How 'bout that stock market?

JWN might cost my firm several million. If you see a massive short covering occur you'll know it. Don't buy it though, that's low class.

Lost about 3/4 of mill on it but it looks like it'll be "ok" though. I didn't trade it fortunately. The specialist broke all the trades and nasdaq refused, aka you are short where you sold from buying from the specialist.
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I bet you are making millions today steve. AEM is the only stock anywhere near 1 on relative volume I've traded today.. boring.
I bet you are making millions today steve. AEM is the only stock anywhere near 1 on relative volume I've traded today.. boring.

I lost money today. I went to look at the new lake house I am pretty sure I am going to buy. I was not in front of the monitors all day and came home to down ~12k. Mostly on C options that expire in 2011. Lost a bit on AXP too but I sold CC's before I left this morning.

It is friggen cold outside here today.
Sold 3000 ALD today at $2.78 per share, cost $1.66. It is a shame the $.65 divided payable today only applies to shareholder on record prior to 12/13. I got in on 12/15. My jaw dropped this morning when I saw it shoot up with no news. I don't think is it is sustainable from looking at the charts, so sold 3000 shares.

Gain from ALD offset a little bit of pain from DXO. My ass is still hurting though. Those who want to play oil, stick to non X2 type ETF/ETN like USO. UCO was at $9.75 this morning, was thinking about putting order in but I was too cheap to buy at $9.82, within 20 minutes it got up to $10.45.

JRT is very interesting considering it closed at $1.18. They say when it is too good to be true it usually is not. Not sure what they have under their sleeves. I took a shot at it with just 3000 shares, watch it go to zero since it is in commercial real estate finance sector.:tongue:

JER Investors Trust Inc. announced that on December 16, 2008 its Board of Directors approved the declaration of a total common stock dividend of $0.88 per share, consisting of a regular quarterly dividend on its common stock of $0.30 per common share for the quarter ending December 31, 2008 as well as a special 2008 dividend of $0.58 per share, (together the "2008 Year End Dividend ".) Pursuant to an Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") Revenue Procedure released on December 10, 2008, the Company intends that such 2008 Year End Dividend will be payable up to $0.79 per share in common stock of JRT and up to $0.09 per share in cash, based on stockholder elections. The 2008 Year End Dividend is payable on January 30, 2009 to stockholders of record on December 30, 2008
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What do youguys think of TBills right now?
One of my funds is HEAVY in them. I'm thinking they're getting too risky????

We're going somewhere sometime soon!
This one's for SteveNY, I bought UCO on Friday at 10.48 p/sh, tempted today to exit, but will probably get out tomorrow!
A few guys caught that ALD move. I was jacking around with XTO/CHK and missed it. Overall pretty good day for low volume, but the stocks I trade all had decent moves except the ag stocks. Overall down 3 points on POT today, otherwise I'd be up almost 10 points today which is double my usual.

I have a pretty sizable position on my LT account of LINE and it had a nice pop today. I sold 25% even though I didn't plan on it since I was up almost 3 points on it. I bet I end up buying more by friday at least 1.50 down.

If this market does manage to hold itself together tech is going to have to scream upwards. All the tech names I follow are at lows as if it was mid October again. With that LINE I sold I bought more ATVI. Pretty soon I'll be receiving free video games just because they feel sorry for me.
What do youguys think of TBills right now?
One of my funds is HEAVY in them. I'm thinking they're getting too risky????

When were they acquired? If you are buying near 0% then that's very risky IMO.
When were they acquired? If you are buying near 0% then that's very risky IMO.

I'm just now learning about TBills(this fund was in mostly Euros). So if they were purchased earlier then it's GUARANTEED interest, or no?

Here's the top 10 of the fund(PIMCO Total Return)

FNMA 6% 4.88%
US Treasury (Fut) 4.24%
US Treasury Note 2.98%
US Treasury Note 3.125% 2.09%
US Treasury Note 3.5% 1.69%
FNMA 1.33%
FNMA 5.5% 1.25%
US Treasury Note 1.20%
FNMA 5.5% 1.19%
I haven't done very well this year although I don't think many have. I may be wrong on this (as I have been most everything this year) but IMO I would get out of the bond market now.

Here is the part that pisses me off the most.
My mother and I talked many years ago when she was in her 40's about her retirement. She had nothing saved she was depending solely on Social Security. I set up a retirement account for her and had her do direct deposits from her paycheck. She saved up a pretty substantial sum of money over the last 20 years. I managed it for her. At the beginning of this year I moved her money from stocks into cash and bonds. At the beginning of this month I moved it all to cash and out of bonds. I only wish I had been as diligent with my money.

But oh well there is plenty of time to make more money.
I'm just now learning about TBills(this fund was in mostly Euros). So if they were purchased earlier then it's GUARANTEED interest, or no?

Here's the top 10 of the fund(PIMCO Total Return)

FNMA 6% 4.88%
US Treasury (Fut) 4.24%
US Treasury Note 2.98%
US Treasury Note 3.125% 2.09%
US Treasury Note 3.5% 1.69%
FNMA 1.33%
FNMA 5.5% 1.25%
US Treasury Note 1.20%
FNMA 5.5% 1.19%

You need to study how fluctuations in the current interest rate environment effects the value (not yield) of your own bonds. If you are long 6% bills when bills are yielding 1% now (as in if you were to buy them today), you are good to go.

But the other way around is where it can get messy. If you load up on 1% bills and the rate starts creeping up, no one* will want those 0% bonds; hence the risk. Either way you get the yield.
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Steve did you see GS today? I made 2 points in it and still chumped that trade. I would level out of my position and it would go up another point in no time it seemed like. Two or three guys started shorting it at some whole number and said "it has to come down" and that's right when I got in.
Steve did you see GS today? I made 2 points in it and still chumped that trade. I would level out of my position and it would go up another point in no time it seemed like. Two or three guys started shorting it at some whole number and said "it has to come down" and that's right when I got in.

I haven't been trading at all as I am trying to get a loan closed on my new lake house. Feels like I am being run through a blender for sure. The banks are tough now. The loan is approved but I have a million more moutains to climb before it's a done deal. I am buying it from a couple who are both doctors and they are being VERY demanding on the time constraints which I understand as they have a really big payment on it and every month that ticks by is thousands of dollars out of their pocket.
Hey you guys, are you optimistic or pessimistic with your predictions for the first quarter of 2009? I want to set the premise of my trading based off the future aspects of wall street

Also, about SRS, it went down to 50's and back to 60's like half a dozen times already. FOr some reason even though the RE market is down further and 2009 is gloomy, SRS still went up. I just dont get it
This one's for SteveNY, I bought UCO on Friday at 10.48 p/sh, tempted today to exit, but will probably get out tomorrow!

I closed this out yesterday at 11.5 p/sh as I didn't like the action. I will probably put it back on again real soon.
Hey you guys, are you optimistic or pessimistic with your predictions for the first quarter of 2009? I want to set the premise of my trading based off the future aspects of wall street

Also, about SRS, it went down to 50's and back to 60's like half a dozen times already. FOr some reason even though the RE market is down further and 2009 is gloomy, SRS still went up. I just dont get it

A lot of the ETF's have changed. Some of mine have paid out large (30$) dividends. Since this has happened longer term charts are broken; the same resistance/support levels are gone. Even with the dividends I'm down on SRS and flat on SDS. I am starting to think I don't know how these things work adaquately. That's not a good sign considering I'm a 'professional'.
I am by no means an expert,as evidenced by my past performance of buy high and cry on the way down, holding on to losers:mad: I have been watching two stocks that I think are well priced at these levels and they seem to offer a solid product. zixi and nhwk.
I closed this out yesterday at 11.5 p/sh as I didn't like the action. I will probably put it back on again real soon.

I pulled out too soon, knew in my gut it'd do the right thing, oh well. Happy healthy, and prosperous new year to all!:wink:
This one's for SteveNY, I bought UCO on Friday at 10.48 p/sh, tempted today to exit, but will probably get out tomorrow!
Congratulations!!, hope you did not pull it out. I would stay long with that price for UCO even though these X2 ultras are not for the faint of heart. If you did pull out, that is totally understandable, I have done the same many times just to play safe. However, it is oil, at this price long term wise, you not going to lose, if anything I would just buy additional allocation if price drops. It is a solid entry point IMO.

The house of pain from DXO and USO suddenly became house of joy. So fast so soon, $1.75 to $3+ in just 3 trading days is too much for me. I don't expect the gain will be sustainable.

Then again I was dead wrong on Tuesday and unloaded $20k worth of UYM, UYG, and CHK thinking that jobless climb number will go up on Wednesday and the 2 day prior rally is not sustainable. Taking profit while I can. Surprise!!! jobless claim number actually went down. My New Years Day wasn't happy. I work so hard to get them that cheap and I let it go that easily.

Sold with hope of buying back at lower price trying to save pennies in cost. What a dumb ass move, it will cost me several thousand dollars just to buy it back. I do still have a boat load at prices that I wish I can buy more. I did had a massive redemption during this morning's pre hour buying.

I play ultra defensive because of the massive storm we experienced in October and November. Back then there were days that I just didn't want to wake up. I am not kidding. Patience was what saved my ass every single time. It is still hard to get used to sustainable rally and not play defensive.

Most of my long positions are around November lows, still 40% cash position. Hard work and playing defensive has treated me really well, but I also mess up many times. Sold DRYS at $4.50 only to see it pop to $12+ in matter of days. I trade it for EXM and ESEA because I was afraid DRYS may go private and ESEA has more cash then debt. Sold USD at $12.50 then it popped to $16. I bought it back at $14.50 and then work my way flipping it and finally got it back at $12.55.

Every morning at 3:30am, I plan out trades on a piece of blank paper ahead of time. Almost 15 hour work everyday. My body can't take it anymore, I want my life back. Usually when I post it is very bad luck and often followed with very bad days, watch out on Monday.
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Congratulations!!, hope you did not pull it out. I would stay long with that price for UCO even though these X2 ultras are not for the faint of heart. If you did pull out, that is totally understandable, I have done the same many times just to play safe. However, it is oil, at this price long term wise, you not going to lose, if anything I would just buy additional allocation if price drops. It is a solid entry point IMO.

The house of pain from DXO and USO suddenly became house of joy. So fast so soon, $1.75 to $3+ in just 3 trading days is too much for me. I don't expect the gain will be sustainable.

Then again I was dead wrong on Tuesday and unloaded $20k worth of UYM, UYG, and CHK thinking that jobless climb number will go up on Wednesday and the 2 day prior rally is not sustainable. Taking profit while I can. Surprise!!! jobless claim number actually went down. My New Years Day wasn't happy. I work so hard to get them that cheap and I let it go that easily.

Sold with hope of buying back at lower price trying to save pennies in cost. What a dumb ass move, it will cost me several thousand dollars just to buy it back. I do still have a boat load at prices that I wish I can buy more. I did had a massive redemption during this morning's pre hour buying.

I play ultra defensive because of the massive storm we experienced in October and November. Back then there were days that I just didn't want to wake up. I am not kidding. Patience was what saved my ass every single time. It is still hard to get used to sustainable rally and not play defensive.

Most of my long positions are around November lows, still 40% cash position. Hard work and playing defensive has treated me really well, but I also mess up many times. Sold DRYS at $4.50 only to see it pop to $12+ in matter of days. I trade it for EXM and ESEA because I was afraid DRYS may go private and ESEA has more cash then debt. Sold USD at $12.50 then it popped to $16. I bought it back at $14.50 and then work my way flipping it and finally got it back at $12.55.

Every morning at 3:30am, I plan out trades on a piece of blank paper ahead of time. Almost 15 hour work everyday. My body can't take it anymore, I want my life back. Usually when I post it is very bad luck and often followed with very bad days, watch out on Monday.

A lot of people don't understand that the markets will consume you if you want to make good trades. You have to put in the proper amount of time if you are making big risks.

I have not been trading lately as I don't have the time right now to put in. Buying a new lake house and that is consuming all of my time.

Sounds like you are doing well. Congrats.