How do you deal with all the unwanted attention?

6 December 2006
N. California
Well, I knew this would be a problem, however it didn't really sink in until today. It seems like the NSX attracts unwanted attention from all walks of life. How do you all deal with it?
sanglee24 said:
Well, I knew this would be a problem, however it didn't really sink in until today. It seems like the NSX attracts unwanted attention from all walks of life. How do you all deal with it?

I think it depends on what kind of attention it is. In most cases I try and be polite and curtious with out being insulting. You need to be more specific if you want a better answer.
Yeah, I get different types of unwanted attention. From shitty pickup trucks reving on me at red lights, to people tailgating, to people riding along side me for 6 miles to rednecks pouring out into the streets thinking a UFO just landed. :rolleyes:
lol, move to Newport Beach CA. No one will look at your car, trust me:eek: :biggrin:

My car don't get any attention at all.
Turn up the stereo. :biggrin:

I don't live in a large town or even a town. It's actually a rather "poor" place. So when I went cruising in the bay area today, no one even looked twice or even once really.
The only unwanted attention Ive got was a kid in a jeep hoping to the back window while his mother stoped at a stop sign so he could take my picture, I was running late but it was worth the wait :biggrin:
Other than that its the occasional civics reving motors and stuff. Rednecks just stare.
After all, just remember and be glad you are not the one staring:wink: . If you drive an NSX you inadvertently solicit such reactions.

If your state law allows(or not :biggrin: ), get some tinted windows and a good car alarm :cool:
Acura NsX Pilot said:
I think it depends on what kind of attention it is. In most cases I try and be polite and curtious with out being insulting. You need to be more specific if you want a better answer.

I agree, there are different kinds of attention you get in this car.

-Some are truley enamoured to see an NSX on the road, for those that actually know what it is. Kids and adults
- Others just realize its a nice car and still like looking at it, but don't know what it is.
Then there are haters:
- those that just don't like you because you have a nice car
- those that know what an NSX is but are magazine racers, car XY and Z is better because it costs less and has more HP.
- those that want to race as they have some fast tuned cars, i.e honda civics etc, integra's, subaru's, evo's Neons etc. IMHO you can only lose if you race in this situations, if you win, well your supposed to win as you have an NSX if you lose well they get to brag that they beat an NSX, so whats the point.

I try to be polite to everyone and am more than willing to show the car, particularily to kids, because I remember what it was like when I was a kid and saw a nice and rare car. How sweet would it of been when I was 10 to get a first hand view of the car of my dreams. As for the haters i just be polite and typically say to each his/her own. I figure my car sticks out like a like very few cars do and I would hate for someone to jealously key my car etc because I said something about their car they didn't like.

My $.02:smile:
I choose routes that have less cars, more backroads, less people. Less attention and a better driving experience. But if its parked I just tell them to get off my hood and put their clothes back on.
sanglee24 said:
Well, I knew this would be a problem, however it didn't really sink in until today. It seems like the NSX attracts unwanted attention from all walks of life. How do you all deal with it?


I remember when it use to be me staring in awe, and wishing for just that one ride or that I could own one someday. I gladly talk to kids and adults from all walks of life when approached:smile:
clr1024 is right, I try to make it fun for kids.. on many occasions I have seen kids staring at the car as it goes by and pointing, then I goose it a little and make that intake roar at 8K and I look in my rearview mirror and they are all jumping up and down... its hilarious... I love kids' reactions to the car and I am happy to make their day. I am less enthusiastic about adults giving it attention because you don't always know their intent. With kids, its pretty straightforward.
yeah - i let kids in the car - show them the engine - tell them all about it.

to the adults, i just wave and say thanks. depending on the situation ill probably also talk to them a bit.

I ignore the cameras and the palmcorders.
clr1024 said:
I agree, there are different kinds of attention you get in this car.

-Some are truley enamoured to see an NSX on the road, for those that actually know what it is. Kids and adults
- Others just realize its a nice car and still like looking at it, but don't know what it is.
Then there are haters:
- those that just don't like you because you have a nice car
- those that know what an NSX is but are magazine racers, car XY and Z is better because it costs less and has more HP.
- those that want to race as they have some fast tuned cars, i.e honda civics etc, integra's, subaru's, evo's Neons etc. IMHO you can only lose if you race in this situations, if you win, well your supposed to win as you have an NSX if you lose well they get to brag that they beat an NSX, so whats the point.

I try to be polite to everyone and am more than willing to show the car, particularily to kids, because I remember what it was like when I was a kid and saw a nice and rare car. How sweet would it of been when I was 10 to get a first hand view of the car of my dreams. As for the haters i just be polite and typically say to each his/her own. I figure my car sticks out like a like very few cars do and I would hate for someone to jealously key my car etc because I said something about their car they didn't like.

My $.02:smile:

I am afraid of the "haters". I am not a rich person by any means and would hate for the car to be damaged by someone. Every time I buy a new car, I am paranoid to leave it anywhere or park anywhere. The NSX just amplifies this fear by a factor of 100!
I think tinting windows might draw more attention. But if you don't like the attention, you might feel more comfortable driving it.
Welcome to the club,

I guess it's a small price to pay for getting a NSX. I've had my shares of good and bad attentions. I've actually had someone threw an egg at the car once at night, could not tell where it came from but I was so furious. But what can you do, right? After that, I am always extra cautious of where I'm going and parking. You just have to be little more cautious that's all.

And as far as admirer, let them enjoy their glimpse at their dream car (?).
I was at my friend's townhouse one night and I saw bunch of little kids surrounded my car in awe. Some kid actually got underneath the car and checking out my exhaust. So I went out side and kids kind a got scared but I asked them "Do you like my car" one kid replied "it's so awesome, It's been my dream car since I was seven." He really knew quite a lot about my car. So I offered a quick spin around the block. After a quick drive around, he got out with the biggest smile on his face and said " That was aweeeeeesome, You are the coolest guy. Thanks for letting me ride in your NSX.":biggrin:
When he jumped out of my car, all his friends all so jealous of him.
I just remember what was it like when I was kid with my dream car.......:biggrin:
Although the NSX does get a lot of attention, especially if you don't live in an area with a bunch of exotics driving around. Imagine the looks you'd get in this bad boy!! :biggrin:

I agree with all the above said. From my point of view, I'm just being nice and be polite to all kind of encounters/attentions. After all said and done, I know and proud to own one of the rareness excotic car around.:smile:
I really want to start a new thread about the word "exotic", but since I have been a post whore as of late, lol, I thought I would just ask the question here. What makes a car an exotic? Now, I know Ferraris, lambos, etc are extremely exotic looking, but what are the qualities on an NSX that makes it an exotic?
btcog82 said:

I remember when it use to be me staring in awe, and wishing for just that one ride or that I could own one someday. I gladly talk to kids and adults from all walks of life when approached:smile:

I would agree whole-heartedly. There many people would love to just sit in our cars, so just remember to be in tune to this. I would say we have all been blessed in some way to be able to enjoy these awesome machines. Others may not have this luxury...

Also, even if you don't care a bit about that view, remember what others have said regarding jealousy. It is a strong emotion, so don't provoke. Just be nice, and hopefully you will be blessed to experience only respectful attention to your NSX.

Now that I'm off my soap box, go out and drive that puppy like you stole it! Happy holidays to you.

I've been drop-dead gorgeous all my life and I've just gotten used to all the attention...

Seriously, though, what places would you NOT park your NSX? Shopping Mall? Movie theater?

When I was in college (1967) I had an Alfa Duetto Spyder and since the University was surrounded by ghetto areas I suffered from repeated vandalism--there was no indoor parking on campus. Something I worry about.
sanglee24 said:
I really want to start a new thread about the word "exotic", but since I have been a post whore as of late, lol, I thought I would just ask the question here. What makes a car an exotic? Now, I know Ferraris, lambos, etc are extremely exotic looking, but what are the qualities on an NSX that makes it an exotic?

If you do a search you will see this topic has come up many times, some in reference to the NSX some not. Its a very subjective term along the lines of what gives a car soul:wink:
There will always be H8trs unfortunatly... With the unwanted attention I try to ignore them, or agree with what they are saying (even if its not nice or incorrect). Reason being is that they want you to engage with them, which may end with your car getting damaged. As for the kids and the adults with good intentions, it goes without saying.....we all have been in there shoes so treat others the way you want to be treated. When you leave your car somewhere, try to put it in a place that is visible when you are at the door of the establishment. I'm a smoker and the only goodthing that comes out of it is you can have a smoke halfway through and check on your car at the sametime...or you can leave a gun on the dash to deter people
Yes, unfortunately there are people that act out of jealously. People whom I will never understand. To these people I just ignore or if I do happen to make eye contact I'll just give a polite wave and then ignore them.

But from my experience most encounters have been very positive with mostly people admiring the car. Especially kids... I mean, come on, we've all been that little kid before.:wink: If people come up to me I have no problem showing them the car and possibly taking them for a ride if I have time. I don't mind giving a little of my time to make someone's day.