How do you obtain a finance company?

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
I'm in sales right now...I own a business selling pressure cleaning and detailing trailers and lately a lot of people are asking about financing.

Can anyone point in the right direction as to how to obtain a company that I can finance through? How to go about this? What will be required?

Any help is greatly apprecaited! Thanks

If this is a distributorship, perhaps you can ask the manufacturer if they have preferred financiers to work with. If not, perhaps you can source financing through a used car financier?

Just throwing out ideas.
Brian, just start searching "equipment leasing" and "equipment financing" and you will find that there are many companies that provide financing solutions for equipment vendors. An alternate solution is to finance the equipment for them, where you profit from the interest.
Right, I believe it's called a "Related Finance Company." Good advice.