steering wheels IMHO and I still have no trouble jumping into the NSX. It me personally all about a few blocks to get used to the steering. If you drove the NSX as a daily drive you would not miss powersteering at all. However, while it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me, I probably wouldn't mind having the power steering for those rare tight parking space times even it it really doesn't bother my much at all right now. However, like NetViper mentioned, between a 94 and 95/96 it would be more a choice between hard top and T. I personally probably wouldn't step up to a 97+ if you really wanted the T over the Coupe since the 97 has a lot of worth while upgrades including more power and IMHO a better trans.
I'd also like to mentioned as I don't think anyone brought it up, no power steering in an NSX is not the same as the old no power steering days or if you loose power steering in a car that was equiped with it. It actually is much lighter than if you had a power steering car and lost your power steering. I tried to emmulate the steering feel of my NSX by disconnecting the power steering ECU on my Lexus SC400. What this does is give you a bare minimum power steering boost. In the SC's case it felt pretty good at speeds above 50/60 MPH, but it was much heavier and tougher to steer than the NSX at anything under 30 MPH. Going back into the NSX felt like it had power steering :biggrin: I ended up hooking the ECU back up because my wife hated the steering feel.
I'd also like to mentioned as I don't think anyone brought it up, no power steering in an NSX is not the same as the old no power steering days or if you loose power steering in a car that was equiped with it. It actually is much lighter than if you had a power steering car and lost your power steering. I tried to emmulate the steering feel of my NSX by disconnecting the power steering ECU on my Lexus SC400. What this does is give you a bare minimum power steering boost. In the SC's case it felt pretty good at speeds above 50/60 MPH, but it was much heavier and tougher to steer than the NSX at anything under 30 MPH. Going back into the NSX felt like it had power steering :biggrin: I ended up hooking the ECU back up because my wife hated the steering feel.