How do you deal with all the unwanted attention?

Great response, Philip! I agree with all your points. I have a 95 M3 as my daily driver, so I have no need to park the NSX anywhere. Yes, I may be a little overprotective of the car, and yes, it's "just a car", but I like keeping things in pristine shape, especially since I see myself keeping this car for a very long time. I could never say that about all the cars I had in the past.
Matt_337 said:
Get a beater to do your daily driving.
Screw that, I drive my NSX every chance I get. If I had a beater, it would sit in the driveway and rust.

As for attention, I don't even really notice the gawkers while driving any more. When people approach me in public I'm always happy to talk about the car though.

I refuse to be paranoid about the car. I take ordinary precautions when parking, but otherwise I drive it like it's any other car.
pbassjo said:
Perhaps some look at you because you are looking at them to see if they look at you?:confused:

There you go :tongue: I think it's pretty normal do that in the beginning with a car like the NSX...

I did that even with a very old Mini (you, Mr. Bean's car).

You perhaps get curious on how much attention you are getting.
I live in NY. I'm careful who I look at.

To paraphrase a line by the character Ernie Souchak(John Belushi) in the 1981 movie "Continental Divide":

Never look at anyone on the street. They'll think you need help, and they'll kill you.

Merry Christmas.:biggrin:
bodypainter said:
Screw that, I drive my NSX every chance I get. If I had a beater, it would sit in the driveway and rust.

But what if your "beater" is equally as nice as the NSX?

There are two other vehicles in the garage adjacent the NSX- both are far better equipped for "daily driving" - you know, they have little conveniences like back seats, cargo capacity, navigational systems, XM radios, normal tire wear :redface: ... ect ect ect

Given the choice of the three for a commute in traffic, the RL, and the MDX win everytime.

I am glad a lot of people are out there driving their NSX daily, it demonstrates one of the things that makes the car special. The fact that even with it's "exoticness" it is still a Honda. It has comfy seats, reliability, and the kind of driveability that other exotics don't. strangely enough, it is exactly those charecteristics that allow the magazine jockeys, and people who hate to believe the car is not exotic...

Funny how people get so rooted into the idea that you have to pay out a ton of money for an Exotic so you can have the privledge of paying out a ton of money for maintainence. I never understood that. apparently, neither did Honda.:wink:

It depends on the circumstances that put you in the NSX- for our family it is a "fun" car, so it is driven occasionally. You might call it a "garage queen" but I wouldn't. The car isn't a museum piece by any means.

sanglee24 said:
Great response, Philip! I agree with all your points. I have a 95 M3 as my daily driver, so I have no need to park the NSX anywhere. Yes, I may be a little overprotective of the car, and yes, it's "just a car", but I like keeping things in pristine shape, especially since I see myself keeping this car for a very long time. I could never say that about all the cars I had in the past. OBD1 M3. A great track car in itself but with very good modability too.
Twin screw that baby
I wave if I'm in the car, but if someone says "nice car" or something I say thanks God is good.
H-carWizKid said:
But what if your "beater" is equally as nice as the NSX?
Okay, I would like to have two NSXs, but right now I can't justify that.

There are two other vehicles in the garage adjacent the NSX- both are far better equipped for "daily driving" - you know, they have little conveniences like back seats, cargo capacity, navigational systems, XM radios, normal tire wear :redface: ... ect ect ect
Ah, gotcha. I have no use for any of those things. Or at least I don't have often enough use to make it worth the taxes, insurance, etc for a car that would sit in the driveway 99% of the time.

Given the choice of the three for a commute in traffic, the RL, and the MDX win everytime.
Sorry, I can't relate to that sentiment. I am quite certain that if I were given a brand new RL or MDX free and clear that it would be driven less than 1000 miles a year, probably way less.
bodypainter said:
Sorry, I can't relate to that sentiment. I am quite certain that if I were given a brand new RL or MDX free and clear that it would be driven less than 1000 miles a year, probably way less.

H-carWizKid said:
It depends on the circumstances that put you in the NSX- for our family it is a "fun" car, so it is driven occasionally.

Different strokes... :wink:

H-carWizKid said:
But what if your "beater" is equally as nice as the NSX?

There are two other vehicles in the garage adjacent the NSX- both are far better equipped for "daily driving" - you know, they have little conveniences like back seats, cargo capacity, navigational systems, XM radios, normal tire wear :redface: ... ect ect ect

Given the choice of the three for a commute in traffic, the RL, and the MDX win everytime.

I am glad a lot of people are out there driving their NSX daily, it demonstrates one of the things that makes the car special. The fact that even with it's "exoticness" it is still a Honda. It has comfy seats, reliability, and the kind of driveability that other exotics don't. strangely enough, it is exactly those charecteristics that allow the magazine jockeys, and people who hate to believe the car is not exotic...

Funny how people get so rooted into the idea that you have to pay out a ton of money for an Exotic so you can have the privledge of paying out a ton of money for maintainence. I never understood that. apparently, neither did Honda.:wink:

It depends on the circumstances that put you in the NSX- for our family it is a "fun" car, so it is driven occasionally. You might call it a "garage queen" but I wouldn't. The car isn't a museum piece by any means.

I agree man.

While I LOVE my NSX, I also love my 3 other daily drivers. They have their specific purposes.

The backseat for one comes in real handy, as well as a large cargo area, and higher ground clearance to avoid the constant crap that fall off people's trucks around here.

My NSX is for perfect weather and perfect road driving only. :biggrin:
bodypainter said:
Screw that, I drive my NSX every chance I get. If I had a beater, it would sit in the driveway and rust.

As for attention, I don't even really notice the gawkers while driving any more. When people approach me in public I'm always happy to talk about the car though.

I refuse to be paranoid about the car. I take ordinary precautions when parking, but otherwise I drive it like it's any other car.

Yep that's me all the way. Drove my "daily driver" Integra today for the first time in at least a month. I felt like a clown sitting that high up.

Oh...and for the garage queen NSX folks...I can very subjectively say that letting your cars sit for weeks without being driven really musses with them. My Integra drives and sounds like crap compared to last year, even though only 1000 miles have been put on it since then.
Ski_Banker said:
Yep that's me all the way. Drove my "daily driver" Integra today for the first time in at least a month. I felt like a clown sitting that high up.

Oh...and for the garage queen NSX folks...I can very subjectively say that letting your cars sit for weeks without being driven really musses with them. My Integra drives and sounds like crap compared to last year, even though only 1000 miles have been put on it since then.
So you're saying those people who put their cars for winter storage have messed up their NSX?

Come on now... That's a bit reaching.

While I admire people who drive their NSX a lot, I like my NSX as a very part time driver, and it hasn't degraded from not being driven daily.

I like to savor the experience of driving my NSX. If I were to drive it daily it would really take the fun out of it, and I'd tire of it easily, given how unpractical it is, for people who have kids, etc.

Too much of a good thing can be too much indeed.
I have 2 kids so it is almost impossible for me to use at is a daily driver. That's where the MDX and BMW come in.
Lots of good responses so far and I agree with most of it, so I'll keep mine short.
I tinted my windows so the gawkers can gawk and I'm not bothered. I run a Store so I'm forced to talk about the car the entire time I'm at that business whether I'm in the mood or not, but I NEVER look or give the impression that I don't want to talk for fear of the haters out there. Now don't get me wrong, I love to talk cars, just sometimes enough is enough! I also run a used car lot and have to hide the car most of the time to keep people from pouring in when I'm trying to get other things done, but at the same time I will park out front for the attention to the lot. I am pretty used to the attention in general as most of my other cars generate a good amount of attention also, just part of the game.
sanglee24 said:
I have 2 kids so it is almost impossible for me to use at is a daily driver. That's where the MDX and BMW come in.
Ah yes, kids. We have 2 kids also, but they're both in their 30's and live 1200 miles north of here. :D I let the youngest one drive my NSX when he was here a couple weeks ago. I think it was a highlight of his trip.
Matt_337 said:
Funny you should mention this. I was in the NSX coming back from the shop and was in the feeder off the freeway. There was traffic in the feeder and from behind my left shoulder I hear the screeching of brakes. I then instinctively started to inch forward and then wham. The car right behind me got rear ended. Had I not kept moving forward, she would've bumped into me.
Long story short, I pulled over into a parking lot so they could pull over to not create traffic. However, the lady that hit the car behind me didn't and started to go. I chased her down on foot (since the feeder had a lot of traffic and she wasn't going to get far) and got her plate number. That was the least I could do for this lady who stayed on the brakes and didn't rear end me. By the way, I felt bad for the lady since she had just bought this car.

Just as I shared this story today, I went to the bank to make a deposit (drove the NSX to work) and bam. I get rear ended by some f$#^6 lady in a Chevy Blazer (which had been in a bunch of accidents previously by the look of the car). To make things worse, I have a feeling her insurance isn't going to be valid because she handed me an expired insurance card first and then handed me another card (which wasn't even hers) until finally she dug up a card of some company I've never even heard of. We waited for quite a while for any police to show up until finally I said just go. Let's see if she comes through or if I get screwed on this one.
Matt_337 said:
Just as I shared this story today, I went to the bank to make a deposit (drove the NSX to work) and bam. I get rear ended by some f$#^6 lady in a Chevy Blazer (which had been in a bunch of accidents previously by the look of the car). To make things worse, I have a feeling her insurance isn't going to be valid because she handed me an expired insurance card first and then handed me another card (which wasn't even hers) until finally she dug up a card of some company I've never even heard of. We waited for quite a while for any police to show up until finally I said just go. Let's see if she comes through or if I get screwed on this one.

Whoa man!! So you're 02 got hit, or some other car? Very sorry to hear it but I'm amazed at how calm and collected you're post sounds. Most people, myself included, would've gone apeshit at the accident site and then on Prime later. How's your neck anyway...little achy?? :wink: :biggrin: Sorry again...
NsXMas said:
So you're saying those people who put their cars for winter storage have messed up their NSX?

Come on now... That's a bit reaching.

While I admire people who drive their NSX a lot, I like my NSX as a very part time driver, and it hasn't degraded from not being driven daily.

I like to savor the experience of driving my NSX. If I were to drive it daily it would really take the fun out of it, and I'd tire of it easily, given how unpractical it is, for people who have kids, etc.

Too much of a good thing can be too much indeed.

Of course not, and I'm not "calling out" the garage queen folks either. I absolutely agree that not driving it every day makes it much more exciting and special when you do. Even posted a thread to that effect after my first 5 months, me "getting too used to the NSX, etc."

For winter storage...ya gotta do what ya gotta do if you live in one of those unfortunate places.

For mechanical deterioration from NOT driving the car frequently...I have no idea what happens and how or why. Or if there is a magic number of days where it is "okay" to wait. I'd love it if Zahntech or LarryB would chime in on that. In other words, for example, letting the car sit in the garage 5 weekdays is perfectly ok (on starting up the less-lubed engine and other stuff) but waiting a month is not. Or, what I've heard, that if you're going to put it in storage, NOT to start it periodically...just do the damage once in the spring.

I just know that my Integra feels and sounds rotten now, and it isn't due to mileage but could very well be due to going weeks without driving it. :confused:

(better go for an NSX ride tonight to be on the safe side :biggrin: ).
Matt_337 said:
Just as I shared this story today, I went to the bank to make a deposit (drove the NSX to work) and bam. I get rear ended by some f$#^6 lady in a Chevy Blazer (which had been in a bunch of accidents previously by the look of the car). To make things worse, I have a feeling her insurance isn't going to be valid because she handed me an expired insurance card first and then handed me another card (which wasn't even hers) until finally she dug up a card of some company I've never even heard of. We waited for quite a while for any police to show up until finally I said just go. Let's see if she comes through or if I get screwed on this one.

OMG, this happened today? I am so sorry to hear about it.:frown:
I enjoy the attention the NSX gets and I've met some of the nicest people while driving or parking the NSX. People ask about the car, how fast I've been in it (I always answer 65 mph :wink: ), how I keep it so clean, etc, etc and they usually share their car stories w/ me.

And if I feel like I'm not getting enough attention, I go out with the S2000, put the top down and crank up the stereo and subwoofer. :tongue: :biggrin:
to be totally honest, the damage doesn't look to be that bad. My bumper shows no paint damage whatsoever but was pushed in a bit on the right side. I'm glad my exhaust was not damaged at all. It's just a PITA to have to take it to the shop and get an estimate and go through that whole process.

This lady was a friggin idiot. How the hell do you rear end someone at a stop sign??
Matt_337 said:
This lady was a friggin idiot. How the hell do you rear end someone at a stop sign??

Fortunately the damage isn't that bad. I too was rear ended at a stop sign, but I was in my old Ford Focus, so it wasn't too painful. The lady who hit me was paying too much attention to the cross traffic, and wasn't even looking at the car in front of her. How do these people get a license...=)
