How about free tuition for illegal immigrants?

Ennesssex said:

This topic can be discussed indefinietly but the main issue I have with your posts are your over generalization of groups of individuals. Although, some people may break the law and fund-suck and maybe even the majority might. But to say all do is an entirely different matter that I don't believe you can provide any evidence for.

You're missing my point...every illegal immigrant is breaking the law...otherwise they'd be called immigrants without the title "illegal". Bottom line. Evidence enough?
Ever heard of the concept of circular reasoning. Thats what your doing.

Also, illegal immigrants can seek political asylum and therefore would not be breaking the law if were over here. Just that possiblity destroys your whole statement about all illegals.
I am an American Indian and I do not get free or discounted tuition. So explain how someone that is not in the country legally should be eligible for free tuition. Even if that person is illegal on a technicality, should that person be eligible for a benefit that is not available to others that have followed the law?

If you are caught going 45MPH on a 35MPH street you are guilty of breaking the law, even though you may have not seen the sign.

If you have overstayed your visa, you have again broken the law, whether it is because the government is too slow in processing your paper work, or you submitted your paper work with mistakes or any other myriad of reasons.
Ennesssex said:
Although, some people may break the law and fund-suck and maybe even the majority might. But to say all do is an entirely different matter that I don't believe you can provide any evidence for.

I agree. This is always the argument some give against welfare or other social programs.....the argument that people are lazy and just sit back and collect. While there are a small percentage that do, the majority of people who do rely on social services are in dire need of them and you do not sacrifice the well-being of the good people to punish the bad people. You just have to accept it as an imperfection in the system....the dog comes with the fleas.
Justin664 said:
I am an American Indian and I do not get free or discounted tuition. So explain how someone that is not in the country legally should be eligible for free tuition. Even if that person is illegal on a technicality, should that person be eligible for a benefit that is not available to others that have followed the law?

Everyone is "elegible" for theses benefits. However, some people do not "qualify" for them based on their income level. Being eligible and actually getting the benfits are two different things.

The argument here is whether these benefits, which are already available to citizens and legal immigrants, should be extended to illegal immigrants.
Is tuition free for anyone in CA? If so, I was not aware of that.

In VA, there is a move to allow illegal immigrants to qualify for in-state tuition. I do not think that illegals should be excluded from higher education, but they are not legal residents of the state (in this case, a Commonwealth) and therefore, should not be eligible for in-state tuition.

As a point of info, members of the military or government living in the state are not eligible for in-state tuition unless they become legal residents.
Tuition for state schools should be free for everyone. My dad always tells me about how when he went to Brooklyn College (CUNY school), tuition was free for everyone. When I went to a State school 10 years ago, tuition was around $1100 per semester, and when my sister went 5 years later, it was around $3000 per semester. Soon there will be no point in having state schools as they will cost as much as the private ones.
Justin664 said:
Is tuition free for anyone in CA? If so, I was not aware of that.

Tuition (and I presume we're talking about higher education) is most definitely not free for anyone in CA.
Well, I'm not sure the exact details of the proposal by the state of California, but I do know it consisted of making illegal immigrants elegible for something that citizens and legal immigrants are already elligible for. Whether that was free tuition, partial financial aid, or whatever, I have no idea.