How do you deal with all the unwanted attention?

There is no question the NSX draws a lot of eyeball. +1 to all the above.

I went for a drive with my friend and his 360. It is amazing how quickly our NSXs become virtually ignored parked next to one of those. His car was practically a celebrity. I could not believe it...I mean it was over the top...guys leaning out their windows yelling "Schumi rules" to girls flashing him, to people waiting for an hour by his car for him to come back so they could hear the engine!
When I drive in downtown Chicago, tourists start taking pictures or videotaping my car. Makes me feel like a celebrity! Maybe they think it's a F car :frown:
DocL said:
Although the NSX does get a lot of attention, especially if you don't live in an area with a bunch of exotics driving around. Imagine the looks you'd get in this bad boy!! :biggrin:

doc: when i was a kid, the weinermobile would visit our town and i swear to god, the man (however short he was, btw) was idolized. (in the mid-late 50's)

then i ran into the weinermobile in downtown chicago and damned if it wasn't one of a fleet of them being driven by college students on summer break. i did manage to cop a few weiner-whistles for my collection. nsx / f-car got nothing on the weinermobile for attracting attention in my book.

in response to an earlier post in this thread... my own feeling is a stock nsx probably doesn't qualify as an exotic - and certainly not "supercar" anymore. it's a great looking, great handling and reliable automobile i'm still pleased to own, but while relatively uncommon in terms of #'s built, compared to today's high-end performance cars, it's old-school.

a die-hard honda guy who is hopeful of the next-gen nsx / "replacement" vehicle.
Well I just read most of the answer to the question and I would like to give my 2 cents worth if it mean anything:

As an outsider looking in: I presently do not OWN an NSX Yet, when I see one I usually like to pace it if I can just to hear that purrrr. Also, if the guy or gal looks nice enough, I will show them my camera and if they nod, I will snap a pic....but some of the times that I actually have taken a photo, some of them have actually rolled down their window to give me props for my car. We give each other thumbs up and roll our seperate ways, or if going the same way I will stay a car behind them just to hear that purrr. Once I find my NSX I will hope to be the one having people and kids rubber necking as I do at time......hhehehee especially when they are either rolling past me or on the opposite side.


the only unwanted attention I get is from the cops:frown:

don't buy a low slung, rare as hell sports car if you don't want attention:tongue:

I do get a kick out of some of the cars that try to rev on me...civics, sentras, neons, wrx's...what ever, they could have 500 hp, but at the end of the day, it's still a civic, sentra, neon, wrx and your rollin an NSX:biggrin:
91 X said:
I do get a kick out of some of the cars that try to rev on me...civics, sentras, neons, wrx's...what ever, they could have 500 hp, but at the end of the day, it's still a civic, sentra, neon, wrx and your rollin an NSX:biggrin:

I could not agree with you more...=)
sanglee24 said:
Well, I knew this would be a problem, however it didn't really sink in until today. It seems like the NSX attracts unwanted attention from all walks of life. How do you all deal with it?

Are your diamond slippers too tight too? :rolleyes:
sanglee24 said:
Well, I knew this would be a problem, however it didn't really sink in until today. It seems like the NSX attracts unwanted attention from all walks of life. How do you all deal with it?

Pick my nose... if that doesn't work I flick a bogger at the offender.
I am polite to all and answer their questionsand do not put on attitude -the car is just a car. For older owners (like me) who have owned some other nice cars, this is not a big deal. For those owners that are 21, it might be harder to put in perspective.

Bottom line is just because one is driving an NSX does not mean one can really afford it and the person who pulls up next to you in a 20 year old Honda civic could not go out and buy one if they wished. We all have our priorities.
Cairo94507 said:
Bottom line is just because one is driving an NSX does not mean one can really afford it and the person who pulls up next to you in a 20 year old Honda civic could not go out and buy one if they wished. We all have our priorities.

One day we will all be driving a 20 year old Honda. :)
Cairo94507 said:
Bottom line is just because one is driving an NSX does not mean one can really afford it and the person who pulls up next to you in a 20 year old Honda civic could not go out and buy one if they wished. We all have our priorities.

This is very true. Many wealthy individuals drive very modest cars.
Cairo94507 said:
I am polite to all and answer their questionsand do not put on attitude -the car is just a car. For older owners (like me) who have owned some other nice cars, this is not a big deal. For those owners that are 21, it might be harder to put in perspective.

Bottom line is just because one is driving an NSX does not mean one can really afford it and the person who pulls up next to you in a 20 year old Honda civic could not go out and buy one if they wished. We all have our priorities.

Your statement really hits home for me. :) My daily car until yesterday (12/20/06) was a 18+ year old Honda Civic hatchback. You definitely can't judge anyone by the car they drive.
Get a beater to do your daily driving.

My NSX only comes out when I don't have to park it anywhere since I get paranoid about dings, accidents, vandalism, etc.
Matt_337 said:
Get a beater to do your daily driving.

My NSX only comes out when I don't have to park it anywhere since I get paranoid about dings, accidents, vandalism, etc.
So when you do drive it, how do you avoid an unavoidable accident. I don't know about you (not necessarily you personally, but those who don't drive their NSX's due to fear) but I bought mine to drive it. If you want an exotic car to not drive, get an older F-car with low mileage, than all you have to do is to keep it in the garage and admire it from time to time, in between the necessary maintenance!!!:biggrin:
RPM217 said:
So when you do drive it, how do you avoid an unavoidable accident. I don't know about you (not necessarily you personally, but those who don't drive their NSX's due to fear) but I bought mine to drive it. If you want an exotic car to not drive, get an older F-car with low mileage, than all you have to do is to keep it in the garage and admire it from time to time, in between the necessary maintenance!!!:biggrin:

Funny you should mention this. I was in the NSX coming back from the shop and was in the feeder off the freeway. There was traffic in the feeder and from behind my left shoulder I hear the screeching of brakes. I then instinctively started to inch forward and then wham. The car right behind me got rear ended. Had I not kept moving forward, she would've bumped into me.
Long story short, I pulled over into a parking lot so they could pull over to not create traffic. However, the lady that hit the car behind me didn't and started to go. I chased her down on foot (since the feeder had a lot of traffic and she wasn't going to get far) and got her plate number. That was the least I could do for this lady who stayed on the brakes and didn't rear end me. By the way, I felt bad for the lady since she had just bought this car.

I'm not saying my car is a garage queen. I am always looking for a reason to drive it. I just don't do errands in it. As far as whether or not people are looking at my car, I wouldn't know since I always look forward and not pay attention to other drivers when I'm at a stoplight.
It is scary when a sixteen year old driving Mom's Explorer comes hurtling through traffic on a 4 lane to get next to you while his buddy hangs out the window with his cell phone snapping pictures.

People can be jerks too- Dad and I had the car at a show a year or so ago, and there was a guy with his kids asking me all kinds of questions, which I happily answered. The guy's son asked me how fast it would go, and I told him it would get to 75 pretty darn quick. :smile: Just trying to set a good example.
Then it went sour, not sure why, but the kid's Dad started acting like a dick. Made a comment to his wife about "spoiled rich kids" loud enough that I heard it. I told him first, I was 30 yrs old, and I then explained that the car wasn't mine, although I do drive it. Then the guy starts giving me shit about how the car wasn't mine... People are asses. Later I saw that family leaving in a busted old Ford Aerostar...

Leave the car in a parking lot? Nope. just won't do it. Don't need to. Not when there are three other perfectly good Honda products to take to the grocery store.

Then there is the attention you want...

The three girls that came pouring out of the cell phone store when I pulled up. The enthusiastic kid at the car show that just wants to know what it is like to drive it. The little kid with his face pressed up to the glass in the back of Mom's SUV- For them I am all smiles. It IS a dream to drive this car.

to answer the second question: Is the NSX Exotic?


1. Built by hand
2. First all aluminum chassis and body
3. Senna Perfected
4. Midengine, and first street car with variable valve timing
5. How many did you see last week not counting your garage?

Still don't believe it? Drive it. Can't get anyone to let you drive one? guess why? :wink:

Do I care if some magazine jockey thinks the NSX is NOT exotic?


Any other questions? :biggrin:
